Can Stridor be reverted now that you have gutted spirit?

Oops, the survivor is running iron will (very rare and never used perk btw /s), guess you are the one guessing where they are now.
They should give it a different effect. IMO Spirit does not feel that much different to play (yes, they hear where you are, but you are still moving so fast while phasing). And while I never used Stridor, it is really a crutch.
So they should rework Stridor to something entirely different which might be used by more than exactly 1 Killer.
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it should hoenstly just slightly increase the survivors footsteps audio. Like 15/20/25%? Its already proven possible from the freddy addon.
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I used it on other killers pre-nerf because I got so damn tired of constantly going against Iron will.
Either revert Stridor or nerf Iron Will.
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I just destroyed survivors on Haddonfield, with nonmeta perks. Yeah she's totally dead.
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good for you
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This is actually a pretty good idea.
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They just need to make iron will 50% reduction max. Rework strider entirely
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I think they should make Stridor increase the breathing sounds by 50%/75%/100% and fix Iron Will covering those. That way Iron Will works as intended and Stridor is viable in its own way.
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No we don’t need stridor spirit back! It’s been one day, learn to play her again.
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The directional phase sound didnt gut spirit. People who say that are delusional to the point where they dont believe when they see a spirit do good and just call the survivors bad.
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Or some of you can stop over relying on very specific perks to carry your killer every single game.
Stridor is still nice and not every single survivor brings iron will, but even then if your running past survivors because you can't hear their loud breathing try a different form a tracking.
Footsteps cannot be hidden or reduced in anyway, iron will is pointless when they start running near your position so I don't get why some killers want such a replicable perk back.
Alongside all the killer powers/perks that make survivors scream and reveal themselves I don't see a big deal with stridor's current function.
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That was the point. only killers are allowed to have lose lose situations and 50/50 guessing games. survivors must 100% know exactly where and what the killer is doing at all times.
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haha sure it didn't. only makes her a go fast killer. promoting dropping pallets brainlessly
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Like even as a killer main i can tell spirit was just un-interactive as a killer. Also if you care so much about dropping the pallet brainlessly then dont phase too the pallet or phase where the pallets at without it being dropped then catch up with your significantly faster speed?
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ohhhhhh sweet, sweet child
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Wouldn't it make more sense to just rework Stridor? since before it was good on only one Killer, why not make it good for everybody?
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I agree revert the stridor nerf but spirit wasn't gutted. She's still incredibly strong if played well.
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If i take perk that makes me silent, then i expect to be silent.
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Single match is not a good example of balance
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iron will isn't supposed to make you dead silent it's supposed to at best + as intended remove your injured sounds
instead it completely and utterly mutes your breathing sounds when injured making you harder to locate than when you're uninjured even factoring blood
but that's just how it's coded and stridor was the only balance there was against iron will, even if it was only really relevant on spirit/maybe nurse
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Then we should demand fixes. Its kinda annoying killer's can't hear injured breathing.
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well it's been like this for the entirety of the perk's existence pretty much so good luck question mark
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The solution is to fix Iron WIll. It's entirely too powerful and is probably the single strongest overall survivor perk in terms of usage in relation to power. The problem is that Iron Will is actually reducing your breathing sounds in addition to your grunts of pain.
Iron Will is too powerful ANYWAYS, and the perk makes no sense when you have varying sounds of injury. Meg sounds like she's been shot by a thousand bullets, meanwhile claudette doesn't even sound injured.
Nerfing Iron Will is the solution here. Not reverting stridor.
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but a perk that had an actual use case or two still got made completely useless for everyone that unlocked it and i'd consider that very, very bad
revert or rework, even if it becomes a new tinkerer
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A perk being bad doesn't mean it needs a rework. Its design is fine. Increasing sounds survivors make to help with tracking. It's a perfectly fine design. It's bad, that doesn't make it poorly designed. 80% of killer perks are bad, do they all need a rework? No. All games will have low tier "filler" things that just exist to have them. Monstrous Shrine for example. Does it need a rework? No. Its design is mostly fine, it's just horrible. Outdated? Yeah maybe.
How about perks like Insidious (which has already been changed from what it used to be), or Dead Mans Switch. These don't need reworks, the design on them is fine, they're just bad. All of the "bad" perks in this game rely on setup or having time, which the killer doesn't have. That doesn't mean the perks need reworks.
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a rework in this case could mean to make stridor increase all sounds survivors make majorly for example
by its definition in vg design rework is basically any change to a mechanic beyond messing with its numbers
and believe me while you could make stridor amp breathing sounds by 5000% or whatever there's only so much you can do with it as it's designed to make it a worthwhile perk without dealing with its ungodly hard counter that is iron will
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Why would anyone use that over no mither then?
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'cause iron will wouldn't make you a permanent 1-shot at the phenomenal trade-off of informing the killer to never leave you on the ground, that you'll recover as if had unbreakable speed-wise and not leave blood
reducing it to 50% and giving it a separate effect to boot would probably be for the best
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spirit literally plays the same, its only directional audio and the kick up dust effect that was promised by the devs wasn't even implemented. what are you on about "gutted" smh
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Why is there a need to nerf Iron Will???? Does Iron Will make you completely silent when moving and vaulting and hide your scratch marks???? Seriously, I don't understand people who try to relate Iron Will to Stridor. Stridor had way too much VALUE for Spirit which was the problem.
Why the hell does one specific killer need that much value from one specific perk? Why specifically does Spirit need that much value from stridor compared to every other killer?
Ruin, undying, tinkerer whatever brings equal value across all killers but we're suppose to be ok with a killer who gave you no information before, zooming around in her power hearing you at double the volume??? Talk about stacking the deck and no Iron Will does not equate. Iron Will ain't doing gens for me, it's not healing me, it's just good. Better against certain players obviously... but hey. Ruin and Undying do much the same vs certain teams am I right?
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Stridor never should've been nerfed in the first place.
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Yea, but iron will also doesnt give me infinite unbreakable and speed in recovering.
Iron will is fine how it is
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no mither is an unbreakable that informs the killer of its existence, it doesn't really do much except get your donkey handed to you
it doesn't make iron will or its complete muting of all your breathing sounds injured 'fine'
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You mean just like how survivors need to stop over relying on very specific perks to carry them like BT, DS, UB, DH, SB should i keep going?
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Iron Will negating Stridor never made sense in the first place. Stridor lets the killer hear the breathing of injured survivors more while Iron Will silences grunts of pain. NOT breathing, grunts of pain. Plus the game always worked on additive logic, not multiplicative. They completely went against all previously established logic just to make Iron Will make Stridor useless.
I'm all for making changes for balance, but at least MAKE SENSE. Like the Top Knot change. I don't need Top Knot at all. But that half second makes a HUGE difference. If anything, it should have been made an Iri addon and took the place of the Iri Crest. I've just seen no real value in the Crest addon. The fact that TK is the only Oni addon they touched is kind of sad. Of course it's 'overperforming'. It's arguably his best addon. Why not buff or change some of the other addons or come up with some new ones that are interesting?
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Cause it does not remove a health state