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Deranged Pursuit - NOT BUGGED. Tested and Confirmed


For those who are struggling to unlock the Deranged Pursuit Achievement, I've made sense of what you need to do and it is not bugged... at least not as much as we thought.

When Frenzied, once Legion hits a Survivor, they enter KILLER INSTINCT state, and it is at THIS POINT that you must hit ANOTHER SURVIVOR and down them.

Legion has afflicted a DEEP WOUND on Meg.
Legion loses Meg and FRENZIES, hitting Tapp in the process.
Legion enters KILLER INSTINCT and sees Meg whose DEEP WOUND time is near depleted.
Legion hits Meg and downs her.

I thought I should have had four downs, but two at least proves my understanding.

2 down, 23 to go. :)

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  • Member Posts: 1,534

    Three downs. Totally how it works. :)
    What a horrible achievement! Bring back "Skilled Huntress"!

  • Member Posts: 3,893
    I'm not going to lie I really hate this achievement it's basically you hoping that survivors are stupid enough to remain clumped together or somebody you frenzied on runs by someone who has has a low mend timer.
  • Member Posts: 2

    Thanks for the guide. The achievement does not describe how to actually get it, and is extremely confusing. I can now try and farm it with rando survivors in game.

  • Member Posts: 3,786

    That situation seems very unlikely.

  • Member Posts: 3,293
    edited December 2018

    Considering how fast mending is, this is going to be a ######### pain.

  • Member Posts: 1,534
    edited December 2018

    Got 5 so far from an evening; its not impossible. Although as @Waufan said, try and befriend and farm w randoms!
    Looking forward to getting this and adept out of the way, so I can play and enjoy this killer!

  • Member Posts: 88

    So you need to pretty much hit a survivor (Tapp) in frenzy and find a survivor that you previously afflicted with Deep Wound (Meg), with bar close to empty and hit them in Frenzy (with Killer Instinct, which activates after hitting healthy/injured survivor without Deep Wound) to down him?
    Because your guide confuses me a bit and I want to make sure I understood it correctly

  • Member Posts: 1,534

    So from the example, it's the downing of Meg that goes towards the achievement.
    The hitting of Tapp is only to initiate the Killer Instinct part of the Frenzy.

    What I found worked, was to find some willing volunteers.
    Repeatedly hit ONE with Frenzy attacks.
    Whenever you hit someone in Deep Wound while Frenzied, the Frenzy ends.
    When they are on their last hit, Frenzy on the other person, without Deep wound, to initiate Killer Instinct and down the other person.

    I hope that helps, let me know if you want further clarification.

    @Patricia, is this correct?

  • Member Posts: 88
    Supernaut said:

    So from the example, it's the downing of Meg that goes towards the achievement.
    The hitting of Tapp is only to initiate the Killer Instinct part of the Frenzy.

    What I found worked, was to find some willing volunteers.
    Repeatedly hit ONE with Frenzy attacks.
    Whenever you hit someone in Deep Wound while Frenzied, the Frenzy ends.
    When they are on their last hit, Frenzy on the other person, without Deep wound, to initiate Killer Instinct and down the other person.

    I hope that helps, let me know if you want further clarification.

    @Patricia, is this correct?

    Okay, so I understood it correctly. Just wanted to make sure.
    Damn, such a hard achivement on such a weak killer (I still like Legion, I like their design and I somehow loke their power. But it's just useless of you care about killing and this is what killer's should do)...
  • Member Posts: 345
    edited December 2018

    Can I see survivors during mend-self with a nurse's calling?

  • Member Posts: 565

    Killer Instinct triggers when you apply the Deep Wound status effect to a survivor that is not already affected by Deep Wound

  • Member Posts: 1,534

    @Xaggy said:
    Can I see survivors during mend-self with a nurse's calling?

    regrettably not :(

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 67

    i did it, i finally, after 3 matches, i could down a survivor with frenzy, while other survivor have deep wound, but doesn't count, i need to down him normal???

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 67

    I get it!!! You need, in one freenzy, hit a healthy survivor and then dawn a deep wound survivor, this is my tactic, i hit the 3 of 4 hits, and wait another survivor to appear, so i hit them and the survivor i was chasing, good luck!

  • Member Posts: 2,270
    Caretaker said:

    This is probably the worst achievement they have ever designed. I'm in awe.

    I think Taking One For The Team still takes the cake, both for most stupidly designed achievement and for most inaccurate description.
    But yeah, this one is pretty close.
  • Member Posts: 187

    Yeah the achievement is pretty ridiculous and extremely luck based. Got not much to do with skill or his actual power.

