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General Discussions

Do You Ever Dodge Lobbies? When/Why?

Member Posts: 8,077
edited October 2021 in General Discussions

I seldom do, but there are 3 situations where I'll bail.

  • If there are any .TTV named survivors in the lobby, particularly if there is more than 1. 9/10 times this is part of a premade, and almost always someone who smurfed their MMR down to stomp people to look better on stream. Plus, I end up getting nasty messages from their viewers if I somehow swing a win. Just not worth the hassle.
  • Survivors switching items at the last second, preventing me from adjusting my build. Don't do that.
  • If I recognize you as a smurf/someone who was a jerk in post-game/someone who was hacking previously. Yes, I have a list.

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  • Member Posts: 166

    Usually when I see Russian names.

  • Member Posts: 257

    If I see more than one flashlight I'll usually dodge

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Oh yeah, 4 blendettes - I'm bailing. Too many bad memories of teams playing hide-and-seek and stalling things out forever.

  • Member Posts: 1,192

    I actually dodge lobbies as a survivor if I see a set of identical neon bright cosmetic wearing characters on my team. I've had too many of those groups block me into a corner or block doorways in order to get me killed to deal with it anymore. There are some cool SWF's who won't do this or wont just consider you expendable, but on average the identicals tend to grief you as much as they do the killer sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 655

    I dodge TTVs. I'm sure plenty of them are wonderful people, but I've had some ruin it for everyone.

    I dodge maps (the item) if I'm trying a totem centric build.

    Or maybe flashlights of I'm playing Hag.

  • Member Posts: 149

    Player named 956104737 with a private profile? Not wasting my time. I've found that only accepting games against people with public profiles cuts down on cheaters quit a bit, but it takes awhile longer to find matches.

  • Member Posts: 8,077
    edited October 2021

    I'm honestly...not.

    I've played upwards of a dozen games against TTVs and they are always smurfing, and nasty as hell in postgame.

    Don't fear flashlights on Hag. They'll waste tons of time burning your traps out.

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    Judging by my Survivor lobbies, the majority of Killers dodge for some reason or another. I do too, like if I'm Wraith vs a 4 flashlight lobby. I didn't used to do this, since I could just switch Killers in lobby...

  • Member Posts: 475

    I dodge If I've been having some bad games and then 4 spawn in at the same time... I'm like naw...

    But only if I have been getting creamed in previous games

    also sometimes I just decide I want to play a different killer and I'm forced to lobby dodge to do that... PLZ BHVR

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    I only dodge if I play with or against someone I already played with/against. I'm just too anxious of disappointing them or embarrassing myself.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Eh. I'm Private, specifically because of DbD. Far, far too many insanely nasty and at times outright creepy messages from randoms, or people trying to add me as a friend to shout at me.

    I have absolutely no idea why they did this.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    I dodge default cosmetics

    99% of the time they are garbage teammates

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    I only play default cosmetics. It's always better to be underestimated, than overestimated.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    I've had bad experiences with default cosmetic Meg's and David's

  • Member Posts: 86

    I dodge private/suspicious profiles.

  • Member Posts: 1,443

    I dodge

    • TTV
    • Obvious Swf
    • Last Swaps depending what they last swap to.
    • A team with at least 3 medkits.
  • Member Posts: 5

    I leave games when its done loading if they have a bunch of offerings used, its funny when they lose all of it

  • Member Posts: 1,003

    I dodge newbish-looking teammates, like if they're wearing default cosmetics. I also dodge teammates from South America whenever I can... their internet is usually awful as I am in the U.S..

    As Killer, I never dodge lobbies, unless someone is wearing legacy clothing--not only have I heard of hackers wearing legacy clothes because they can just add them to their account, but I personally encountered one wearing legacy as a Survivor. Best to avoid them altogether.

  • Member Posts: 99

    +1 TTVs. If they aren't smurfing, they usually are really annoying teammates.

  • Member Posts: 61

    Most TTV just seem to be toxic for me. They love to teabag and do the clicky clicky to do a show and get viewers. If I win I'm called trash, if they win I'm still called trash. I just avoid most of them or camp if they do that kind of stuff

  • Member Posts: 5

    I only dodge when it's an obvious SWF group considering Discord is the equivalent of running 12 perks at once. Can usually tell when:

    • More than 1 TTV
    • The TTV and each of the other 3 are all PC players
    • All the names are related/themed

    If you need to play with voice chat and/or stretch screen handicap you can screw off and waste someone else's time.

  • Member Posts: 227

    Sometimes I will back out if I see a key and some flashlights, because that is often an indication of a sweaty SWF.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Flashlights I usually don't mind, unless I'm playing Wraith or Nurse (and I almost never play Nurse).

    What I look out for is multiple toolboxes and a medkit. That's usually a sign to just nope out and save me 15 minutes of frustration.

