Are 3 genning and m1 juggling dead strategies now? 🤔

Time management is not on the killers side. I see an increase in camping and tunneling (and they are pretty high already).
If 4 survivors are still up by the time you are 3 genning you are done...boon totem away from the gens and any chase to that area is just asking for a gen to be done in the meantime.
If I am playing survivor I totally understand if it happens to me.
Even a 2 man can beat your 3 gen with a boon totem in play, you'll never make it back in time to deal with one before the other is healed and back on the generator. If you run out and snuff the totem then you lose one of the generators. If you commit to the chase you might make it a 3K but there's nothing stopping that last generator from getting done.
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3-gens were never a game-winning strategy to begin with, even the sometimes psychotic ones that spawn on swamp that are literally all visible + 16 meters from eachother, even with one dead you can't push three people off three different gens at once no matter what you are
it's a good stalling tactic + is severely effective against pansy survivors but the math and mechanics say eventually they'll get one done, whether without you downing someone or after you down + hook someone (going for the slug probably a losing proposition if the 3rd pops theirs as you come to them and a slug has adrenaline)
but yes, having a heal zone on the outskirts of your 3-gen hurts your prospects immensely since the last thing you need in that attrition war is fast resets from survivor side, their progression massively > your regression, and that's per survivor
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Yeah two of the best strategies undone by one survivor perk...balancing.
I feel the survivor lobbies are going to get really bad.
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Sadly enough if was the only fallback plan low mobility killers have when things go bad.
Trapper is still okayish with 3 gens because it can lead to instadowns but other killers struggle now.
I feel I have to slug in those scenarios but yeah I dont see a way to use these strategies anymore.
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A 3 gen strat was never a hugely successful one against smart survivors before boon totems depending on the killer. Especially on a 32m TR M1, it's only successful if the survivors are greeding gens for no reason and not taking chases to the correct areas. Boon totems make it a whole lot easier for them to reset, but they've always had the tools to break 3 gens if they're patient and smart.
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These strategies are kind of dead since the looping meta transitioned into the hold W meta. Boon totems just made it worse. The meta now are killers who can end chases fast.
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And unfortunately there are very few of those.
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Exactly 3.
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Playing killer now days is a dead strategy.
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Yeah and map sizes remain untouched 🙁
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In my experience, the gens are going to get done unless all survivors are dead. Even if there is only 1 survivor in the map left, they'll still finish that gen as their teammate dies.
In all reality the only choice you have to make is how to deal with them getting done. Personally I choose to use lots of chase/information perks to snowball. I've been having a lot of fun using BBQ/Retribution/Plaything + 1 interchanging perk which gives a hefty 119 seconds of aura reading if you get 100% value.
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I mean... not for about another week since Circle of Healing got kill switched.
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Those strat are worthless now the second you ear a totem being bless you need to commit on every chase you start
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The better survivors play, the less chances killers can offer for a "fair/fun" game.
Completely understandable that killers need to use methods to reduce objective time.
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That is the only saving grace right now🤣