What if exhaustion gave a slight hindered penalty?

So I had a random thought. What if when effected by the exhaustion status effect, it gave a slight hindered penalty too?
For example, when a survivor is effected with the exhausted status effect they gain a 3% hindered effect too.
Is this a good idea? Probably not, but I'm curious about others opinions on this.
No. That would ruin the game. Or at best make exhaustion perks worthless and change the META.
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I'd rather have Dead Hard and Sprint Burst toned down. Giving a MS penalty for exhaustion would just make already niche perks like Balanced, Head On and Smash Hit even more niche.
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I feel that maybe the hindered effect wouldn't be a great idea for base exhaustion. However that could be worked into an effect on Mindbreaker, where they're hindered for the 5 seconds after they leave the gen.
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Ehh not all exhaustion perks warrant a nerf. Spring burst is the only one that needs a nerf imo
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Exhaustion perks are to survivors like gen slowdown perks are to Killers. If you did any nerfs to exhaustion perks, you would be giving killers 4ks every game. Plus, just judging by the last round of nerfs/buffs, it seems like the Developers are thinking survivors are on the weak side and are trying to buff them.
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The developers actively removed exhaustion or severely lowered the time during the addon passes for killer. Why would they add this? they clearly don't like survivors having disadvantages.
Now if killers got a hindered penalty when the survivor is exhausted i could see that being implemented.
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Yea they are soooooo weak lol. That's why I was in a survivor match where a 3 man swf team ran circles around a killer while I did all the gens.
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Oh no, how terrible that would be...
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Most exhaustion perks are fine.
Only dead hard and maybe sprint burst is a bit on the too strong side.
No need to nerf weak perks
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I could see it being implemented for some perks such as sprint burst, adrenaline and dead hard. arguably lithe and balanced landing too. Definitely not for perks like Head On and Smash Hit. Whether or not it would be a good change is up for debate, but why not test it out for a weekend. The same way like when BHVR turned off bloodlust to see how killers fared.
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That's a great idea. If you can't lose the Killer by the end of the burst, you've basically wasted the perk. It would really separate the players with skill from the ones that just use them as second chance perks.
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Not hindered, maybe some louder breathing not affected by Iron Will
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The developers are using hundreds if not thousands of match data ever day to determine where nerfs and buffs are needed. A single match means nothing.
If the developers are buffing survivors, as seen in the last patch, and nerfing/buffing certain killers to be less powerful than Spirit and more powerful than Trapper, then it seems as if Killers are where they should be and Survivors need buffs. This is what Developers have decided.
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For Dead Hard yes, the rest no.
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ok i have an idea too what if hex's slowed you down when active
it just won't work well because any slowdown will cause a perk to never be used
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I agree. I think dead hard and sprint burst should receive small nerfs, and you could maybe consider a small buff to smash hit.
The rest of the exhaustion perks are fine.
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Exhaustion shouldn't reduce your movement speed, but I could get on board with it reducing your vault speed, by a little.
For example, Resilience increases your vault speed by 9% when injured, and Spine Chill increases it by 6%.
I could see a 5% vault speed reduction when Exhausted being completely fair. Or even a 10% reduction, IF Resilience and Spine Chill's increases were buffed to say 15% and 10% respectively, as this could make those perks more valuable.