People who bring self-care over BT…
I see this a lot on here, but all the games I play in everyone is OVERLY altruistic and want to heal me even when it’s not safe to do so. If my survivor came equipped with a bat, I would use it to on them during those times. If someone doesn’t heal you, most likely it’s because it’s not safe or there is something with higher priority that needs attention (discovered hex totem location or gen is almost done). If you go to a person on a gen that’s sounds and looks like it’s 70% done and that person ignores your heal request, get on it and finish it. They’ll heal you after. In this meta world of Pop Goes the Weasel it’s best not to lose that gen progress to it at 98%, because you just had to be healed first.
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yesterday me and a friend ran No Mither, Self Care, Dead Hard and Object of Obsession. The killer was an Oni
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you paired self care with no mither?
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There's an awful lot of perks in DbD and some work with different builds more than others. It's not for ANYONE else to say what someone should be running. Let people play with the perks that they choose to run.
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I used to run BT and DS 100% of the time but I wanted to switch up by builds because running the same meta perks get boring. I still equip DS sometimes if I've had a few matches where I got tunneled. But than it becomes a waste of a perk slot.
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but you can't use heal yourself if you have no mither.
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i dont use self care and bt is not my go to perk because i avoid unhooking near the killer, if im getting chased, its up to someone else to unhook you.
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Ah, the Death Wish build. Very bold.
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I think all the meta perks (except ds, kindred and discordance) are unfun for both sides. So I don't use any as killer or survivor.
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How is BT unfun unless you're tunneling/camping?
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People use it to bodyblock if you are not tunneling all the time. You see someone is getting unhooked, you go there with the intention of going after the unhooker, the unhooked guy putts himself between you and the unhooker. I find this immensely frustrating, as the perk is now being used opposite of what it was designed for, yet you are still being punished for playing "nice".
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If you intercept someone going for an unhook, they hook bomb, and the unhooked bodyblocks you, that's pretty unfun. BT's endurance should disable unit collision for its duration.
I don't tunnel, camp or slug, but I've been hit with a BT bodyblock before just because I caught someone trying to go for the unhook.
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It's a meme build.