Nerf the shape please, so overpowered. No fun

will there be a nerf for the shape? Because every game is exactly the same. Players only wait stalk and use the one hit to take out survivors. No chase. No hooks, no fun. Game usually last about 5 or 6mins. Can we get 1 slightly lit totem that we can cleanse to deactivate exposed or his speed increases is only 5 secs or hell anything that will break the way players play with him. Its the same thing
I don't think there will be a nerf for Myers. If anything, people have been asking for a rework to his abilities.
Honest question, have you ever tried playing as him?
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Michael needs buffs lol
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Michael does not get a speed increase in tier 3 (he is a normal 115 speed killer in both tiers 2 and 3). Just has a bugger lunge and faster vault speed at windows.
Post edited by Rizzo on5 -
Nerf tombstone piece it's not healthy
Other than that love current Miky
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Mmm yes. And why don't we buff Nurse while we're at it? :)
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how about uuuuuh....
+40% pallet break speed in t3 (or +30% if 'safe design')
the right play in most cases is to ignore it + walk around or mindgame a lunge but would help a lot in maps that are basically made of god pallets
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You know what, let's nerf every killers speed to a max of 75% despite what perks or add ons they use π
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I'm sorry I'm really confused. Why does he need a nerf? He's pretty easy to go up against and fun to play against. (At least with my friends since we bet who's gonna get tombstoned) but all you really need to do is break line of sight. I could get that scratched mirror on indoor maps can get annoying but that's really it imo.
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I think this person is pretty new to the game and complains about something they don't understand.
Myers is pretty easy so go against cause you can deny his powers pretty long.
And even scratch mirror Myers you can counter easily, you just need to listen to his breathing which is very load.
But you always have people who either play to cocky or ignore the fact to break line of sights.
Even with this build i shouldn't have been able to pull it off, yet I did because they didn't play it smarter.
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*Heavy breathing*
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I actually love those games.
It's only way this game becomes horror game again and not just game of tag.
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Normal Myers -> break line of sight as much as possible, then play safe when he is in tier 3
Scrath mirror Myers -> wait under pallets, or open areas
Tombstone Myers (he is stalking way too long) -> jump into a locker, or keep yourself in animation (gen, or window/pallet vaulting) while tier 3 is active, so he can't mori you.
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*Start running away to a safe spot*
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Most I think you could ask for is requiring Myers to Stalk with a Survivor in view for at least 1s in order to allow Tier-up to Tier 3 (Once at the threshold no stalk on Survivors is consumed, but you need to "feed" an additional 1s of Stalk) or something to prevent the ass-blastin' he can currently do while right on a Survivor.
However he would need some buffs to compensate.
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I will say that the cusp-n-pop playstyle kinda does suck thematically, but is the best way to play him.
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I disagree
killer who needs nerf most is the Pig
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Cusp-n-pop playstyle is something I've never heard off π€π€«
Might want to tell me what that is actually π
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Another way to say: stalk till 99% to the point that you can just tap M2 within Lunge distance of T3 so you don't waste any Evil.
It also means that the experience that good Survivors have with a good Myers is him only ever reaching T3 while they are literally on their arse, and there isn't really any "chase" if you're the first Survivor to be downed in this manner:
Mikey stalks to 99% (cusp of T3), gets close to a Survivor, pops T3, doens them, Hooks or slugs that first Survivor while in T3, and then the next Survivor is the one that experiences a "chase" against Myers in T3.
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Stalk to 99% of T2.
Get on a Survivors arse.
Pop T3 within lunge distance.
Generally speaking this is the best way to save Evil. Slug that first Survivor or Hook them before moving onto the next Survivor while still in T3, but basically that first Survivors experience is that Myers was in T2 until he was in a position to hit T3 and get a down. The next Survivor experiences Myers chasing them in T3, but not usually the first Survivor when he enters T3.
This fits if you're a movie watcher watching the match, but not if you're the Survivor interested in experiencing a movie-like experience. (Or the Killer playing it out for that matter either, in both cases the Evil isn't approaching, but rather gets to the insta-gib threshold, holds onto it, then insta-gibs you without any of the accompanying musical flair/TR)
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I agree, let's kill switch all killers in dbd for anyone could play
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Aaaaah why didn't you say that in the first place? π
Yeah it's something i always do when i play normal Myers, sure sometimes on accident i pop it to early but i wait till I'm close, pop T3 and then down.
That is indeed the best way to play him and when you vs him you should always keep that in mind, and trying to not be in an unsafe place.
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Yeah, though I mean from an aesthetic point of view it's a garbage implementation of entering his Power.
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If anything, Mikey should be buffed
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He needs a buff really bad.
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not true i don't instadown people i mori them everygame with tombstone
solid gameplay
here have a snip of my most recent game