str4wberryp Member Posts: 86
edited October 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Seriously, it's one of the most ridiculous powers in the game. If you get hit by a bottle, expect to be downed.

There's literally no counterplay after getting hit by a bottle:

1 - You can't see anything

2 - You can't loop around anything because of the slow

3 - He can just keep spamming bottles faster than a huntress can throw hatchets

4 - If he brings the finger add-on it's game over, you're going down with a hit and should just ######### on hook and move on

Changes I'd make to clown's power:

1 - Increase reload cooldown or make him reload on lockers like huntress and cringester

It just makes no sense that he can do this while the above have to search for a locker. It doesn't even make sense lorewise, he just CREATES bottles out of nothing

2 - Reduce slow duration


3 - Rework his power and make a new one that's actually fun to play against

This would be the best choice for the game's health, a total rework to something more fair and more thematic (seriously, why would a clown thrown random bottles around - and WHY would it SLOW you?)

I'm pretty sure i'm not the only one who's upset with the current state of clown.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • str4wberryp
    str4wberryp Member Posts: 86

    "3 - Rework his power and make a new one that's actually fun to play against"

    I just want his power to be fair and fun, which isn't right now.

  • Nayru
    Nayru Member Posts: 567

    my god it really does look like 'it's on the survivor to make a mistake and they completely and utterly control the interaction otherwise' is what counterplay/boring/unfun is code for sometimes

  • str4wberryp
    str4wberryp Member Posts: 86

    What do you mean by that? FYI I have over 250+ hours as a killer and 100+ as survivor.

    I think Pig is also a bit too strong with the new patch and the new addons, but that's a discussion for another time. Let's focus on what can be changed about clown's power.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    350+ isn't a high volume, and Pig was NERFED with the latest patch

  • Superyoshiegg
    Superyoshiegg Member Posts: 1,487

    Clown's in a crappy position where he's somehow really boring and unfun to play against as a Survivor, yet simultaneously severely underpowered and not viable to play as.

    There's no interactivity between his power and the Survivor in a chase. It's literally just 'throw down gas in a loop so the Survivor is forced to drop it sooner then normal'. Boring.

    The introduction of his Afterpiece Antidote helped spice things up a bit, but not nearly enough because its usually not worth using it over his Tonic.

    He falls into the same category of 'weak AND boring' that I'd personally put Legion and old Trickster in.

    TL;DR - He doesn't need a nerf, he's already one of the weakest Killers in the game, but he does need some sort of power rework that actually makes him enjoyable to play as and against.

  • str4wberryp
    str4wberryp Member Posts: 86

    bruh ######### how is 350 hours not a high volume? You could learn a language with that time

    Anyway, I don't think Pig was nerfed, she actually got an addon that makes every survivor start with a reverse bear trap. Just imagine how this changes her gameplay: you don't even need to down survivors anymore to attach the traps lol

  • Underdawg
    Underdawg Member Posts: 193

    I just did a quick youtube search, and there are quite a few videos on how to counter the Clown. I don't think the majority of the playerbase will agree with you that Clown's power is too strong.

  • Midori_21
    Midori_21 Member Posts: 723

    Clown is easy. Split up on gens and insta drop pallets. Not a whole lot he can do.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    Video Tape removes her slowdown by preloading it, and it broke her RBTs so they don't even kill survivors when going off. The changes also nerfed two of her strongest builds, and outright removed another two.

    Pig and Clown are consistently D-tier killers because they're easily counterable M1 killers in the hands of a competent survivor.

    350 hours is an eighth of my friend's time, which is a fraction of my own. Put some real time in before you go saying a killer most of the community thinks is a joke should be nerfed.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    Wraith got nerfed because he was too frustrating for new players to go up against.

  • truegod_10
    truegod_10 Member Posts: 393

    100 on survivor is nothing. With 25 killers that means that even if you saw them all equally, which you do not, then you still only have about 4 hours of experience vs each killer. This is not really enough to practice counterplaying their powers, especially if there are long gaps in between matches with the same killers. Some skills like general looping are transferable obviously, but a lot of killers change up these interactions (including clown).

    Clown can be annoying to play against due to the repetition of interactions with him, but he definitely has counterplay, and still ranks as one of the weakest killers since he is nearly useless outside of chase (minimal speed and no detection abilities naturally). This is why his chase is so strong, but it still is not even close to killers like spirit and nurse who have him outclassed in other areas as well as in chase.

    Also, putting the bear traps on early for pig just trades slowdown later for early slowdown, typically when it is less effective due to the spread of gens in the early game.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587
    edited October 2021

    Active Clown Player Here: His Antidote is Really slept on by Players.. Nobody even uses it properly in his Toolkit and it can Really make a difference in a chase, I don't even use slowdown on clown and can still manage (Somewhat) It's just how you use the bottles..

