I’m genuinely disgusted at BHVR supporting NFTs
Don't care as long as they don't sell stuff as NFT through steam, because that is actually banable and i never would buy the stuff again.
0 -
Replying to 2:
The thing you marked says that some NFTs will be a special variant having an alternate costume and also these NFTs also give you access to Hellraiser DBD chapter.
It says nowhere that it would give you an exclusive skin in DBD.
Read it again carefully...
So these two posts you showed me don't contradict each other.
1 -
######### did I just read. Also, I like how you didn't respond to my 1st and 3rd point, because you don't have an excuse for those.
if you actually try to say "the NFT custom skin for a $200 loot box isn't a skin in DBD, its just a PNG picture !!!1!11!1!", I will make a 10 minute YouTube video in which I explain the English language and grammar to you.
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The NFT's have nothing at all to do with any exclusive in-game content in DBD - Most people seem to think otherwise, though.
2 -
Did you not see that you can buy the chapter with Crypto on an NFT website and that the $200 3rd party loot box has a 0.1% chance to drop an exclusive skin?
Genuine question.
1 -
I would strongly suggest re-reading it.
It does not say that at all.
Additionally, please don't let your emotions get the better of you and post abusive replies to others.
2 -
I'm kind of pumped for your English lesson.
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Honestly just when you think a company cannot f it up anymore than they already have over the last year or so, they pull this.
It's laughable yet disgusting at the same time
8 -
I did not reply to the other two, because my reply to 2) was the easiest to understand... and even that you don't want to understand.
Let me try a different way:
BHVR has a merch store where they sell medkits. Imagine they would write this: "1% of the orders will receive a special golden edition medkit and also access to the newest DBD chapter." So based on your reasoning you would conclude that this lucky 1% will get an exclusive golden medkit skin in the game. Which is obviously incorrect... the merch medkit you ordered will be the golden, not some in-game skin.
I hope now you see that you misunderstood their post. The post says that the NFT will be referring to some special costume 3d model, but it has nothing to do with getting some exclusive skin you could use in the game.
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I replied to FreshCoal above. (If you are interested in reading it.)
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Yeah - They're conflating the ability to get a useless Pinhead model file with a party hat (for example) with actually having access to it in-game/it being in the game.
@unluckycombo's post was pretty clear, but all they got was a TLDR and some abuse.
3 -
I wonder how many of you live carbon-neutral lifestyles? If you don't (and I am sure many of you don't) do you pay for your own carbon offsets? Do you see the hypocrisy of this? Being outraged by the environmental impact yet I bet the majority of you live a life where you are not concerned by your own impact on the environment.
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Tag me when you post the video, please.
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It grants a DLC key not a unique skin. The winners will most likely receive a variant of the model used to make the ingame cenobite character, but even then it will be an NFT of it (a digital receipt), not, for example, the original z-brush file.
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"We live in a society you think should improve, yet you participate in" just isn't the galaxy-brain take people here think it is.
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I just ignore those ones. 😂 The "you don't live perfect lifestyle so how dare you be against anything" argument just isn't worth the time.
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Of all the things people choose to be enraged about, they're enraged about THIS?
I've looked into the arguments against this. While I can certainly get behind the power required to run a block-chain being harmful to the environment and what-not, I'm not so sure about the rest of the arguments I've seen. Especially the entire nonsense of "they're selling things that have no value".
The whole "no value" argument makes me laugh because everything we hold as having value was at one point worthless until somebody found a way to make it valuable. I have a box full of Magic cards that I could probably get value out of if I dug through them - but it's just cardboard. I can point to people who thought comic books who thought comic books are inherently worthless. The change sitting in our pockets that the metal is worth LESS than the value of the metals they are made of.
Things have value if people perceive they have value. And wither or not it's a fad is yet to be seen. (remember when people said Rock N Roll was just a fad?)
Frankly, I'd rather wait and see how this plays out before I get up and arms about this kind of thing. Expecially when there are much more straight-forward things we could be roasting the devs bout - like the plague of cheaters in the game.
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The devs just responded.
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Which was my understanding - they just provided the model for another to use NFT - they themselves didn't utilize the block chain in anyway.
Whole bunch of manufactured outrage because NFT's are the "We hate this" of the month I guess.
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Someone explain to me what an NFT actually is and why its bad.
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"you participate in activities you have no control over or means to change. that makes you a hypocrite!" I mean, how more desperate to prove people wrong can you be? I dont get how people think like that. Does context mean nothing to them?
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So they missed the point about people upset with them for endorsing NFTs and working with NFT company. 🤦♀️
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Please send me a link to it then
0 -
Probably just ignoring it. They know exactly why people are upset.
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To the Twitter post where according to you they implied that NFT was created outside of their control.
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I don't understand the hoohboy.
Isn't this really easy?
Plant a Boon on a Totem that's close to a Generator that a fellow Survivor is working on.
Do that 50 matches or less and you're done.
