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Killer Mains Control Your Emotions

Super_J Applicant Posts: 18

I'm a killer main and these are somethings I learned that helped me be better at getting those pesky survivors. I'm not going to talk about tactics there are tons of guides for that, but emotions. I think this game can easily be frustrating for killers and a person who is frustrated typically doesn't think straight.

1. Tbagging and Flashlight Clicking: this is quite possibly the main cause for killers getting flustered. You get that one survivor who drops a pallet then Tbags you and that's it you're triggered. You spend the remaining time of the trial chasing this person down only to lose gens in the process. In most cases survivors who Tbag and flashlight click WANT you to chase them. They are most likely the more skilled survivors and are good at looping. Don't fall for this and definitely don't get flustered. Not controlling your resentment will often lead to costly mistakes. Go find the weak link in the team and hook them this will most likely cause the strongers survivors to place themselves in compromising positions that you can capitalize on. Getting angry will cause you to swing at wrong times, tunnel the wrong survivor, and chase for too long. This will almost always cause you to lose the game. Take a deep breath and play the game. This is especially helpful when facing SWF teams.

2. Avoid Endgame Chat: No matter how good or bad the trial went for you it is a good practice to skip endgame chat in most cases. Survivors usually have nothing good to say in endgame chat and this could tilt your for your next game. Maybe you had to tunnel or camp to pull off a win. Maybe you had the perk NOED and pulled off a win. Maybe you just had a bad trial and they all escaped. Whatever the case may be endgame chat is rarely killer friendly. It's best to not take chances and just go to next trial. This game is no different than any other multiplayer game people will be toxic. You don't want to bring this energy into your next trial as you would have already started with the wrong attitude.

3. Be patient: Sometimes a chase lasts longer than desired, sometimes you may be on a pallet dense map, sometimes you find that one survivor who is a looping god. Whatever the case may be it is always important to be patient. Losing patients will cause costly mistakes. They will eventually run out of pallets or your bloodlust will allow you to get the down. When you are impatient you swing at the wrong time just to get Dead Harded. 

4. Respect Perks and Items: Did you get blinded and drop a survivor? Did a survivor use Decisive Strike on you? Well get over it they are part of the game. Respect the survivor that got you, but don't get flustered. Hey you got Decisive Striked tip your hat and resume chase with a clear head and you will get them again. Get flustered and a 15 second chase becomes a 60 second chase because you can't see past the red glare of anger and fury.
