MMR range

Give us an idea of what range our mmr is in like most other games, keeping it hidden sucks, you don't need to give us our exact value just a range, how can we claim we are top mmr or high mmr when no one even really knows if they are or not
I'd love to see my MMR, as since yesterday something has been spectacularly squiffy about the match-ups I've been getting.
Either I've been playing god-tier games without realizing it (and am thus being matched up against sweaty SWFs with 10x the hours I have invested) or something is broken.
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But they have to keep it hidden, otherwise people will know how to abuse it! Right now players have no idea what they are supposed to do to decrease or increase their MMR deliberately, so keeping it hidden makes total sense! It's not like devs have explained on their stream exactly what action increase and decrease MMR, so players can only guess, and by no means they can come up with a way to deliberately drop it.
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Except...they've told us how. MMR is based on escapes as a survivor, and kills as a killer.
As a survivor, you just get killed. Or better yet, DC. Which is why before this patch you'd routinely see a survivor run directly to you as soon as they see you, then suicide on hook.
As a killer, you let survivors escape (tedious and time consuming, but I can see really dedicated smurfs botting it or something).
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The comment you responded to was being facetious and making a joke of it.
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Was it? I'm not sure.
I recognized the poster from another thread, where he was demanding that BHVR let survivors exploit the uncleanse-able totem bug because sometime in the dusty dawn of DbD history some maps had the same issue with killer totems and weren't paused.
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It is.
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Just claim it, like any streamer !
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well i did suggest giving a range and not an exact value, besides that they told us what the mmr is based on but even if they didnt it would of been data mined out, keeping it hidden at this point is a design choice
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Only devs and cheaters can see MMR values now and BHVR feels like this is the correct way
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....despite them invalidating their entire reasoning for not letting us see MMR.
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Let me guess! If I run the Killer for two minutes, if I repair fifteen generators and unhook twelve Survivors, but died in the end, I'll surely have high MMR.
Surely not if I hide the whole game to escape quietly.
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It's common knowledge that hackers can check mmr of anyone in their lobbies.
Do what you will with that.