Resident Evil map

This is honestly just a rant, so I apologize, but ######### is this bullsh*t? I took a break from DBD for a long while and I just had my first match on that map.
Does it get easier to memorize or??? Holy balls. I couldn’t figure out where to go and chases were an absolute headache. I spent the whole time getting turned around & at the end decided to just open the doors for the survivors lmaooo.
Memorising the map doesn’t make it good. It’ll be just as bad every time you play it
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Easier & good are two totally different words. I didn’t said I’d like it better, I didn’t say it was a good map. Lol. But yes, I understand where you’re coming from.
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Dunno, still haven't seen it other than in videos. Almost loaded into it tonight and the killer DC'd. It does look a lot like the RCPD from the Resident Evil series. It may end up sucking as a DbD map, but I still want to try it.
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It’s a neat design and everything, and they did a great job aesthetically, but to play on it is absolute hell. Hope you enjoy it more than I did though!
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Hell for killers, survivors, or everyone? It's a shame if it sucks. Hopefully they can rework it a bit to make it more enjoyable.
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I imagine everyone. I struggled to find how to get to the generators as a killer. I can’t imagine trying to navigate this maze of a map without any gens auras to at least attempt to follow. There’s so many floors and corridors and rooms and—you get the picture. I wish you luck whenever you encounter it bc truthfully, I absolutely hate farming and I would rather farm on that map than try to play it normal 😂
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I absolutely love the map. Idc if I'm survivor or killer. I've never once blamed the map for me or my team not performing well. It's not as bad as people make it out to be.
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I'm a Resident Evil fan and can appreciate the effort to make the map as authentic as possible to the original RE2/3 games but BLOODY HELL is it crap in DBD. The very. Very. Worst.
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I constantly get lost on that map. It's a maze and outlines of hooks while carrying survivors are frustrating because it's just on the other side of a wall or something but you can't find the way to access it in time, walk through hall's, rooms, dead ends trying to find it, and survivor gets free.
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One of the good maps in that game. At least there is pallets on it. Usually only noobs crying about it. Try play yamaoka unbalanced bullS-T. and then tell storiers about bad maps :)There is 1 pallet on the map and it's just BALD.
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Yamaoka can’t even compare to the bullf*ckery of the RE map. My only complaint is that it’s quite large, which isn’t great for Myers, but I do decent on it.
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🤣🤣 I feel ya
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It's actually quite easy to get a sense of the map as a survivor after you play it a few times. It's definitely different, and leads to slower games, but it's an interesting map with more depth than the initial frustration leads you to believe.
Ive played it a little less as killer, and the FPS view makes it a little claustrophobic, but I have to imagine that would also fade with time.
I don't think it's a S tier, but I'd give it a solid B, with flaws, for being different than just a flat map or a big cube.
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In my opinion, it feels like a bigger version of The Game.
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The sad part is, it would be a GREAT map if they would simply section it off into RPD West/RPD East. Similar to how original RE2 and RE3 limited where you could go in RPD to start. Instead we have this giant AMAZING looking map that is so survivor sided I could probably do 2 survivors against one killer and finish 5 gens. Everyone gets lost on it, its buggy and laggy in parts.
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The map is a logistical nightmare for both killers and survivors just playing the map. In trying to make a map that satisfies both sides, they ended up with a map that I have yet to know anyone who even likes it. As always, the aesthetics are great. Other things, not so much.
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I think that's just, like, the fad opinion man. I know the map so it works out for me both ways. If it's ######### for both then it's the most balanced map there is.
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yamaoka is most ######### map ever created in that game its completely unplayable by surv if the killer has at least 1 hand. The only playable place is shack. RE map its like The game, which is one of the best maps.