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Infinite match loading...

Platform: PC
* Searched match as Nurse, found a lobby, ready up and then i got loading loop / infinite loading, happened 2 times in row, and had to close the game with task manager.
The screen stays like this, it keeps "loading" but nothing, and I waited like 5-10 minutes already (second time).
L:E:. It seems that after i press ready and the match begins to load, after 2 seconds immediately it returns me to lobby with error "you have been disconnect from the host"
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Me too I’m experiencing this issue to
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If you're on PC, please can you get me your logs for this issue?
1. Press Windows Key + R to bring up "Run".
2. Type this in the "Run" prompt: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\DeadByDaylight\Saved\Logs
3. The file called "DeadByDaylight.log" is your log file. Please attach it in your reply.
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This #########
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Same problem when I try to play Legion
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Same problem here.
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Here is the Log
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same here on xbox. just dbd working perfectly on update launch day.
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This problem was also in PTB, but they didn't fix it
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4-5 minutes? I've waited for 10-15 minutes 3 times now. Forcing me to hard quit the game and take a DC penalty. That's on top of the DC penalties i got from boon disconnecting me several times. The game is unplayable atm. Typical Behaviour. Patches are meant to improve the game or at least it does for all other developers. Behaviour somehow manages to f stuff up more each "update".
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Having the same issue
Platform: Switch
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Happened to me and my friend as well, but we didn't get any penalty when we re-entered the game... We both closed the game via Task Bar...
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Had this issue once
Plat: Steam
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I'm Steam/pc player
The same problem, I thought it was just me
At the same time, it seems that you are losing an offering, I have not looked about add-ons, because I have a lot of them
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I don't get a penalty for closing the game. However, every time I lose my offerings. But I don't lose addons.
It's unplayable right now.
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Have been forced to close application several times. Can't get into a match as killer.
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I've noticed this only happens to me when there is a Mikaela in the match.
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Ps4 currently been waiting half and hour and still in lobby and i play with no crossplay
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The same thing happened to me, the game did not load, however I was waiting a little more than 5 minutes approximately, too much for a loading screen.
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This happened to me on Series X loading in on Saloon
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Game has had hanging load twice tonight and has crashed (dashboarded) twice. Out of like 10 matches, with long wait times (5-10 min) on top. About to shut it down and call it until fixed.
Xbox One X, playing as Mikaela.
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Got the infinite loading screen on Switch while playing killer. It hung there for a long while before the game completely crashed.
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Also experienced this on Xbox One, takes about 10 minutes to load into a lobby and as soon as it starts the match its an infinite loading screen until people disconnect. Then immediately after it plays a game crash sound repeatedly until u close the game.
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To everyone with this issueon console, just out of curiosity what model was your console? I have a classic Xbone, i just took it apart and cleaned it out then rebooted it and still have the infinite pre game load sreen.
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PC, Steam here. I still have the issue (7 AM CEST, Wednesday).
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Happened to me also on Xbox One X. Played Trapper first game infinite loading had to restart. Second game crashed in the end. So I'm not going to play until these things are fixed because I can't relax playing the game knowing it can crash at any time.
Oh and the survivors brought Resident Evil map offering in the infinite loading game, so perhaps that map is a problem again who knows.
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It is 11:01 P.M. pacific time zone and I waited approximately 11 minutes JUST to get into a party. Then I am stuck sitting here waiting for a loading screen... I've been in this screen since 10:56 P.M. I am a steam player, the Devs supposedly tweeted it was fixed but it is not.
It normally only takes me a MAXIMUM of maybe two minutes to get into a party and then maybe a minute for the loading screen.. Ridiculous with this update. :\ But nothing can be done until they really fix it.
Btw my platform is PC/Steam
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Same issue here. Platform is PS4. I lost my only bloody party streamers and as a result a lot of bloodpoints. This is disheartening
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I can confirm infinite loading screens and also crashes when healing inside boon totem areas.
BHVR this is a major disaster you need to patch this FAST or roll back the update.
The game is unplayable I will probably have to uninstall and ask for a refund on the DLC
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I am having this same exact problem but I am on PS4. This is the second time in a row. Matches were fine at first I don't know what happened.
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Same on switch as nemesis
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Update: 3rd game loaded in fine, then disconnected over halfway through the match. What is going on?
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I don't know if this is a coincidence or not but it only seems to crash during loading when someone is a Mikaela. I know that perks can be "killswitched" now. Can survivors too?
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I also wanted to write that for the survivors this has never happened to me, but for the killers, this is every second match
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Will be a coincidence. A friend and I tried it in a private lobby. Meg without perks and trapper without perks. Still, we're stuck in the loading screen.
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Also happening on ps5
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At first I thought it was people DCing but it's happening too often now.
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Same problem every match as killer (hag)
Platform: ps4
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I don't think maps are the problem. I had a long loading screen and we finally loaded into Autohaven.
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just dropping into give my "me too", seems pretty random as to when it happens but I waited 10+ minutes multiple times and nothing came of it, has been happening more matches than not as killer although I did not encounter this within 4 hours of playing survivor, only the boon totem crash
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Also having the same issue when playing as killer vs. as survivor. I've been consistently having 10+ minute loads since the update dropped. Issue seemed to occur regardless of what killer I was playing or what map I encountered.
Platform: Steam
Edit: Tried revalidating my install to see if that would resolve the issue. It did not.
Edit 2: Added the template and also experienced the 10 minute load screen on survivor.
Edit 3: Did a custom game with two friends with me as killer, the loading screen still persisted. Added another log after this instance.
Edit 4: Issue seemed to partially resolve itself after attempting over and over to play a game as killer.
Step 1 : Boot the game
Step 2 : Play as Killer or Survivor in a public match.
Step 3 : Wait to see if the game loads.
Step 4 : The game either begins, takes 10+ minutes to load, or goes to the end of match screen (with one or more DCs) with possible crash on continue.
- Experienced with: Hag, Nurse, Meg Thomas
Post edited by Sabofleur on1 -
today I had nearly 20 games with 2 infinite loadings, I had almost 0 on 100s before the latest patch.
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Yup, same here on PC
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small Update:
Switch - Played around 8-9 Pacific time. I played as new survivor. Twice got in with no problems using her new boom perks.
Played Killer with 2 mikalea and game went just fine.
However, Prior to playing like at the start of 8am i experienced 2 infinite loading screens. I closed the game twice from there. Lost my offerings and addons. After that got to play 4 games fine.
Is this random? Just happens when it feels like it?
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Got stuck in two infinite loads in a row
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Been happening to me and my friends since yesterday. Playing right now and just minute ago our loading into the game crashed, after waiting for 5 minutes.
Edit...we gave up on playing. People kept crashing + the loading screens before match just wouldnt go. This all is happening on PC for us.
Post edited by Hannacia on0 -
Same problem here on Xbox, this days dbd is Just...
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Probably not but thought they need and want every info they can get to understand why the game crash or have infinite loading screens etc.
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Same here. I've been having this issue sporadically, almost every other game. By the time I make it to the results screen, 1-2 people seemed to have disconnected (not me), which is normal but the loading screen usually doesn't linger for this long.
Use their template, people.
Step 1 : Boot the game
Step 2 : Play as Killer or Survivor in a public match.
Step 3 : Wait to see if the game loads or hangs after Offerings screen.
Step 4 : The game either begins or takes 5-10 minutes to resolve a DC issue / crash.
- Experienced with: Trickster, Mikaela Reid
Post edited by Pip on0 -
Fix this issuse