Newbie Killer gets red rank survivors - Why though?

I'm learning Trickster and i'm still in they grey ranks as killer. I'm getting loads of red rank survivors that outplay me. I thought there was a skill-based match making in this game. For some reason i even got a rank up last round, although gens are done very quick and i only managed to kill one survivor in the endgame.
I closed the chat for my screenshot because the survs were pretty mean regarding my skills.
The ranks don't have anything to do with the matchmaking, it's just how long they play- they could've played a ton but lost every game, just creeping up the grade system over time.
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So since i have 4000 hours in survivor, the game thinks i'm a good player and matches me up with sweaty twitch streamers?
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grades don't affect your mmr. It's just a monthly leveling system to gain some extra bloodpoints.
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No, the hourcount doesn't have anything to do with the matchmaking. That system is a little blunt, though, so you may be placed a little too high right now.
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Okay, for some unknown reason the game thinks i am able to handle such survivors. Will try my best to adept to this MMR.
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Well, or you killed a lot of survivors every game so you have an high MMR, or you're just unlucky and are matched with people that are intentionally losing some games sometimes so they can verse low MMR killers.
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So MMR ranks killers by their kill-ratio? In my games gens are done very quick and i might be lucky to get some late game kills by NOED.
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Yeah they admit that you gain/lose MMR basing on how many survivors you killed and so, how many survivors escaped.
(And that is a ######### MMR)
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Thanks. That was very helpful
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Yeah, you should fall back a bit if you keep losing
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I think that maybe they still have the hour of play counter to get survs not just the ranks
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How? Not killing?
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I didnt kill any survs the last 3 games.
Got this SWF now. Brought bubba cause i saw it coming. I got some downs but just one hook because breakout and sabo.
I better stop playing killer.
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Yes, by getting 0 kills your MMR will go down
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Welcome to the killer world!!! 😍😍😍 dont worry, as survs say the mmr is something totally fine that makes the game better 🥰🥰🥰 going all games against swf with 2k and 3k hours having yourself 400 is incredibly fun!!! 😊😊😊 just think about it 💡🤔 you dont need to go to the gym!!! 🏋️♂️🏋️♂️🏋️♂️ you will sweat and burn calories while playing at home!! 👌👌👌