Huge Pig Nerf with 5.3 patch



  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    Actual numbers which have bearing on a conversation unrelated to the point I was making and you chose to pretend you were engaging with.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    edited October 2021

    And what point am I ignoring? You tried to argue that the add-on is ineffective because the minimum guaranteed time per survivor is about 15 seconds. I countered that it's foolish to give much weight to a 1/256 scenario. To which you're saying I'm ignoring what you said and arguing in bad faith.

    How about this, why exactly are you using the bare possible minimum value for your estimate? One that happens only one in four times per survivor at most and which requires them to find the box right away. Why do you think that your 15 second estimate is more accurate than the method I suggested to get an estimate?

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    I said that the add-on is inconsistent - an incontrovertible truth when it comes to RBTs, and thus the new Video Tape, at best. You 'countered' that the numbers you used (which are contextually relevant and correct in your argument) are going to be a more typical experience. You're right, it's just not relevant.

    Worst-case scenarios are how to evaluate a risk-cost assessment, only later tempered by best-case and average scenarios to find what someone is willing to deal with.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476
    edited October 2021

    Not all iri addons are meant to be strong, or even sometimes direct upgrade, this iri addon is a side grade that you use to exchange your traps which provide pressure throughout the game for having a large amount of pressure early on its cost makes up for the fact it demands nothing of you personally to use it the traps are automatically applied which is sometimes more that can be said ingame for some players since rough matches might only let the pig use 1-2 traps against a good team of survivors or with an inexperienced killer

    if the devs decide to buff it to make it less of a sidegrade and more of an upgrade with its own ups and downs like adrenaline vial for example thats on them but personally I think its in a good spot and that 8 traps is way too much although im not against the pig keeping 1 extra trap for later but I think that 8 with 4 that you don't have to do anything for would be too much

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Huge Pig Buff, though: Hatch no longer spawns until there's one survivor left. Meaning that people with active traps can't just wait at the hatch for their team to leave.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    edited October 2021

    Worst-case scenarios are not the be-all end-all of risk analysis. You need to know both the worst case value AND the probability of that worst case. For example, just making up numbers for the sake of argument, if your win percentage decreases by 20% in 1 out of 200 games using an add-on, but increases by 10% in 1 out of 3 games, then obviously the risk to your win/loss ratio is completely outweighed by the benefit because it's much, much more likely even though the absolute risk of the worst case scenario is greater. Or in real life you don't avoid flying airplanes versus driving by car for a long trip, even though a plane crash is much more likely to be fatal than a car accident, because the probability of the plane crash is exponentially lower than the probability of you crashing your car.

    Or on the flip side, it's silly to argue that Devour Hope is insanely overpowered because the "best case scenario" is that you get 5 tokens early on and kill everybody with your own hands. Yes, you can get 5 tokens and free kills with it, but the probability of it happening is low and the more likely scenario is you might get one exposed hit or two before the totem is destroyed or the game is over. It may be a good perk, it may be a bad perk, but it would be really dumb to only look at the most extreme possible case and conclude that's the most important thing about it.

    That's why I'm telling you that you can't use your "worst case 15 seconds" number as a reliable measure of how good or bad that perk is. You can make other arguments for whether or not the perk is bad, and even argue whether it's good or bad using more realistic estimates (I estimated the average was about 40 seconds I believe earlier for instance.) But when you take that 15 second number blindly and just assume the worst for every game you're getting an incredibly inaccurate picture of things.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    Again, if you ever bothered to comprehend what I wrote, you'd see I'm not claiming the worst-case is the end-all be-all. Your diatribe is a fine addition to the conversation, if overwrought, but it's not a counter to anything I've said.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Ok whatever, dude, I'm done trying to explain where your thinking is off. Me explaining why you're wrong doesn't mean I don't "comprehend" what you're saying.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    You haven't explained why I'm wrong, because you've been arguing with a strawman.

    My point is one of consistency, the Video Tape's 15 seconds per RBT at the beginning versus Corrupt Intervention's 2 minutes, one costing all your mid-late game slow and the other costing a perk slot.

    Despite that 15 seconds potentially stretching to a half hour if the survivors play hide and seek, nothing beyond that 15 seconds is consistent. That is the end-all and be-all of my point, with anything else being superfluous. I wasn't making a judgement about good or bad, or declaring that 15 seconds was all you could gain, I was making a frank assessment of maximum consistence.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    From my point of view it's just a change not a nerf or a buff

    The new Video Tape- Puts a trap on Survivors at the start of the match... so Survivors will have to decide to either get the trap off or do a Gen... And that's early game pressure

    Tampered Timer- only added 10 more seconds (IMO not that big of a Nerf)

    The Gears addons- Honestly I'd have to try them out to see/feel if there is a difference

    So basically it's a general change to playstyles rather then a Buff/Nerf (unless someone has a video out with before and after)

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I'd rather have the Hatch spawn at 5 gens completed if it meant trap timers auto-started again once all the gens were done.

