Here is a Dead hard fix that would be fair for both sides

I am someone who loves abilities or perks that push skill or smart plays from the Players. If you look at Dead hard alone then you would say "yes dead hard is actually fine" because it is a high risk and high reward perk.
If you time dead hard well with your own experience and skills you can pull of very satisfying plays which are very rewarding, also we all know our favorite dead hard moments when it doesnt work and you are exhausted on the ground and you scream at your screen "I AM EXHAUSTED".
However if you look now at dead hard from the Killers persective on a higher skill level, it doesnt has the role of a "high risk and high reward" perk. It more has the role of an chase and life extender which makes sense right? The better the players get the better they will use what is up for them against their opponent.
What I want to say is that Dead hard is outdated and needs to be adjusted in a way without hurting the way it works but also make this perk more fair towards the lower end of the Killers but without making it too weak against stronger Killers.
We all know that Dead hard is the strongest perk in the game when timed right, which is imo fair against our top 3 Killers but NOT against the lower end of Killers. You really see that when you play Killers like Doctor, Clown or any other lower tier Killer.
One of the reasons WHY the lower tier Killers are so "bad" is BECAUSE dead hard is the way it is and ofc one of the most used perks therefore which counters Killers like a well timed Doctor shock or a nice Clown bottle completely which can extend chases by the twice amount.
My suggestion:
Make Dead hard only avoid M1 OR any other weapon attack ability. That means you can avoid Blight lethal hits, Oni club hits etc but NOT doctor shocks, huntress hatchets, clown bottle gas, trapper traps etc.
Also to compensate that drastic change increase the dash distance by extra 30% further to also give dead hard a second role of a mini sprint burst for newer players or console players.
*Edit: Maybe down to 20% since some ppl do have a point with the distance.
Dead Hard has been my crutch lately please don’t nerf it 😩
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haha I understand you well tbh I wouldnt really consider it a nerf the way I suggested it, 30% extra distance is a big change you know.
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Dead Hard is not high risk high reward, it's just press E to make it to a pallet or window you otherwise wouldn't have. It's also just given to you for free by way of being injured. It's the most OP perk in the game and it needs a hard nerf badly. An extra 30% distance crazy.
A better suggestion would be for any exhaustion perk to require a safe unhook to activate so it can't be used in the first chase when a killer needs to build pressure and slow the game down
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Dead hard sucks, just bait it out and it's not a problem. If you lunge every hit, you're gonna get derped.
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That buff would be insane it's fine as it is
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This is just a buff. Dead hard already destroys m1 killers and now with 30% more distance it sucks even more. Perk sould be completely reworked. No dash, no iframes. Something different
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The distance is what makes the perk good. An on demand chase extender to save you reaching a pallet or window in time to extend the chase for 30+ additional seconds or more is what makes it so oppressive.
A proper change would be for the distance gained to not be immediate, change it so that it no longer gives any i-frames and instead ramps Survivor speed up slowly but consistently for like 2-3 seconds, and this makes them hindered after, shaving off 10% movement speed until no longer exhausted.
Still useful, still on demand, still gives big distance, no longer instant or capable of dodging hits, and has a proper downside for being an on demand exhaustion perk.
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the numbers can always the tweaked but I do believe that not beeing able to dodge killer abillities is a massive nerf so the 30% trade off seems fair imo.
Keep in mind that Deathslinger and Nemesis are crazy if you cant dodge their hits, not to mention plague or huntress.
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Yeah I know I’m mainly kidding. It does need a touch because the perk bails me out a bunch even though I’m a ######### survivors at times.
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I think that would be way too much
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Tbh what you described is exactly what my suggestion counters.
Since you can now be hit OR stopped like a trapper trap or shock from the doctor would you not be able to reach the window or pallet at all.
However I also like your idea, sounds interesting!
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That would actually be press e to die
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All m1 killers aside from Legion have a way to stop survivors from reaching their loop. Since my dead hard version doesnt dodge abilities anymore they cant reach their pallet or window without getting hit.
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Let's say im a Legion main. [BAD WORD] me i guess. Because dead hard got stronger against him. That's not how you nerf perks
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Yes Legion is the only exception and we all know that Legion sucks ass in 1v1 thats why they are in desperate need of buffs or a rework since years.
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Hell yeah I am a lithe gamer personally.
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its a fantastic perk isn't it 😏
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Yeah, when it works lol
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At high level is not as easy to just "bait it out". High level survivors know when and where they should dead hard to a safe window or pallet and extending the loop even more. "baiting it out" only works if they get caught out positioned which you will not see against good survivors.
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Then use cannibal and bypass that thing altogether, dead isn't very strong. It's a situational perk. As killer, you need to take away those conditions and ensure a 4k every game
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what about trapper, wraith, billy and bubba, plague, nurse, Myers, hag, doctor, freddy, pig, ghostface?
They're basically m1 killers against injured survivor
Also often or not, every killer m1s. this change is bad
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it sucks in a deadzone where it gives survivors maybe 2 more seconds to live, but it is OP in a loop/pallet dense environment. Just played Wraith this whole evening and the amount of "DH to pallet/window" i've seen was insane. It gives them an extra loop, then they make it to the window/pallet they otherwise wouldnt have reached and now the survivor holds all the cards again. I use it myself when playing survivor because it feels like otherwise chases are sometimes way too short for my team to have a chance of winning (i mean exhaustion perks in general are kinda necessary when playing against good killers) but i can fully understand why killers are pissed off by it.
Thats not working in practice. There are many situations where i with Wraith, Ghostface, Myers or Pig wouldn't stop that survivor from DH'ing to the next pallet or window. Sure i can block it with Wraith but first you have to cloak and then reaching it faster which is often not possible in smaller maps with a lot of pallets where survivors just hold W to the next ressource.
