Facecamping killers


Please do something about facecamping killers I have been facing this one particular china player who just plays bubba who just facecamps first hook always and judging from his comments on his steam he does it every game. It is fine if you facecamp to secure a kill at end game or like if dumb survivors are around the area trying to save but first hook and when clearly no one around is just annoying, I know you can just gen rush but if you dont play in swf somebody will defo be altruistic and go for the save , it makes the game unfun for everyone, bloodpoint penalty is not enough because some people just want to make the game unfun and not care about bloodpoints. Please find a way to punish this, like maybe let us record gameplay so we can submit for a report or something. LMK everyone's opinions from people who play both sides . Thanks for reading!


  • slendermansmoom
    slendermansmoom Member Posts: 544
    edited October 2021

    ever heard of the anti face camping build

    camaraderie, breakdown, kindred, openhanded

    punishes face camping by causing the killer to waste more time camping and slugging while giving your team more info

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,256

    If you are a solo player its almost a requirement to run kindred, and in that scenario everyone would know they are facecamping and can then gen rush.

  • Matthew_Ong
    Matthew_Ong Member Posts: 12

    I dont have those perks and I used to run kindred but I swapped it out , not every game will have a facecamping killer so I stick with my normal perks but I just feel like BHVR should do something about the ones that has because it just ruins the fun, plus sometimes even when i run kindred someone will still come and save which results in snowballing

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    They said that they are working on it, but they also don't want to nerf proxy camping, because that should be a thing, because of 3-gen.

    So it is quite hard to come up with good idea to nerf only face-camping and will not be abused by survivors. I think there was attempt with longer duration, or stopped progress (not sure which was it now), when close to hook, but it didn't end well. Survivors tried to bring killers close to that survivor on purpose.

    Also face-camping should be a thing, when all gens are done. You know, it is kinda only objective killer has to defend at that point and when there is gate close, it would be free save, if he left that area.

    Face-camping is not an issue for SWF, when everyone know that it is happening, so they will just do gen asap, but that doesn't work with at least 1 soloQ player.

  • snek
    snek Member Posts: 180
    edited October 2021

    you seem to be missing the point

    one out of five players in a match can strip all the players of any gameplay - hooked surv can't to anything, killer isn't doing anything, other survs cannot do anything except sit on gens and hold one button for several minutes straight

  • Knotty1985
    Knotty1985 Member Posts: 66

    face camping should automatically slow down the timer of the hooked person by at least 50%, I don't mind killers who sit a certain distance away and stalk the hooked person to catch others but at least thats a motivated chance / risk to save someone compared to a guaranteed knock.

    BT shouldn't be an essential part of the build just to save someone from a camper.

  • Jerek
    Jerek Member Posts: 92

    Facecamping for me is sorta rare so I feel like no one really builds specifically around this tactic.

    But I have always make kindred base kit and it helps so much in solo, not just camping but everything.

    Camping is okay at end game or 1 gen remaining. But very 1st down near the start is just scummy.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    So you will get tortured for longer time? No thanks.

    It's not like more time will help your experience, it would make it worse actually.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    Yeah, problem is that you can't fix it without nerfing end game camping, or proxy camping and those should stay imo.

    Maybe affect timer based on how many gens are left? That might do the trick.

  • Jerek
    Jerek Member Posts: 92

    Modifying hook timers as a base mechanic is just a bad idea. Killers will abuse shorter hook times to eliminate players faster. And survivors will abuse longer hood timers to focus on gens/totems before making a rescue.

    I honestly think what we have now is just the best we can do, they made some perks to help against camping, but they only do so much.

    My real problem is the poor survivor that gets camped. I have had some matches were I get absolutely nothing. No bloodpoints, I lose pips, and grade progress, and MMR rank all because the game thinks I did nothing. In reality the killer found me 1st and downed me fast and I just get the short end of the stick. Going into a match just to lose everything and get to do nothing is the worst feeling ever.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    Well, only idea I have left, is track duration NOT on hook, so you don't punish survivors from something that is out of their control.

    EDIT: That doesn't help, survivors would start killing themself on first hook more.