  • Princesse_nico
    Princesse_nico Member Posts: 139

    Some people say that iri add on are suposed to change the playstyle and they are notnecessarily meant to be strong. In fact if the devs wanted to change the playstyle it work. but for 1 min LOL

    If devs think this is a strong add on. They just dont like the killer because even if it was green add on i would not take this. This is just bad loosing all your power at the very begining and having no control over it

  • Princesse_nico
    Princesse_nico Member Posts: 139
    edited October 2021

    the video tape just add nothing, it just took what you already have... Its like a empty add on.

    I just cant change my mind about this. so Disapointed. This must be the worst iri add on of the game.

  • PleassBuiltInNoed
    PleassBuiltInNoed Member Posts: 618

    Agreed that this one is not a nerf, but still, since this takes away all your traps I'd put it on green rarity tops. Survivors can take them off before you even get you first chase on some maps.

  • AkiTheKitten
    AkiTheKitten Member Posts: 670

    Amanda's letter is also bugged and doesn't give aura reading

  • Floppy
    Floppy Member Posts: 50


    • Base trap carrying capacity and starting traps increased to 2 (was 1)
    • Trap aura color changed from red to white to be consistent with other killer object auras


    Base trap carrying capacity and starting traps increased to 2 (was 1)

    The number of traps spawned on a given map is now always 6 (was random 4-6)

    Add-on – Trapper Gloves: Setting speed bonus increased to 30% (was 20%)

    Add-on – Secondary Coil: Increased trap disarm time to 50% (was 43%)

    Trapper Sack: Bear Traps are carried at the beginning of the trial instead of spawning on the map.

    The Wraith

    Uncloaking speed boost duration reduced to 1 seconds (was 1.25 seconds)

    Hill Billy

    Add-on – Death Engravings: Added effect: Decreases heat generated while charging by 14%

    Add-on – Doom Engravings: Added effect: Decreases heat generated while charging by 14%

    Add-on – Mother’s Helpers: Charge speed bonus after being stunned increased to 18% (was 12%)

    Add-on – Tuned Carburetor: Charge speed bonus increased to 25% (was 20%)

    The Nurse

    Add-on – Torn Bookmark: Removed line of sight restriction. Added effect: Increases Blink recharge time by 50%

    The Shape

    Add-on – Vanity Mirror: Removed speed penalty

    The Hag

    Add-on – Waterlogged Shoe: Increased speed bonus to 4.5% (was 2%)

    The Pig

    • Add-on – Bag of Gears: Increased Reverse Bear Trap setting speed bonus to 50% (was 20%)
    • Add-on – Crate of Gears: Decreased Jigsaw Box search penalty to 33% (was 43%)
    • Add-on – Tampered Timer: Decreased Reverse Bear Trap death timer modification to 20 seconds (was 30 seconds)
    • Add-on – Amanda’s Letter: Jigsaw Box reduction removed. Aura reveal range increased to 16 meters (was 12 meters)
    • Reworked Add-on – John’s Medical File: Increases crouched move speed by 6%
    • Reworked Add-on – Razor Wires: Failing a Jigsaw Box skill check while uninjured will injure the survivor

    The Spirit

    While phase walking Survivors within 24 meters of The Spirit (not the husk) hear a directional audio cue that gains volume with proximity

    The Plague

    • If the power button is released early, Vile Purge will continue charging to the minimum threshold instead of cancelling and entering cooldown
    • Vile Purge cooldown move speed increased from 2.3m/s to 3.6m/s
    • Base object infection time increased to 40 seconds (was 35 seconds)
    • Time to cleanse at a fountain increased to 8 seconds (was 6 seconds)
    • Add-on – Limestone Seal: Object infection bonus increased to 20 seconds (was 5 seconds)
    • Add-on – Emetic Potion: Increased Vile Purge effectiveness bonus to 30% (was 25%)
    • Add-on – Hematite Seal: Object infection bonus increased to 30 seconds (was 10 seconds)

    Add-on – Ashen Apple: Removed object infection duration modifier. Added effect: Increases the number of Pools of Devotion in the trial by 1

    • Add-on – Exorcism Amulet: Increased Corrupt Purge duration bonus to 10 seconds (was 6 seconds)
    • Add-on – Devotees Amulet: Increased Corrupt Purge duration bonus to 20 seconds (was 8 seconds)

    Reworked Add-on – Vile Emetic: Increases velocity of vomit projectiles by 10%

    The Deathslinger

    • Increased movement speed when aiming down sights to 85% (was 75%)
    • The cooldown when a survivor breaks free is now the same duration as a successful hit cooldown
    • Add-on – Gold Creek Whiskey: Removed movement speed penalty
    • Add-on – Marshal’s Badge: Removed movement speed penalty
    • Add-on – Iridescent Coin: Decreased range requirement to 12 meters (was 15 meters)
    • Add-on – Wanted Poster: Decreased movement speed while aiming to 2.5% (was 10%)
    • Add-on – Jaw Smasher: Decreased movement speed while aiming to 1% (was 5%)