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Play a killer to bypass a perk? No. Right there should tell you that the perk needs changing. Also leatherface isn't as good when you play against good survivors. As survivor i always use DH becuase I know how strong it is.
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And as a killer I always bait dead hard because I know how annoying it is in certain situations. Window grabs are a thing, and forcing a pallet drop means one less pallet. Never lunge.
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Trapper can shut down loops completly by placing a trap there earlier or just place a trap mid chase in the pallet. With my change they cannot dead hard over it. If the survivors leaves while you place just cancel and continue the chase.
Wraith can uncloak and use his boost to catch up on the loop and even then wraith is not a chase killer mainly, wraith's main streangth is to suprise survivors by coming to them when they are off guard or out of position.
Billy can curve around loops.
Bubba can do the same.
Plague can use red vomit and simply hit them over that loop or at any other given open area.
Nurse can teleport? You know.. just blink?
Myers can insta down survivors with T3.
I dont think I need to explain to you the basics of all killers do I?
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And meanwhile you play your little things there to bait pallet drops the other 3 slam those gens.
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you're suggesting trapper to place trap instead of m1. please stop
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It only needs one simple change and that’s you cannot preform certain actions for 2 seconds after dead Harding
- Repairing gens
- Dropping a pallet
- vaulting a window or pallet
- unhooking a survivor
- opening a exit gate
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myers and Ghosty boy can both insta down, even if they extend the loop with dead hard like that you simply leave them and prepare a stalk on them or do something else.
ye I do agree that pig also kinda would suffer in a way like that, but I think there is not much you can do for her there.
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um what? Idk if you are trolling but if not go watch some guides or watch otz or any other good trapper player.
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I have to disagree there. I like the idea to chaining dead hard into another action, that adds some extra charm to that perk.
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While it does that’s the main root of why the perk is complained about cause People use dead hard for distance not to open evade hits and it’s annoying when your about to down at a loop then they dead hard and drop the pallet and then go to the next tile that’s why this perk is so good by eliminating that issue it makes the perk more fair
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this argument is always something that comes up in dh discussion and its always wrong I don't know why people keep it up, you can't bait out a deadhard for distance with most killers, usually its a get out of jail free card when used where it matters, dh doesn't matter in the open 99% of the time but with good survivors the likelyhood that they let their dh go to waste by running out into the open (unless they were already injured) is very low
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Keep in mind by adding more distance to the perk you have to aim the dash more accurate and dead hard way earlier which is pretty bad on some loops.
Most of the loops are not straight and do have roundings which can make it very difficult with a increased dead hard. So your effect is kinda implemented with my idea.
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It would be E to steadily gain a fair amount of distance on demand that comes with a fair downside, considering it is free distance on demand.
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99'd sprint burst with a flashlight it's free distance on demand without any downside. Getting haste for 3 seconds while getting hindred for 40 secs is just borderline useless
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This thread should be titled "Massive dead hard buff". I don't know of anyone who dead hards to avoid anything other than a trapper trap. Most people who complain about dead hard specifically complain about it being used for distance, this thread argues a 30% buff in that category.
0 - killers often stare directly into your flashlight beam? for a brief distance anyway a lunge gains more ground on a survivor than they get by sprint bursting and have gotten quite good at faking giving up on someone walking and then suddenly lunging for them for a hit, that'd be a lot easier to do if they're slow-walking with a flashlight beam
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No you can aim your flashlight wherever you desire, 99 sprintburst and quicly tap m2 to use the flashlight and you'll use sprint burst just like dh
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Dead Hard shouldn't be able to dodge traps and certain powers, agreed. I think this change would be fair without buffing it elsewhere tbh. Considering the biggest problem most people have with DH is using it for distance, i think too many people would lose their ######### if you increased the distance further.
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Okay, after that change put dead hard on killers perk list.
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What..? You forgot the last one to complete the nerf.
•Pressing E, automatically puts you on hook.
That's better.
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As a temporary fix, they could just put a hard cap of 3 uses on it, which is more than enough use in one match.
But, I don't know which adjustment it needs, but it needs one. The perk itself isn't that strong. But, it overshadows almost every other exhaustion perk when combined with a window or a pallet, of which there are plenty. It's true that it's purpose is to deny a hit, but around other obstacles it does more than that, it extends a balanced loop into an imbalanced one.
Almost all exhaustion perks are balanced around allowing you to exploit a specific part of a map, and is typically used in the middle of a chase or at the beginning. But dead hard allows you to exploit many different parts of the map at any time.
Old balanced landing worked in a similarly broken way, except you don't need a vault with height to exploit it.
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leave dead hard alone please.
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numbers 2 and 3 are actually reasonable.
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Survivors have only 2 mechanics that allows them to reach their objective. One is reducing the amount of time it takes to do something. The other is increasing the time the Killer does something.
Dead Hard is a park that increase the time a killer does something. Basically it extends chases. If Dead Hard is a problem, then it would need to extend chases more than other exhaustion perks. Has anyone that has complained about Dead Hard shown any proof at all that it extends chases more than other exhaustion perks?
Since Lithe, Sprint Burst and Balanced Landing all give survivors 3 seconds of speed, instead of 1, then I don't see how it's possible that Dead Hard is a problem. Can someone show some data proving it's a problem?
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I agree on the part to bait dh but its really doesnt really suck as it gives you extra 2-4 loops on something if you use it like noob, if you recycle loop you can do some more 40 seconds at least
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How is the any different than Lithe or Balanced Landing, which gives you 2 extra seconds.
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Maybe but also nerfing dead hard straight up would be too much too, thats atleast what I think.
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How about you show me data proof of how dead hard is fine as it is?