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Imagine a mod coming to disprove the banning/removal of posts but NOT the NFT stuff XD kinda sus man ngl
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Never said you were, but you would think with all the bs the NFT stuff started BHVR would give enough of a flying **** to tell their mods how to address it or address it themselves. The silence only proves these claims right but I understand where you are coming from
17 -
Big man on campus coming through!
1 -
I wish I could give you some words of comfort in regards this entire situation, but sadly I cannot, the best we can do is to keep sharing our thoughts and opinions on this thread, this is the kind of feedback we need to put out.
I understand people are upset and angry, don't blame them and they have the right to be, we still have to do our job here, because as much as we discuss, there are people whose life depends on the game and they cannot stop working on or with it, so let's try to be empathetic.
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Yeah, can we not get angry with the mods. If some developers were blindsided by this news, I highly doubt the forum mods were part of these shady dealings.
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Well... Read it again...
Like many people you don't understand correctly what they wrote...
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Agreed. It's not the mods fault. They are only doing their job.
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I mean I know and don't blame you guys but is there anything you guys can do to show your discontent with the decision of the higherups? A protest? A walk-out? Maybe nothing that grand, but at least SOMETHING to show that the devs and mods are either on our side or are at least making some grumbling sounds to the higher ups about this.
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If I were a mod on these forums I would honestly step down due to this situation with NFT's.
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the mods are in a tricker position than most. They have their own opinions which most likely conform to what a lot of people feel right now. However they still have to moderate the forums in a way that those same people will see as opposing. I don't evny the mods right now, however I dont blame them either. They're the same as anybody else.
13 -
Sorry everyone, I won't be reading the entire thread.
I was taking a break from dbd, because you just gotta sometimes, but I came back because I wanted to say, this game has been fun.
I had a great time playing this game, I played it daily, several matches.
I love how it's basically the smash of horror.
The community content that comes from this game is some of the best I watched.
I looked past several issues with the game, because I understand they are things that happen. some things might have taken longer to look past than others...
but I can't look past this NFT business. I saw the tweet which heavily implied they had nothing to do with it, and I gave bhvr the benefit of the doubt. only for that trust to be broken later.
I wanna say again that I really like this game, but I can't in good conscience endorse it anymore.
even with all the issues, specially on console, I never actually even considered uninstalling the game. now I can't see myself playing it.
The last time I ever felt this way about any franchise, is when JK rowling did... the things she did and does. Granted, what she does is way worse and hits way more personally to me than any nft ever could. but dbd ain't no harry potter either.
So I just came to say this. and that I uninstalled the game from my notebook and ps4. but I didn't want to create a thread because I'm not trying to get any discussion going. I'm just giving my 2 cents.
bye everyone
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I am just wondering why I didn't see such an outrage when the boss of a certain electric car company was promoting cryptocurrencies. Maybe I just didn't read the correct forums. Anyway... the car sales didn't drop.
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That's a bit of a red herring there bud. We aren't talking about Elon, his Musks, or his Cryptocurrencies. We're talking about Dead by Daylight's want to have their cake and eat it too. Not only that, but cars are also VERY different from video games.
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The outrage is about NFTs are bad because they harm environment. Well cryptocurrencies are exactly the same...
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That is a false equivalence. Saying they are exactly the same is misleading and outright false. Cryptocurrencies are just that, a currency. NFTs are images or gifs that have a receipt saved into a server that uses up more energy that it is currently worth. For instance, say one buys an NFT for $250. The server used to keep your receipt valid costs over $2000 a month to run. Of course all of these numbers are made up, but my point is clear that NFTs waste way more money and energy than they need in order to stay active.
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That's the element that's getting the most attention. The other element is that they're pretty much a scam and BHVR is now actively advertising for a fairly shady company (so much so that people were convinced this whole thing was a prank before it got the official announcement) that is making them. In a vacuum, this is not ok, and the whole Lawyer speak about trying to calm the community about this NFT situation while not explicitly denying that they were doing them is kinda disrespectful to the consumer. They were hoping people weren't reading between the lines, and many clearly didn't. Regardless, there was an element of deception in that the clear purpose of their statements was to convince us that this was just the license holders doing their own thing. It isn't apparently.
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Musk has pretty dedicated 'hate clubs' - you gave your own answer there. Tesla stock, though, provably dips most times Elon talks crypto.
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as much as I wanna get in on this bandwagon about mr. Musky [redacted]. Lets try keep this all relevant and not too politcal, yeah? 😅
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NFTs are not scam, but many try to do scams using NFTs. If someone doesn't understand NFTs or they are not interested in an NFT which says that "you own pinhead according to bossprotocol" (or something similar) then they simply just shouldn't buy it.
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Ok, here's the thing. The idea is that it's a limited collectable that may or may not pay off (depending if you have another sucker to bye it from you). The scarcity of an NFT is completely artificial, and the content that you "own" with an NFT is easily mass produced, so yes, I do consider it a scam.
7 -
*pyramid scheme intensifies*