DBD Updates on Steam taking FOREVER, please change the system!

Please, take a look on how other developers solved the problem of updating their games.

I have a massive game library on steam but DBD stands out when it comes to updating the game.

I'm using an SSD but still these 200 MB updates takes 20-30 minutes to complete and sometimes even longer.

It's so bad that I now just don't update DBD unless I know I got 30 minutes to do nothing and this is the only game in my library where I have to schedule an update because of the time it's gonna take to complete it.

(Hey I managed to write this post and watch a few videos on Youtube while waiting for the DBD update to finish...)

Other games on Steam just downloads the updates and boom it's ready to go like 3 seconds after it has been fully downloaded.

Please change your data system instead of this ultra compressed format or whatever you are using to update the game because it's slow and takes FOREVER compared to ALL other games.

Nobody would care if it would require a little more diskspace or download time if the patching time was reduced to 0 like it is with the majority of games on Steam.

Please fix this and save us the headache because it's starting to get unbearable at this point.


  • Lofepramine
    Lofepramine Member Posts: 175

    It's even worse on my end. Whenever there's an update I have to uninstall and reinstall the game because it says "not enough disk space" (when it's obviously not the case). And yes, it takes forever.

  • Bassen
    Bassen Member Posts: 4

    Yeah they seem to make an entire copy of the game folder first and when they have done that they download the update and apply it to the copied game folder and at the end they replace the old game folder with the newly updated one.

    It's being made complicated and slow when it doesn't have to be that way.