Nerf nerf nerf nerf it nerf them now nerf survivor's, nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf or I quit nerf or I still have yet to update nerf nerf nerf nerf dear god nerf them now for the love of god I am a survivor impostor nerf them because I say so and you know everyone listens to the survivor's from BHVR so I am a impostor survivor nerf nerf nerf nerf, "insert among us ref"
EDIT: BECAUSE you know some don't read past the first three words read below this line for the part of me not being awake for 24h and stupid. I want a Morphing Killer.
In actuality give us a killer that is an impostor that can morph into a survivor and sneak in close and sabotage the gens and pop them and then create a terror radius that appears and then when they run I run behind them and eat them gobble gobble.
English please
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Read the lower half of me not being stupid for being awake for 24h killing people and getting gen rushed and teabagged all night.
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Do bones.
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I am literally asking for a killer that is a Morphing concept but being stupid while doing it.
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I think a turkey wrote this?
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🤣🤣🤣 I've been killing survivers left and right.
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This post is very very bad.
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One or two at most who am I kidding if I am lucky. I stopped trying at 10pm last night.
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Why yes it is thank you. I WILL obviously make a better detailed statement about a desireable Morphing killer later on.