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Infinite match loading...



  • ZBHG
    ZBHG Member Posts: 1

    Bonjour même problème sur PS4 depuis la mises à jour d'hier écran de chargement infini au moment de rentrer sur la carte (en tant que tuer)

    Psoedo PSN : ZB-_-HG

  • deadbyjeff
    deadbyjeff Member Posts: 52

    first the game crashed mid match - most likely due to something with boon totems (survivors were healing and i assume they did so near a boon as shortly before the game crash - the boon activated (sound cue)).

    since then i am unable to load into any match as killer on steam.

    Literally impossible to play at all - amazing 'patch', such a qol improvement in my life now - no dbd to get angry at.

  • katerbater
    katerbater Member Posts: 128

    yay infinite loading screens are back... also having this issue.

  • senki527
    senki527 Member Posts: 275

    same problem here, I'm on PC

  • entitysbreakfast
    entitysbreakfast Member Posts: 126

    Just booted the game again this morning and the infinite loading happened again twice.


    Step 1 : Boot the game

    Step 2 : Play as Killer or Survivor in a public match.

    Step 3 : Wait to see if the game loads or hangs after Offerings screen.

    Step 4 : The game either begins or takes 5-10 minutes to resolve a DC issue / crash.


    Platform: PS4 Killer: Trickster.

    It seems to be happening as killer.

    Please fix this soon or extend the event. Killer is unplayable right now with this crash.

  • moistpigeon
    moistpigeon Member Posts: 1

    Same is happening on Xbox

  • entitysbreakfast
    entitysbreakfast Member Posts: 126

    Third time as killer.


    Step 1 : Boot the game

    Step 2 : Play as Killer or Survivor in a public match.

    Step 3 : Wait to see if the game loads or hangs after Offerings screen.

    Step 4 : The game either begins or takes 5-10 minutes to resolve a DC issue / crash.


    Platform: PS4 Killer: Pig

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 543

    Crashed for me when we had as killer : Bubba. and as Survivor : Feng, Quentin, Nea, Felix.

  • Haplo
    Haplo Member Posts: 9

    Tried to play as a survivor group of four, so only matchmaking was with the killer and made it to two matches out of at least ten attempts. Eventually it just started looping. Until they fix this it's just waste of time to just wait to be able to wait again...

  • R6xLuck
    R6xLuck Member Posts: 8

    Same on Ps4 platforms,I loose my offering TOO! have restated app 30 times since noon! Wasted my money on DLC an New Rift tomb challenges. VERY disheartening makes me wana unistall! Plus a Boon perk is aleady disabled on top on many many more bugs!

  • ghuleh
    ghuleh Member Posts: 3

    I have the same issue on PS4, it happens around every second time I start a match. Both as survivor and killer.

    Yesterday it all worked fine

    Also, just now the game additionally also crashed after I had 10 minutes of loading screen.

  • JeremyTM96
    JeremyTM96 Member Posts: 9

    Same issue, around 1 out of 4 matches have this issue..

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 543

    Just crashed out of Dead Dawg Saloon (on loading screen) despite this map being disabled.

  • commanderkel
    commanderkel Member Posts: 1

    I have the same problem with infinite loading of matches. PC/Steam. Only as killer and it happens every game. I have had to reboot at least 10 times before i gave up.

  • Tricksters_Wife
    Tricksters_Wife Member Posts: 545

    Still happening here for me as well. Just hopped on and first match it took around 10 minutes to boot out of the loading screen. Not wanting to get a penalty I waited the entire time. In the middle of waiting for another match as I type this that seems to be yet again suspiciously long waiting time, so I'm guessing I'll be sitting here for another 10 minutes.

  • FeryGEN
    FeryGEN Member Posts: 630
    edited October 2021

    What are the chances that because of Haddonfield? Who has already gone there? I got into infinite load 3 times in a row by changing constantly killer. If you do not change it fundamentally, then the second time should be loaded

    20 minutes later...

    Put the trapper and Hadonfield - everything booted up normally

    Post edited by FeryGEN on
  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334

    Same here. Infinite loading screen. Has happened multiple times at this point.

  • klapetste
    klapetste Member Posts: 1

    Same on PS5, Survivor, 1 out of 5 games loading infinitive. Offerings are lost after forcefully restarting the game.

  • venusxbunny
    venusxbunny Member Posts: 34
    edited October 2021

    I think it's the game still attempting to send you to a disabled map even though it's disabled. Just happened to me and when it got to the "player disconnected" screen it listed a map which is currently disabled. It takes people disconnecting to end the loading/cancel out the match.

  • Kadinsky
    Kadinsky Member Posts: 6

    Xbox Game Pass / PC player experiencing the same issues here.

    I've played the newest Survivor, Fend & Yui and experienced it at least 3 times where after the offerings screen the loading screen seems to take an infinite amount of time to close. This happened to me solo & duo queuing with a friend who is also on game pass / pc platform.

    Can't be ALT + F4'd and it's a battle with task manager to get the end process function to follow through. Tried to find my windows logs for DBD but for can't seem to find any documentation of navigating to these log files.

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247

    I had infinite loadings, I found a match without a mikaela, it loaded without problems, and after that all the games were loading perfectly. Try it maybe it will also help you.

  • Snailcastle
    Snailcastle Member Posts: 5

    PS4 Player here: Its not only when i play as a killer that i get infinite loading screen, as a survivor too. At some point someone quits and i get errorcode 500, or after about 5 minutes i quit myself.

  • Nahtecat
    Nahtecat Member Posts: 7

    I believe every time the game fails to load me into the match I get put onto one of those maps they have currently disabled. Im not sure if there is A coincidence, but I thought I would bring attention to it. I cannot queue at the moment unless I'm playing survivor and I bring A certain map offering. I would love to play this game again, please fix it relatively soon rather than later.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,837

    no maps are disabled, but they did disable a few map offerings.

  • domriver
    domriver Member Posts: 142


    Platform: Switch

    Played 5 games at the 8 o clock hr Pacific time. No problems what so ever.

    Brother played killer on PC - no problems whatever so ever.

    Then me and him played 3 games together no problems.

    so...............? got sent to the saloon twice. lol

  • Haplo
    Haplo Member Posts: 9

    Managed to play about 5 games on PC until the problem started again...

  • Killer_NPC
    Killer_NPC Member Posts: 36
    edited October 2021

    Was fine for couple of matches, now its infite load again , atleast this one has a nice picture to look at

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I updated my game with the "fix".

    I am currently in an infinite loadscreen. The fix didn't work.

    PC, Steam. I'm a bit tired of losing pips because I have to quit the game during the load. It's been already five minutes I'm waiting.