    Clown is still weak Yeah.. But does he need Nerf? No. more of a Buff than ever,

    Edit: When i mean slowdown.. i mean like Perk wise.. Pop ruin... corrupt.. Etc..

    bruh ######### how is 350 hours not a high volume? You could learn a language with that time

    Trust me.. When you get the hours and experience needed in dbd, you'll see that the only Viable killers are Nurse Blight Spirit.. Nobody has ANY rights to judge a killer that barely makes up mid-tier at Best.. This is a Case of a "Git Gud" Situation in this case,

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    Not to pile on, but as others have pointed out, 100 hours at survivor is relatively little in comparison to veteran players of the game. I probably have somewhere bordering on 1500+ hours (maybe more at this point) total, and I'm still learning things all the time to get better. There are players with literally 5000+ hours in the game and more.

    And as a Pig player, she's on the bottom end of pretty much every Tier list put out by people who know the game well. As a Pig player primarily, I think she's underrated and better than people give her credit for, but she's nowhere near needing any nerfs, and she still could use buffs to her base kit (mainly crouch speed and movement speed when crouched). While I'll disagree with the people who think her add-on changes were a heavy nerf, and while I think the new add-on you mention could be useful (if paired with Rules Set No. 2), it's nowhere near as good as you might think it is. Traps are her main way to slowdown the match, and with the new add-on you're referencing, once the traps are off, ALL of that potential pressure is gone. With RNG being so fickle (I can't count the number of times survivors get my traps off on their 1st attempt -- it's depressing), that can and will easily be as much of a disaster for a Pig player as a help.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    Fellow Pig main love <3

    And one I agree with on this, no less

  • Eve13
    Eve13 Member Posts: 375
  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,017
  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    And your "sarcasm" aside? You get hit by a bottle - what do you do to counter it?

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,017

    Huh? What "sarcasm" are you talking about? He's OP, I keep getting destroyed by him, and we all know any killer I get outplayed by is clearly overpowered! The blame's on Clown, not me.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,916

    It's quite literally loop then when he throws a bottle W to another tile. Idk why he would need to reload at lockers, that whole design is a flaw on a killer like him.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    BHVR quick nerf clown! A new player hasn't learned how to verse clown yet so you should probably nerf him!

    We cant have these new players dying, rheyre the only people who play your game! Forget those with some game knowledge and make clown look awful. We must balance so even bad players can escape and win every match!

    Seriously though, no. Just no.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    I mean, I do hate Clown. But he definitely does not need a nerf.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Not even bothering to read this...

    Seriously? Clown's power got a "rework" not long ago.. and it was such a joke.. yayyy speed boost bottles.. that take ages to change colors.. and can give a speed boost to survivors, not just the killer..! Wow, what a rework!!

    Going to be polite about this but.. get lost with your nerf request. Clown is fine the way he is. It feels as if, if you think clown needs a nerf.. that you probably think the same for pretty much every single ######### killer out there.

  • Karma_Susui
    Karma_Susui Member Posts: 17

    I'm sorry but your playtime is way too small to be considered high. I only have about 1000+ and I'm still learning. Clown is a pathetic killer who is super easy to go against. Throw down pallets early and just break line of sight.

  • coaltrain503
    coaltrain503 Member Posts: 87

    Love when the players who have less than fifty hours voice opinions on what needs changed

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    *Sigh* 🤦‍♀️

    Can't even tell if this is a joke or serious. Clown is fine, he doesn't need any changes.

  • str4wberryp
    str4wberryp Member Posts: 86

    bruhh????? can you read??????? i have over 350 hours, I'd say thats a lot for a game

  • TheDuhJ
    TheDuhJ Member Posts: 475

    Nah, I get you say "rework" but I bet if Clown was just permanently disabled you would be quite happy with that.

  • That_One_Friend
    That_One_Friend Member Posts: 277

    350 really isnt a lot in dbd. Top players have like 9k hours. Decent players have like 1-4k typically. I only have like 450, and I know not good compared to decent surv/killers

  • Holylock
    Holylock Member Posts: 82

    Honestly, you probably don't have a lot experience if you say that clown's bottles have no counterplay. His power is easy to handle, but not fun for some people. So, if you wanna know how counter his power, it's simple, just keep in mind two things:

    1- Pre drop pallets

    2- try to connect loops 

    Remember he's a M1 killer and has slow mobility, he will have hard time if face good survivors. And all your suggestions just make one thing clear: you don't play clown so it's kind bad try to make suggestion when you don't undestand both sides.

  • dude 350 hours is almost nothing on dbd, it's not an online game like the others that after 100 hours you already know everything, on dbd you need at least 2000 hours to get a good feel for the game, you probally haven't even faced all the killers in the game yet, or played with them, want to know what to do with the clown? Just pre drop pallets, he can't do anything about it.

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,058

    Is this Sluzzy smurf account?