There really isn't any good anti-exhaustion perks for killer.

There's Mindbreaker which is 5 seconds, which you can easily get rid of by looping normally and Blood Echo which requires them to be injured which isn't bad, but it has a 60 second cooldown.
I think Mindbreaker would be fine if it were buffed to 10 or 15 seconds upon release. Blood Echo should lose the injured requirement or cool down, one needs to go.
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Mindbreaker being 15 might be too much. Blood Echo Should lose the cooldown.
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Hey blood echo is ok on like 2 killers smh
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The 60-second cooldown on Blood Echo is crazy. It shouldn't even have a cooldown.
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Wdym mindbreaker is greeeeaaat.
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Your right especially with that new blindness buff! It's totally not gonna not be used still.
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Huntress has a addon for exhaustion, or just play around the perks? Lol
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You are not allowed to stop survivors using Exhaustion perks. Every addon rework either removed exhaustion or made it so short that it doesn't matter.
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Ah yes the classic. Play someone stronger or just git gud.
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It should have a reduced cooldown (Tier 1 50 seconds,Tier 2 45 seconds,Tier 3 40 seconds)
And the injured condition needs to go away aswell.Then we would have decent anti exhaustion perk that would reward the killer for playing well (downing and hooking survivors) and encourage them to go for other survivors instead of camping
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Blood Echo should affect the hooked survivor too.
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try both at the same time.
Also, there's slow release toxin for Pig and slice of frank for Ceno.
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Blood Echo Legion is best anti exhaustion build, survs are exhaused at all times. Since Frenzy makes everyone injured and deep wounded it takes a while to heal and you can easily get a down and a hook in that time. I've been starting to main Blood Echo Legion because I'm ######### tired of Dead Hard.
Post edited by Speeddemonsaif on0 -
Mindbreaker is ok. Works best with stealth killers.
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Just no. There’s a reason exhaustion already resets upon being hooked.
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It would be too oppressive to survivors. Like imagine a spirit or nurse able to stop you from using an exaustion perk.
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I mean I see survivors play and escape without exhaustion perks.
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Going to have to try this!
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Maybe this perk could be the first to make an exception for that rule. Again, "Shake up the meta!" but nobody wants to buff anything weak to semi-viability.
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Blood Echo should affect healthy survivors too, not just the injured ones.
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Blood Echos is one of those perks that is borderline useless on most killers. It would need to have no cooldown whatsoever to be viable.
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Perks and effects like these that keep survivors from using their exhaustion perks are something you have to be careful with.
Being able to disable any exhaustion perk is insanely powerful and would be meta if it could be done very easily.
Personally I do think Blood Echo needs a buff of some sort. Fearmonger is fine in my opinion. It punishes gen rushing and can be a nice counter to Sprint Burst users.
Idk why people like to rag on Fearmonger, it's seriously good lol
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I'm not sure what your games are like but I always have at least 3 people having exhaustion perks. For both survivor and killer games. It's not a hopefully they bring it kind of thing it's a they WILL bring it kind of thing.
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Mindbreaker isn't bad but it's not good. If it was good people would bring it a lot more.
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The point of mindbreaker is it prevents survivors recover from exhaustion while doing gens. It is an okay perk IMO, especially for killers like wraith.
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That's not really 'shaking up the meta', that's just a big ol' green light for camping/tunnelling.
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Yeah it's called Bubba with Agitation and Iron grasp. Let see them dead hard out of this.
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Whenever I don't want to deal with Exhaustion perks, AKA Dead Hard, I just put on Exhaustion Hatchets on my Huntress.
But I agree. There are no good Anti-Exhaustion perks. And I hope there will be one in the future.
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So anything that's a buff to a killer or their perks automatically means they'll want to tunnel more?
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No, but a change to make survivors weaker when they come off the hook does.
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It doesn't make them that much weaker. They can still have BT, DS, Adrenaline, Unbreakable. Are survivors just supposed to be invincible after getting off hook?
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They should be the least appealing survivor to go after, however you manage to do that. If you know that the survivor that's just been unhooked will definitely not have Dead Hard, Sprint Burst, Lithe, Balanced, etc, then you know you're not going to end up wasting loads of time going after them.
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Survivor exhaustion perks are as needed on the Survivor side as Gen Slowdown perks are needed on the Killer side.
To put this into context, this would be the same as nerfing every single Gen Slowdown perk.
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Needed is definitely not the word I'd use.
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But you still will waste loads of time going after them, if they have DS and BT which everyone should have if they're smart. I want to avoid creating situations where the killer HAS to tunnel someone out to play catch-up, but oh, it wastes so much time, so you lose either way. That leads to unwinnable games, which are very much real for most killers out there.