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Game Crashed while healing with boon perk

so i just played on swamp and i crashed mid-game while healing with the new boon perk
This has happened to me twice now.
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was killer, people were healing with boon totems (2 mikaelas) crashed straight to desktop.
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Happened me right now, LUL
Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x000000e4
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Happens on Console too (PS4 and XBOX X I heared) They need to fix this ASAP!!! I am so mad right now -.-
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theyre probably going to disable the perks soon i mean they can do it now without needing an update
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They can disable without updates. They had a post not long ago mentioning a kill switch.
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lets hope they do it soon and i hope they disable the dc penalty bc its not my fault that the game crashed
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They’re not gonna have a choice at this point. This is getting out of control.
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Hey, sorry that you're facing this issue, would it be possible if you have this issue again (with the game crashing), you could send your log files (if you're on Steam at least).
1. Press Windows Key + R to bring up "Run".
2. Type this in the "Run" prompt: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\DeadByDaylight\Saved\Logs
3. The file called "DeadByDaylight.log" is your log file. Please attach it in your reply.
And provide as much info as possible - who blessed the totem, was it snuffed out prior to being blessed, was it a hex before, map etc. As much information as you can, could really help us on this.
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Just happened to me on PS4. The match had three bloody party streamers too 😭
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Here are my logs from last crash
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It happened to me also. Two times in Pale Rose map. No issues on other maps (for now).
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Thank you very much, that's incredibly helpful of you.
Log files can help us establish exactly what's happening so it's really beneficial for us to sort this out
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here are mine thx for the quick reply
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Thank you <3
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Np and to answer some of the things u asked i blessed a hex totem with mikaela on pale rose i crashed the 2nd time i wanted to heal with the perk and i got a 5 minute dc penalty
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Thing that sucks when crashing already in a game is you get a DC penalty......for something that isn't in your control...GG BHVR.
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It also happened to me. Two times in a row :(
Logs (last crash), in case you need more:
Edit: 3 times. I got DC penalty in all of them...
Post edited by Lolenei on0 -
Has happened twice to me as well.
Both times on Hawkins
Both times playing Mikaela
Both times healing with the Boon Totem
The boon totems were dull totems before blessed, in the first game it wasn't snuffed out, in the second game I buffed another and went back to buff the one that 'caused' the crash while healing.
I would add my log files but there's several different ones and I'm not sure which one is the relevant one. If it does happen again I'll upload mine too.
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Xbox One X on Silent Hill map.
I saw a Dwight o nthe floor freaking out and then I crashed. So I think he also crashed as well as the killer.
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This just happened to me, will have to refrain from healing in boon totem areas.
The INSTANT I left clicked the game immediately crashed (it was my second time using the boon totem self caring).
Guys please fix ASAP.
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Happened to me again.
Temple of Purgation
Totem blessed by another Mikaela (not sure which one)
I was opening a chest while under the effect of boon totem and crashed.
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Happened to me too. Both times on Yamaoka Estate. First time I was hanging on a hook in a basement. Second time I went to a boon totem to heal there. Would be nice to turn off dc penalties until this is resolved.
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Same thing happened to me and then to a friend and a random, from what I can tell every crash I've witnessed so far is when you're holding an item and are trying to heal through the boon. When I'm not holding an item I don't seem to crash, however if I pick up a flashlight and try to heal, I crash.
Playing as Mikaela
Friend also playing as Mikaela
Random playing as Dwight
The three crashes I witnessed all happened on Midwich Elementary School
Killers were Nurse and then Trapper
Every crash was through trying to heal while carrying an item
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I've been playing all evening without crashes and purposefully using the Boon: Circle of Healing to determine what it could be. I've been able to heal up plenty of times but a few things that are different from the crashes are:
1) I was in a chase with the killer, trying to heal (but I'm not sure if that's it because I believe I was able to do that at least once without crashing
2) I was carrying an item while trying to heal with the Boon Totem self-care action.
I genuinely think it might have something to do with nr 2.
Friend of mine, while I was typing this, just told me his DBD crashed while trying to heal.
His 'crash-conditions' had different variables (different map, different skin on Mikaela, different killer, etc), however, he was carrying an item trying to use the self-care provided by the boon totem.
It's either that or something to do with the totem itself (placement, angle, timing) but that I wouldn't know.
Hope this was helpful!
Edit: Can anyone confirm that their crashes happened while carrying items too? Or maybe someone who had a crash without an item in hand? Because that'd disprove the theory and we'd have to do more digging.
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Happened to me when the killer cleansed the boon totem
Platform: Steam
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All of the crashes I've witnessed/had happened to myself were when they were holding items. Although I've only seen 3 crashes so far.
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Something happened to me at my first match after the update. My game kept minimizing and when I tapped alt + tab to see what was I noticed 2 instances opened, something like "install program" and "uninstall" but impossible to open or close them, it stopped after some minutes though. I don't even know if this has something to do with DBD, but yeah it happened I'm just reporting.
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Just happened to me on PS5. Blessed a totem so I could heal, went to heal and BOOM crash.
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I just crashed trying to heal myself with a medkit I looted inside the blue Boon area. Immediately on right click the game locked up and crashed to desktop.
Edit: Vs. Trapper, one of the Autohaven maps, 3 Mikaela's, me on Feng.
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it wasn't blessed, i blessed it 2nd time in this game. 1 totem was already blessed by another player, and it was dim totem. killer ghost face, 3 Mikaela Reid in team.
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I had this happen just now. Playing Mikaela, just finished blessing a dull totem with both boons. Totem had previously been snuffed. Killer was doctor, map was temple of purgation. No issues yet using boons as Cheryl (just shadow step)