Toxic killers and contradictory rules that allow them



  • Eli2020
    Eli2020 Member Posts: 79

    People keep saying it's detrimental snd I'm still saying it's veing used in a toxic way to a point that it's chasing a ton of players off. It derails the whole game when they find people at the start, which they do and can catch because killers are made for the chase. Also know they have perks to see people on the map because I've used it. The difference is I didn't run for someone so i could camp that hook. It does stop the game and you not playing that way is not the point. People ARE playing that way and it needs to be penalized.

  • Eli2020
    Eli2020 Member Posts: 79


    "End game"

    Yeah well keep arguing for those things when the problem is facing THE WHOLE GAME. Which is the problem you keep ignoring and it does stop gameplay. They should be penalized for it.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    Part of survivor gameplay is sometimes you can't do anything. Killers are not abusing anything by camping hooks or slugging survivors. That is part of their gameplay options. Getting mad and upset about how killers play because it reduces your odds of escaping is just entitlement.

    Also, you aren't entitled to being unhooked. Your teammates can just let you die on the hook even if the killer doesn't camp.

  • Eli2020
    Eli2020 Member Posts: 79

    I'm not mad or upset, I want to play the game. Unhooking is apart of the game. The game isn't only for the killers or there wouldn't be 4 other people in the match. They stop vaulters from abusing a mechanic. Killers are supposed to chase too so again them using game mechanics to hold it hostage is toxic and should be penalized.

  • Eli2020
    Eli2020 Member Posts: 79

    And it's funny because I'm the one unhooking so say goodbye to that ground you were standing on lol

    Toxic is toxic and it has no place in games because you're supposed to play, not get easy kills.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    If slugging wasn't intended, then the devs would make it so a killer would immediately pick up a survivor when he downs them.

    You are claiming something is being abused and against the rules, but there's absolutely no evidence besides you being upset that killers are doing.

    And while unhooking is part of the game, at no point are survivors required to unhook you.

  • Eli2020
    Eli2020 Member Posts: 79

    They are and it's through a toxic type of gameplay that has no place in multiplayer games. Everyone should be allowed to play and whole game facers are breaking it so should be penalized for it.

    It's happening so often I wasn't even the newest post on this. No one is mad they get killed, you said that. But facers being toxic and using the game rules to hold it hostage isn't playing plain and simple. Unskilled and makes for easy kills. It needs to be penalized like vaulters get because its abusing the game.

  • Eli2020
    Eli2020 Member Posts: 79

    There's plenty of evidence that you choose to ignore. Like how specifically it's toxic and has no place in multiplayer games. I'm still talking about facers and slug spammers because they do derail the game and take control. They prevent unhooking which is apart of the game and do not participate in chasing if they are facing and slugging. That's not gameplay that's a lazy and easy kill based in toxic behavior that shouldn't be allowed. It SHOULD be penalized which is the whole point.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    It's toxic and has no place according to you, not by the game or by the devs.

    Pretty much every multiplayer game in existence has campers. It shouldn't surprise you.

    At this point, it's very clear you want killers to play in a very specific way that favors your own playstyle so you can get easier games since you literally are incapable of adjusting your gameplay if killers play in a manner you don't like.

  • Eli2020
    Eli2020 Member Posts: 79

    That is true and in every game it's not allowed because it controls gameplay. Saying it doesn't just because devs do doesn't help your case when it needs to change. Toxic behaviour like facing a whole game deserves to be penalized in the same way that survivors get penalized.

  • Eli2020
    Eli2020 Member Posts: 79

    And it has nothing to do with my play style and everything to do with being able to play the game.

    Toxic gameplay makes it not fun for other players and that has been proven time and time again so it should be penalized as such.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    ok A: this isn't evidence it is an opinion

    B: as @Crowman if this was considered abusing game mechanics (which it is not) the devs would have gotten rid of it LONG ago.

    C: Every multiplayer game has toxicity so saying it's toxic and has no place in a multiplayer game contradicts yourself.

    D: If camping was "penalized" most people seem to say that it would be better to award players who don't camp instead of punishing people who do.

