My opinion on boons?

I played trapper for 3 hours and had no issue with them. I actually kinda like them, though I kind of hate the fact that we cant destroy totems :/ I would of thought that to be fun, but that is just me :)
I don't mind them either. People are just overreacting like always.
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COH can be toned down a bit but not too much.
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Yea I support survivors having more things to do lol
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I agree.
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as a survivor main i hope they remove the Boons all they do is make more and more survivors just ignore totems, when the newness of these perks wear off and more and more people realize how insignificant they are the damage will be done. survivors will be even more less inclined in the long run to do bones or to even pay attention to them, on account some one else might have a boon and they can deal with them. surprise type hex's just got the biggest buff via survivor perks...
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I think boons are same trap perks as selfcare. Survivors think it's worth a time to bless a totem and run to this corner everytime they need to heal. I got very successfull matches against boon users.
Maybe survivors will find the way how to use boons properly someday. But for now I don't mind boons in my matches.
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Trapper wouldnt care about it. Trapper is a territorial killer reliant on his traps which are a guaranteed down, not allowing either CoH or Shadowstep to even function.
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..... It's less time spent healing because it makes each survivor self sufficient. Not to mention if shadow step gets you out of a chase. That's a huge point in your favor right there.
I really don't understand how folks don't understand how the time investment shakes out over the course of a match m
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I don't get the hate. It takes a good chunk of time to bless a totem and you have to run back to the boon in order to heal. It wastes a lot of time. More time healing and blessing totems = less time on gens. Isn't this what killers want? Lol
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do you play killer? because if you dont its understandable you dont get it.
1 survivor not doing gens isnt as detrimental to the overal survivors game as a single killer not chasing, kicking gens or applying preasure to the survivors.
If anything unless on mid to high level games there will always be someone not doing gens wich doesnt change the game that much. Theres also the problem wich i have seen VERY often here, the time survivors have isnt equal to the time the killers have.
1 suvivor time just equates to 1/4 of the time a killer needs to do something. Unless that boon can be snuffed out in 4 seconds for the killer it becomes time wasted.
Im surprised people dont get that.
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I still don't agree. Yep, I play both sides equally. Boons don't bother me at all.
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That you dont agree doesnt negate the fact. 1 survivor not doing objectives isnt equal to the same amount of a killer not doing objectives, its simple as that, unless said action takes the killer 1/4 of the time it takes the survivor its just detrimental for the killer, and thats a fact
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Someone not doing gens doesn't affect the game much? That's false. Multiple people use the boon totems to heal and that wastes a lot of time when those survivors could just work on gens instead. I don't even know what you're going on about.
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Unless theres 2 or 3 people doing boons yea, it doesnt afect the game as much. Simple math:
1 survivor takes 20 seconds to apply boon.
Lets be nice for a moment and asume it takes the killer about 15 seconds to snuff out the boon because it was close and acted fast, that its still 15 seconds for each other survivor to do something without the killer aplying preasure of ANY kind unless its the doctor just to name an example.
Add to that the time it takes the killer to get back to the chase or hunt, lets be generous here, another 20 seconds.
Those are 35 seconds for the other 3 survivors to do watever they want without worry.
Gens take roughtly 80 seconds with no perks or perfect skill checks, so that basically are 3 gens almost at half repair time.
In a generous game this meens again 3 gens almost at half repair, but lets add perks perfect skill checks and even toolboxes, those could easily become 3 almost fully repaired gens if not actually repaired.
But yea, doesnt really afect the game that much at all right?
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One issue I had with boons was on Midwitch, when the totem is blocked by the real lockers on the second floor -- I simply cannot hear it when I was on the first floor. Good, I was playing as Nurse, so I blinked up and found it. But yeah, survivors were running with no scratch marks and I did not hear the totem sound.
Healing boons are quite fun, I knew where they put it on badham, and when survivors got injured and get vanished without a trace... I knew where they all went, so I downed 3 survivors in that area.
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Nope. I still haven't changed my mind. Boons are perfectly fine and can hurt more than the help at times.
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For me this perk will be, like a lot of other perk, a situationnal one.
Like some said if you need to run to the other side of the map each time, it may be detrimental, but if you find a totem just outside of the killer patrol route so that it's close enough to go back and forth but somewhat far for the killer to go each time it could be game changing. But then again, for some player a perk is either strong or useless, so i guess we will see people complaining for some time if not until nerf.
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How does a boon hurt more than help unless the survivors are just trolling? Because, I get that. But in what real scenario does it actively hurt them? That is just such an odd opinion unless you are solely talking about the people fixated on totems ignoring gens completely.
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I didn't say I ignore boons. I snuff it out every time I go nearby (unless it's unsnuffable). Survivors in that case drop all their business to find and bless another totem which is good for killer. Every team with boon totems I played yesterday died before they did all gens.
If boon totem helps you to win as survivor, good for you. As killer I also find it helpful same as selfcare. I agree that boons are exellent perks. You pay your time you get your reward. I take your time as my reward. Everyone made a profit.
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Only change i think could be nice is that if a survivor blesses a hex totem, you can snuff the totem and your hex come back
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Snuffing a boon usually takes less than 5 seconds, so thats a net gain.
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It takes longer than self care, and can be snuffed out easily most of the time
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Then you haven't faced good boon players or a swf team of boon users.......Boons are a bigger time waster for killers than survivors..
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I would like more points for snuffing. 500pts is so little...
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Suit yourself and just keep telling you that, im done wasting time with a wall that with facts on its face it just prefers to say "na im right you are wrong because i said so".
If you are close to it when its blessed and can reach it (many arent reachable or breakable at the moment hence they are disabled), sure, it can be snuffed out in a couple of seconds...unless you arent there and have to actively look for it wasting time while survivors are free to do whatever they want without ANY kind of preasure from the killer. Go back to my example of time wasted from both sides and tell me its the same time wasted for both sides
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Yeah, they're a pretty nice way to naturally slow down the game. It's cool that survivors have the option to choose a secondary objective for a neat bonus.
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Boons are not that bad as shadow step is pretty easy if the person is injured and it can be removed but shadow step with corn is terrifying
The corn has more ways to make things more powerful
Fear the corn
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How do boons make people ignore totems lmao Boons require you to actively go find totems and do them.
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All the devs need to do is make it so if a killer snuffs out a boon, that totem can't be blessed again. This would give an actual reason for killers to seek out boons and create interaction between the survivor and killer. Right now there's no real interaction. Sure a killer can snuff out a totem, but the survivor can just bless it again in the same spot.
There's no real risk to the survivor, because they don't have to worry about losing their perk and the killer will end up wasting more time trying to search the boon and snuffing it out.
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We'll just have to agree to disagree and that's fine.
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Wasting time by continuing to bless totems and keep running over to the totem to heal (plus the time it takes to heal) can definitely hurt your team against a good killer. Especially when you're playing solo.