  • Member Posts: 2,005

    As a killer:

    • If I play wraith and see flashlights in the lobby
    • If I see flashlights and don't feel like using Lightborn
    • If I see a lot of medkits
    • If I see a lot of toolboxes
    • If I see a key
    • If I see a clear SWF with similar nicknames and/or characters
    • If I see a legacy skin, meaning it's likely to be a cheater
    • If I see a an RPD or Haddonfield offering

    As a survivor:

    • If I see more than one console player in the lobby
    • If I see an RPD offering
    • If I see a mori offering and don't feel like feeding a troll
  • Member Posts: 1,147

    I will dodge the lobby if I see 4 bloody Claudettes with Medkits and suspiciously similar names yes lol, and my game will "crash" on the loading screen if I see an offering for RPD, Haddonfield, The Game, or Midwitch.

    No I am not sorry in the slightest.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    This, but only if I do not have Lightborn. I love playing against flashlight users as long as I have the blessing of the gods.

  • Member Posts: 2,025

    If I see a survivor with 1000+ hours when I try to get an Adept

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    4 pc players.

    Just a higher chance of someone cheating in some form so I just avoid it.

    Bhvr wont fix it so it's my short term fix.

    Besides i get more unpleasant players on pc during the match. I know people dont mind macros etc. But its annoying and I'll avoid annoying people if possible lol

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    When I see 4 toolboxes or 4 med-kits.

    Or sometimes when I see full SWF team (nicknames, outfits, lodouts, etc.)

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Haddon I understand, and RPD can be rough on M1 killers, but why the other two?

    Honestly, I find the 'corn' maps, and Swamp way more annoying.

  • Member Posts: 452

    Only when there is a ttv in the lobby or when they play an indoor map offering (when I'm killer). Can't stand indoor maps.

  • Member Posts: 35

    I actually love when they all bring flashlights. Because you know they will try to save their down friend so you can bait it and kill them easier.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    I don't typically dodge lobbies, but when I do it would be for these reasons:

    - There is a clear SWF (Matching/similar names and/or cosmetics)

    - There is more than 2 flashlights

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    Ttvs or script kiddies that I see are the only ones I dodge.

    I had issues with ttv players before so I refuse to play against any of them now.

  • Member Posts: 698

    I dodge when my ping is above 100 or if everyone last-second swaps to something else with multiple medkits/toolboxes. That's pretty much it.

  • I've not dodged any games yet.

    There are some killer players I would rather never play again, but I'll never know its them before the end of the game. Thankfully I've not run into the same killer twice in a row either.

    I just feel like disconnecting is cheap, so I wont do it unless I have an exceptional reason.

  • Member Posts: 16,669
    edited October 2021

    Never. I have 6,6k hours, it would be a little bit ridiculous if I would cherrypick my Lobbies to get the easiest ones. That being said, I know a Killer Main Streamer with 11k hours who still checks every profile and dodges players if they have more than 3k hours...

    I also dont care for TTVs, I check before if they are streaming and watch the VOD afterwards, but thats about it. Most TTVs are like regular players anyway, because they stream for 2 viewers or something like that.

    The only time I dodged a Lobby was when I had way less hours and was in a game with a Legacy Dwight (some Streamer), a Nea with 5k hours and another Dwight with 8k hours. I had around 1,5k or something like that and thought "Ok, this is a little bit out of my league". But this was long ago.

  • Member Posts: 1,307

    As killer: Keys and same cosmetic survivors.

    As survivor: Keys, default cosmetic teammates, and more than 2 flashlights.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    If I somehow end up on a server where I have high latency.

    Otherwise, no. That's the one thing I check before tabbing out until the match begins.

  • Member Posts: 886

    I remember dodging this one because I took psychic damage merely entering the lobby.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    If there is a big streamer in it. Don't really like being witchunted for just playing the game you know, by rabid fans.

    I watch streams and I know how chats look like.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    The Game should be renamed The Pallets, and Midwitch just sucks to navigate as a Killer with no movement speed. Oh gen up stairs is almost done? Guess I have to waddle my ass towards the one of what, 2 ways to get up? Oops it's done.

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    Yes, when I see broken cosmetics or console legacy. Indicates a cheater

  • Member Posts: 6,342

    Curious, why dodge multiple consolers while playing survivor?

  • Member Posts: 858

    When I have to poop.

  • Member Posts: 2,005

    Because most console players play like bots, at least according to general experience of me and people I discussed it with. Before the ranks were removed, I've seen enough console players of purple and green ranks who played like literal 20's for some reason. It's strange you are asking about it, I though it was a well known observation.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I used to when i saw keys but now i'm not even in the lobby any more.

    Alt tab doing stuff checking once in a while so i can ready up just to alt tab instantly and wait for the sound of the game starting.

  • Member Posts: 3,024

    I dodge lobbies when i get 170 pings or M1 vs 4 medkits now keys are fine

  • Member Posts: 1,619
    • TTV.
    • Names related to something of DBD (they are usually tryharders) but not always.
    • Keys before the nerf.
    • More than two identical characters.

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