Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

If it aint obvious - don't play/buy slinger

Member Posts: 2,207
edited October 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I've made my feedback thread in feedback forum (like it'll ever get looked at) so don't move this :).

If you are a new player who hasn't got him yet, or someone thinking "I really fancy a slinger game tonight", here's a bit of advice:


Just play huntress.

The quickscope which he had unique to him is gone, so there is no reason to play him anymore. He feels incredibly clunky similar to huntress, except his hitbox is the same size as a needle.

His TR is 32m, so your 40m lullaby wont matter too much, huntress also has infinite range to combat W keyers, while he has 18m.

And he still has the issue that he does things INCREDIBLY slowly.

Save yourself 9000 shards, or 400 cells, or 10 minutes of your time because if you somehow manage to have fun with this killer I wanna know what mental asylum you go to.

Post edited by Mandy on

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  • Member Posts: 5,295
    edited October 2021

    For ever killer that is nerfed to oblivion, learn to play nurse. The survivors who complained for the slinger nerf will beg the devs to revert it if all they face are blinks.

    Post edited by EvilJoshy on
  • Member Posts: 716

    Well now I'm gonna buy 5 slingers

  • Member Posts: 3,294

    We played him to feel like FPS games, that's not a thing anymore without quick-scope :D

    Unless you mean Hunt: Showdown, then it is pretty close...

    I have started to play Trickster more now, he is actualy quite fun and good to play as, so RIP Deathslinger for me. Over 200 hours wasted, but ######### happens.

  • Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    Ehm, what is your plan when they nerf Nurse?

    That would be what is going to happen if more people get good at her...

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    They nerf nurse, they move onto the next killer, they nerf that killer, they move onto the next, they nerf that killer. Eventually all killers will suck and they will stop playing. Then bhvr will have to balance things or make another game.

  • Member Posts: 6,025
    edited October 2021

    Yeah at this point Trickster is more powerful than Slinger, if you play on PC at least. Trickster on PC is pretty fun. Also way less stressful to play as anyways.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    With the band aid fixes and the constant new chapters. It's pretty obvious this game is surviving on fresh meat. They will run out of licenses or hooks to draw in the fish. It will take awhile but it will happen. The only reason they still support this game is because death garden flopped. I personally think they were hoping to move all resources to that game and just forget about dbd.

  • Member Posts: 2,446
    edited October 2021

    I think M&A + Whiskey + Marshal Badge to make him ranged Pig might make him still decent. I'm at least going to try it before I give up on him. 3.4 m/s is more than 0.4 at least.

  • Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    My point always was, I don't care if he is worse, he always was worse Huntress, so that's clearly not an issue for Deathslinger mains, but he is just not fun anymore.

    Quick-scope was only thing he was better compare to other ranges killers and that was his main skill cap, that was his most fun thing to do, that was reason why FPS players liked to play him, but that is just not a thing anymore.

    For me, Deathslinger is now most boring killer to play as, even more than Freddie and that is ######### hard to surpass.

    If you don't vomit from that ADS FOV + sensitivity, then he is still decent and you will get away with playing him, if you are going to use zoning a lot.

    But you just can't shoot survivors looking behind them, because they can react to it. 400ms ADS + 200ms Travel distance is not hard to react and he has super tiny hitbox, not like Huntress, so you don't need to actually dodge, just side-step.

    You look like you are going to try to play him, you might want to try build:

    BBQ (STBFL might be better here, but everyone wants BP),

    Pop (any slow-down you like)

    and main combo

    Hysteria + Nurse's calling.

    because of shorter stun after chain break, I would suggest using mending way more and that work really well with Hysteria

    That build was really fun to me, but I just really hate ADS FOV + that sensitivity. So he is dead to me...

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    Idk if saying he's strictly worse than Huntress is fair. Prior to his nerfs at least, he was far better at using M1 activated perks, could actually play stealthy, could make use of Exposed, and didn't get bodied by indoor maps. Seriously, Hawkins as Huntress is pain which is half the reason I stopped playing as her.

    Everything else is pretty fair. I personally quite enjoyed the fact that he's the only ranged stealth killer we've got. Hence the build I mentioned that goes nearly all in on lowering his TR as far as possible. I'm also considering seeing how good/bad he is when loaded with undetectable perks. However I'm pretty sure I will be sorely disappointed if I try and use him in the context I used to.

    Honestly DS was my go to when I'd had a few bad matches and just wanted to feel unstoppable. Outpace able, but unstoppable. I've actually lost track of how many times I've mentally compared his play style to a glacier. Yeah, you can outrun me, but you can't stop me. Was a good feeling when previous matches had me starting to get a bit frustrated.