    E: sometimes these strategies are the best options the killer has and can turn what should have been a 0k into a 4k.

    and F(sort of an extension of point E): If you give the oppurtunity to the killer to wipe all of you out with one of these strategies you have no one to blame but yourself if the killer seizes the moment.

  • Eli2020
    Eli2020 Member Posts: 79

    You keep saying end game and ignoring the ones that do it the whole time, ya know the ones I'm talking about. Which they do at high rates or i wouldn't be here nor multiple other OPs with this same issue. That is not valid gameplay and pretending it is sounds like a toxic unlearning process you need to learn. Vaulters are punished. So should facer killers because its repetitive and controls the game.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2021

    Survivors can penalize it, by doing gens going for trades before they go through hook stages and making the killer lose. Additionally they already take a penalty to BP gained and an emblem system.

    Your response just showcases that you have no answer and just want free unhooks against any killer. Just because you don't like the hanging on hook game play, because yes... that is part of the survivors gameplay.

    You are then just as toxic, denying the killer hooks at the start of the game. There is nothing toxic about it and you trivialize the word... because you don't like the tactic your opponent uses in the game. Just because people use tactics you don't like facing doesn't make them toxic.

    You aren't being held hostage, as being on the hook is part of the game play and has a cap of 2 mins. Just because you don't like this part of the game doesn't make it not part of the gameplay loop. Dangling on the hook is part of being a survivor.

    If they are unskilled, you can actually save your teammate, use BT learn to time it and get them off it. Just realize you don't need to save 1 second after they get unhooked. Then they can body block for you, get a sprint burst and you both should be able to get to a loop. Stop bombing the hook, stop tailing the killer and go do some gens... put pressure on the killer, then save, either land on the hook and have your team do the same. Play to win the game instead of whine about having to be on hook as a survivor.

    You are mad that you are getting killed and that your opponents tactic is working out for them. You twist definitions and only care about your own perspective without any consideration of the facts. By your own accord these tactics are sometimes required... yet should not be possible, how hypocritical and entitled.

    Being on hook is just as much gameplay as being on a gen, you are in one spot and hitting skill checks. You must hate your teammates when they can loop the killer for 5 gens, because you are denied to play the game and have to do that for 4 to 5 mins straight.

  • SabunoHakia
    SabunoHakia Member Posts: 465

    Play killer then come back with a education on what is REALLY fun. It is the survivors side.

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    I hate it when killers kill! they can't do this, it's outrageous, it's unfair. *angry Anakin noises*

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Just another post where 'Toxic' is used out of context.

  • Eli2020
    Eli2020 Member Posts: 79

    Facing another player the whole game is definitely toxic and should be penalized.

  • Eli2020
    Eli2020 Member Posts: 79

    They can kill, it's apart of the game. So is chasing. So is unhooking. Facing while slugging is not it and is defintely toxic so has no place. Vaulters get penalized so should killers who abuse the game.

  • Eli2020
    Eli2020 Member Posts: 79

    I have so goodbye to the ground you was just tryna stand on. I enjoy killer and wouldn't face someone a whole game because I still think it takes no skill. And also if you had taken time to actually read the issue is facers thag slug the whole match. The whole match. That is toxic and takes advantage of game mechanics so the killer can completely hijack one or more survivors. Toxic and has no place and it should be penalized.

  • Eli2020
    Eli2020 Member Posts: 79

    They can't more often thab not and it still hijacks a game for one or more people who are actually trying to play iy. Unhooking is apart of the game. Chasing is apart of the game. Killing is apart of the game. Standing there staring is no and should be penalized as the abuse it is.

    Survivors can't hold still for too long eiher on that note lol

    Penalize facers and sluggers who do only that the whole game.

  • Eli2020
    Eli2020 Member Posts: 79

    There is none being broken. The point of the whole post was that facers who slug hooked people the whole game and hijack it SHOULD be penalized

    since survivors can't hold still or over vault. I even said in the post that no rules were broken but I had dealt with it so much that it made playing pointless and no fun as a survivor. Facing the whole game isn't playing and it is 100% hijacking other people's game to control it.

    And to reiterate people in this comment section all say they don't do it but are arguing for it to be used in a game breaking way so.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    You cannot sit in one spot for extended periods of time? Euhm... ever done a gen? 80 seconds of sitting still.