    The Ghost Face

    • Night Shroud recovery time decreased to 24 seconds (was 30 seconds)
    • Add-on – Walleye’s Matchbook: Decreased Night Shroud recovery modifier to 2 seconds (was 4 seconds)
    • Add-on – Olson’s Address Book: Decreased Night Shroud recovery modifier to 3 seconds (was 6 seconds)
    • Add-on – Chewed Pen: Decreased Night Shroud recovery modifier to 4 seconds (was 8 seconds)

    The Blight

    • Add-on – Adrenaline Vial: Increased rush token recharge bonus to 1 second (was 0.75 seconds). Added effect: Increases Rushing speed by 10%
    • Add-on – Summoning Stone: Increased pallet blocking range to 16 meters (was 12 meters). Increased pallet blocking duration to 15 seconds (was 6 seconds)

    The Oni

    Add-on – Scalped Topknot: Reduced Demon Dash activation reduction to 0.5 seconds (was 1 second)

    The Trickster

    Add-on – Ji-Woon’s Autograph: Decreased the reduction of blades required to 1 (was 2)

    These are the newest reworks and added things to the game I looked through them and removed ones that were reworks or a change of rarity. And found 7 things they changed that were not in favor of the killers.

    Also it should be mentioned that not a single survivor got buffed! Some of the names of the items perks ect have been changed but not a single buff! I don't play as survivor alot but as a killer main I can nearly always get a 4k without camping tunneling or needing of underhanded tactics. It's sad af to see all those buffs given to killers and they are still so bad at the game they have to come here and complain instead of getting better at the game. I am a pig main these are NOT nerfs!

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,905

    Well thats the point of iri addons. (To my understanding) BHVR wanted iri addons to be a playstyle changing addon instead of a direct buff to their power. Now why they suddenly started changing this around oni idk why but they did.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I can't believe she got most of her add ons looked at, and yet complete garbage like Amanda's Letter and Amanda's Secret both went untouched.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    That is also the way I understood it.

    Also that add-on is pretty good. It gives you early game pressure by applying the traps without you having to down somebody. This saves you as the Killer quit some time and delays the survivors actions. They now have to search for the boxes early on.

    Even better if you add "Rule Set Number 2" so that they can not see the boxes. If you go to a big map and apply this add-ons the survivors will have to start with the traps while not being able to see and boxes. Usualy they will now complete one generator and then they will run to the boxes like chickens while they are on a timer. You now have a pretty good chance of applying pressure to them.

    This add-on is very good as you can now leave Corrupt Intervention behind as a mean to get early game pressure. Just play this an Pop goes the Weasle and you have a good early game delay as well as a good late game. Not to mention that even the survivors feel better because finaly it is not Corrupt Intervention all over again.

    I like this. Also her new charging add-on is pretty good. Try it. That is a straight buff.

  • SpaghettiYOLO
    SpaghettiYOLO Member Posts: 234

    People literally can spawn right next to Jigsaw boxes lmao what do you mean not before that? Are you seriously downplaying this?

  • Princesse_nico
    Princesse_nico Member Posts: 139

    Yes exactly they spawn next to jigsaw box and its easy to run and find them. Not seing aura should be base kit.

    But this add on gives you nothing , it just place your trap for you..but we can already place them. Its a lost on add on slot. Well its more a replace on than an add on

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I didn't say that such a thing wasn't possible. But to say that Jigsaw Boxes as a whole are easy to find when you can't see the auras is not accurate IMO.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    You've posted this in several threads now and your logic has been refuted in those previous threads.

    NOEDENJOYER Member Posts: 237

    Even if Pig had 8 traps, with four of them placed on the survivors at the beginning of the trial, she would still be a trash killer and probably mid tier at best with the slowdown her power gives.

    Pig's problem is that she is just an M1 killer with a power that slows down a survivor for a little bit depending on RNG. Depending on the survivors and the map you're on, a Pig can be looped for days and the traps do not do anything if you can't put them on anyway.

    Like her other Iri add-on, it would've been nice if she had 1-2 traps left when using the video tape.

  • Princesse_nico
    Princesse_nico Member Posts: 139

    Yeah since the 4 initial traps are going to be removed in the 1 or 2 minutes, its like she has 4 traps and not 8. Her slowdown is very small and in fact that it is not always possible to active traps

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    Deathslinger got gutted the most, but Amanda i think is in a better spot than she was. Other than the Iri ######### up i agree with most of her add ons got changed for the better

  • luv2splge1488
    luv2splge1488 Applicant Posts: 11

    Lol BHVR actually made all the nerf pig memes a reality. How low can they go?

  • Floppy
    Floppy Member Posts: 50

    I have been keeping up and no it hasn't in fact most threads have accepted them in fact this is right now the ONLY thread that refutes anything. I have been checking and no one responded to any of the other ones but you do you dude.