    But... Spirit seems to have gotten nerfed enough that I won't feel bad about inflicting Spirit games on others... so... maybe she'll take that role for me going forward.

  • Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    Yeah, that is my take on Spirit too -> Oh, she is nerfed, so I don't have to feel bad for using her...

    About Deathslinger vs Huntress:

    Quick-scope and m1 were his only things going for him, but after nerfs:

    Because of longer ADS, I get same feeling as Huntress with Wind-up time addons. Problem is that unlike Huntress, Deathslinger has several limitations. He gets more punished for single miss, he can't down over pallet / far window, he has limited range, he has super tiny hitbox that is easy to dodge and his ADS sensitivity + POV just sucks, so he can't even flick.

    ADS sensitivity + POV were always bad, but noone did it, because of quick-scope, so it wasn't an issue before.

    He has also longer time to down on avarage compare to Trickster, or Huntress. You can get fast down, if you manage to get first hit as m1 without shooting tho, but that's way harder with bigger TR now.

    I don't think there is any reason to play him, unless you really like his look and character overall.

  • Member Posts: 79

    What annoys me the most is how the nerfs completely miss the point. BHVR stated that they wanted to get rid of the "lose-lose situation". They nerfed the quickscope to address this issue, while the zoning, which was the real problem, is still possible. Heck, they even buffed is speed while aiming, making it easier than ever to zone, the lose-lose situation is still here. They just made him incredibly unfun to play, boring, unoriginal because he is very close from the shooting experience of huntress now and not even more fair to face. I've rarely used the zoning prior to the nerfs because I think it's an unfair strategy always coming with an advantage for you as the killer. But now ? Shooting is so risky that I went for it in every matches, and it's still really unfair, despite being is most viable strategy now. I feel bad for playing like this and I don't wanna play like this, so I'm just gonna play something else now. I really hope they reconsider what they've done to him, because the did it for the sake of adding counterplay, and they failed miserably.

  • Member Posts: 3,294

    Yeah, if you liked to use zoning on him, you are fine.

    but that's just boring to most players, that's why he is dead to us.

  • Member Posts: 1,568

    It's very sad that devs nerfed him to the ground without any compensation in power. I have 100+ anniversary cakes on Deathslinger so I was planning to main him eventually.

  • Member Posts: 737

    What blows my mind is they made him absolute dogshit to play on the PTB, everybody complained that his only strength was gutted with no real buffs given in other areas to compensate, and then between PTB and live they nerfed him EVEN MORE by gutting 2 of his addons.

  • Member Posts: 3,294

    Oh boy, enjoy that suffering for more BP :D

    is it worth it tho?

  • Member Posts: 1,568

    I don't think it worth. I will probably wait for buff.

  • Member Posts: 1,443

    I hate how the nerfs and buffs did absolutely nothing to actually fix the issues with deathslinger similarly to pyramid head. All they did is make it so the killer feels bad to play,

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    At least PH got a useful buff with the shorter cooldown on using his ranged attack.

    Deathslinger didn't really get anything useful.

    But it does suck that bhvr's solution is to make killers unfun to play instead of balancing the fun mechanics. Deathslinger already had chain breaking mechanic so it wasn't like they had nothing to work with.

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    I had to go head and play a game with my boy and I can confirm the only thing that was bad was my aim 😤

  • Member Posts: 1,443

    tbh why didn't they just make his chain longer and a little harder to break? This might need some experimenting but it would have been better then increasing movement speed while aiming by 10%.

    From 75% to 85%.

  • Member Posts: 589

    The only reason he wasn't worse version of huntress, because of his stealthy ability + quickscope. Now he is a worse huntress in every aspect

    And the only good thing is that you can use perks like Infectious Fright and Starstruck now

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    I feel bad for all slinger mains, I admire whoever is still playing him.

  • Member Posts: 79

    We'd have to be mad to still play him. It's like banging your head against a wall and saying you like it

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    Honestly the whole aiming down sights thing isn't that bad.

    The tr radius thing though is a meh. I don't really care that about that.

  • Member Posts: 79

    It's just really bad. The problem isn't the strength, it's the fun aspect. To my eyes he lost everything that made him unique and I've been playing Huntress since the nerf considering both are really close in terms of gameplay now. And what's worse with the nerfs is that they don't address the main issue. You can still zone for free and get away with it. It's even better than shooting now.

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