  • Member Posts: 445

    Reached P3 with The Legion tonight.
    My achievement progress is still at 0?
    ######### was BHVR thinking when they invented this achievement?

  • Member Posts: 1,534

    15 out of 25...

  • Member Posts: 764

    It's stupid hard to do, I recommend farming it or adding duration/sticking on a survivor.

  • Member Posts: 187

    Unfortunately this joke is not gonna get fixed... only the description will be.

    @Patricia said:
    @MrEqunimity Yes our QA Team bugged the description because the actual description omits to specify that the survivors have to be downed during the same killer Instinct activation.

    So yes, this will be changed.

  • Member Posts: 9
    edited December 2018
    Finnaly i got the arch. down :)

  • Member Posts: 6
    Yeah this is definitely the hardest achievement out of them. It's beyond challenging.
  • Member Posts: 6

    The person that designed this achievement is probably the same one that designed Surveillance.

    Bro you ain't lying lmao

  • Member Posts: 1,269
    So to clarify does that mean repeatedly down in with the power 
  • Member Posts: 764

    @redsopine01 said:
    So to clarify does that mean repeatedly down in with the power 

    Hit someone with Frenzy, activate killer instinct which is where you can see heartbeats. Now, down someone who already has DW applied.

  • Member Posts: 1,269
    So just ask to trophy farm
  • Member Posts: 1,534

    @redsopine01 said:
    So just ask to trophy farm

    ...and be sure to pay it forward!

  • Member Posts: 21

    Please change this trophy, after playing 6 hours yesterday trying to get this, I'm disappointed to learn that I was doing it all wrong the entire time. This trophy is going to be a slog...

  • Member Posts: 3,919

    So you need to hit a survivor, leave them, find another survivor, frenzy them, find that first survivor and down them before they finish mending?
    Wow. Impressive.

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    @Supernaut said:
    Three downs. Totally how it works. :)
    What a horrible achievement! Bring back "Skilled Huntress"!

    I HATE the “Skilled Huntress” trophy on PS4 because you have to down 100 survivors instead of 20 on PC. I can’t even calculate how far 24 meters is.

  • Member Posts: 10

    @MegMain98 said:

    @Supernaut said:
    Three downs. Totally how it works. :)
    What a horrible achievement! Bring back "Skilled Huntress"!

    I HATE the “Skilled Huntress” trophy on PS4 because you have to down 100 survivors instead of 20 on PC. I can’t even calculate how far 24 meters is.

    Use nurse's calling II. It's exactly 24 meters.

  • Member Posts: 10
    edited January 2019

    Also, just did as OP sayed. Did't work.
    Hit Clod, Hit Mag. Wait for timer. Hit and downed Clod, while Mag still bleedin.
    All in frenzy. Still 0 of 25. Good job so far...
    Is there some other things? Like, if I'm hit Clod in non-chase mode - it's did't count?

  • Member Posts: 1,534

    @Deo said:
    Also, just did as OP sayed. Did't work.
    Hit Clod, Hit Mag. Wait for timer. Hit and downed Clod, while Mag still bleedin.
    All in frenzy. Still 0 of 25. Good job so far...
    Is there some other things? Like, if I'm hit Clod in non-chase mode - it's did't count?

    OK, so Claudette needs to be in deep wound status, with a low bar.
    Hit Meg, with Feral Frenzy, to go into Killer instinct.
    While in Killer instinct, hit and down Claudette... thats 1!

  • Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2019

    Apparently, it all has to be done in the same frenzy which is ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 824

    I’ve stopped trying, sitting at 44% done. This achievement will get edited to need less, just like that stupid Huntress perk did.

    Outside of the sheer stupidity of what has to be done to get a stack, the main problem with it is most survivors will instant DC or let you catch them and then kill themselves on the hook.

  • Member Posts: 1,953

    I’ll be there soon...Soon™.

  • Member Posts: 240

    the only way to get this achievement in my eyes is to snipe a friends lobby.

  • Member Posts: 117

    Does it count if you hit the person while they are mending?

  • Member Posts: 13,037
  • Member Posts: 923

    i got the trophy for those who do not understand it which i understand you have to.

    1. put a survivor in deep wound
    2. Killer instinct activate once you have hit a survivor (red sign that show survivors) which is with that you got to down a survivor but for that you have to make the hit will down him.

    I recommend boosting it by asking survivors to help out here the easier way.

    You hit three times a survivor with frenzy then put frenzy again hit another survivor (not affected by deep wound.) to trigger killer instinct then get down the first survivor with the 4th hit.

    Or faster and easier way put franck mix tape hit two times then with another frenzy hit another then finish the first survivor you've wounded.

    Ps: you can do the trophy/achievement in a single game with the same downed player if you wish too.

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