    Like I literally just got out of a game where the killer got someone into the basement at 4 gens, camped the basement and snowballed that into a 4k. I helped one other member to get the unhook before they died, I traded and was now hanging on the hook... my team healed and reset, then messed up horribly... but it happens.

    Just because you do not like the tactic doesn't mean it isn't valid.

  • SabunoHakia
    SabunoHakia Member Posts: 465

    Toxic survivors are real, flashlights abuse, gen rushing pallets reset to be reslammed constant teabagging who is to hlame? Both. Started with survivors and killers adapted to make ends meat.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Survivors can clicky click their flashlights all they want at me or do gens as fast as they can, they can teabag at a pallet if they want. Like literally nothing really toxic about it, though I really dislike those that macro the clicks as that sound is just horrid.

    I don't know what you point is here exactly or why you are quoting me. I have no issues, if people want to use tactics, mechanics and abide by the rules... it is fair game. Do your best, try and win by any tactic you want.

  • SabunoHakia
    SabunoHakia Member Posts: 465

    I am just saying killer's found it to be toxic so they reacted as such Idk why I quoted you. Bored I guess. Without PC users my que times are high

  • Eli2020
    Eli2020 Member Posts: 79

    Ok so they should be addressing it again and that's why me and all the other people annoyed with not getting to play are doing. It's not a hill to die on its feedback and still should be penalized.

  • Eli2020
    Eli2020 Member Posts: 79

    Pffttt the killer knows where the gens are. I never said survivors weren't toxic, but clicking and crouching too much aren't stopping you or me from being a killer. Hook facing and slugging on the other hand does and makes zero sense for a game based on chase. It should be penalized again like the vaulters and people who ger crows over their head like the abuse of game it is.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    A survivor is at some point supposed to be on a hook or put in the dying state. You are still a survivor, it is still part of their game play cycle.

    If everything is purely about the chase, gens make no sense either or stealth play. You now just are making things up and wanting to determine what the game is about. There are multiple ways to play the game, there isn't just one. You are salty entitled because people don't play as you want them to play.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Yeah like i said, you do not understand the meaning of toxic.

  • Cryx
    Cryx Member Posts: 2

    Love how survivors call killers toxic. Most games the survivors are the scumbags. The constant teabagging, body blocking hooks, and the clicky click get old.

    Had a swf all with modded flashlights take turns blinding me. Then call me toxic for slugging them.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    This post is so sad lol. Camping, tunneling and slugging aren't "fun" but that doesn't mean it should be nerfed. Look at Deathslinger, he's dead now because he was "unfun" smh the entitlement

  • Eli2020
    Eli2020 Member Posts: 79

    Ignoring that I said tunneling and proxy camping are valid. Face campers are not, that's not entitlement that's expecting to be able to play the game.

    So unless you face camp whole games you have literally no reason to be here. But then again so many have claimed they don't do it but still argue it's not over used.

    Vaulting was overused and got blocked, same should apply to facing killers because that's not playing the game.

  • Eli2020
    Eli2020 Member Posts: 79

    Teabagging doesn't stop gameplay. But lets talk about body blocking from survivors, 100% would not mind if they penalized that too.

    Face camping is the problem because it stops gameplay and defeats the whole purpose of the chase mechanics. It should be fixed since they were able to keep survivors from holding still (crows) and stopped over-vaulting.

    Same thing for face campers and survivors who body block. You shouldn't be that close to the killer unless they chased you anyways.

  • Eli2020
    Eli2020 Member Posts: 79

    Clicking also doesn't stop gameplay. Annoying yeah but compared to body blocking and facing. I'm not saying survivors aren't toxic, been sandbagged by my own team A TON and the full flashlight team should have a limit per team. Like honestly dude I play killer more BECAUSE of other survivors.

    That doesn't mean I shouldn't be calling out toxic behaviours. I just want to play the game when I choose survivor, shouldn't have to get 5 bad matches of facers and sluggers when we ARE NOT being toxic to get one where I actually play the game. But come on it TAKES FOREVER to get in a match as killer too.