I feel like there’s only like 7 of us Spirit mains left

Like seriously, it’s been a whole week and have only seen one Spirit on my favorite map RPD who barely even used her power. Where did all of you go? Did you just drop her because she’s a “dead killer” now?
If it gets to a point where Spirit is as rare as Billy then I might be very sad. Looks like HaunterofShadows, ManOMaker, Scott, Samantha, maybe a few others, and I are the only ones left. 😔
I want to play her, but infinite loading and DCs don't help. For some reason people still DC on the first down against her.
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Even after she gets nerfed to be more fair lol. People still aren’t satisfied apparently.
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I've been playing her more since the update.
I forgot how fun she was
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Yo lets go
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I am a former Spirit main. Does that count?
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Well I mean, I was mainly directing it towards people that still main her. Please come back and become an anime Japanese school girl main again. 🥺
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I havent seen Spirit in many weeks even before the patch. But I hvae seen her 2x after the patch so from my point of view there are way more Spirits than before
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Revert the stuff I want and I will gladly return 😀
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I have been playing her a lot more since the update as well.
I am enjoying her new chase theme.
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Shinobu can we please trade games?
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Good to hear. I do love her chase music.
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I haven't seen a single one yet. I wanna bop to her chase theme on the survivor side
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It seems as though she still has a bad stigma about her and her high risk/high reward gameplay still deters some players. Though I think if we give it some time people will start to like her more!
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I played 3 spirit matches since the nerf and in all 3 of them multiple people dc'd very early. So maybe they're just tired of always having scuffed matches lol
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they probably did because the DC penalty is disabled. There's been lots and lots of DCS.
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I hope so. She’s so awesome and I wish she wasn’t hated so much.
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Behaviour didn't put much effort into her changes. Almost all changes were made to please survivors and not only to address her chaotic gameplay.
She became just as difficult for new players as Nurse is and this is why you will going to see less people playing her.
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i face a lot more billis since update which is nice change, when you can see a killer while in chase
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Every game you get is on RPD at this point
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I've been beginning to play Spirit more after her nerf. Her add-ons are awesome and she's honestly more fun than she was because it actually feels more challenging to down a survivor, which therefore allows me to use my power more.
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Yeah at this point, as much as I’m against DCing, I’m going to do it when I get RPD.
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She definitely is a lot more challenging to play which I love. Probably part of the reason many people consider her a dead killer now.
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I'll probably be playing Spirit more now that infinite loading screens are fixed. Since she has some more counterplay now, I'll feel less guilty playing her.
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Executioner main here, does that count?
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I played the new Spirit and i still whooped ass so
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bUt YoU pRoBaBlY pLaYeD aGaInSt BaD sUrViVoRs
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I never really played her a lot because I found annoying to have to be in a very quiet environment to play her properly but in my case I enjoy her new purple crutch addon that gives you killer instinct. I hope it doesn't become a dead killer, I enjoyed playing against her because for some reason the majority of spirits I played against were pretty bad.
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How can you say " bad" survivors anymore when even the red ranks from before are all over the place, they could be a bronze rn for all we know
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I’ve mained Spirit ever since her released. I’ve always loved everything about her and nothing has changed. I don’t play her as often though because I usually cycle through what killers I play because I play around 70% of the roster on rotation.
Just haven’t been playing as much especially now due to infinite loading screens and me being burnt out.
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I literally have no idea what the directional audio sounds like because I haven't played against one since the nerf.
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Same and the one Spirit I played against didn’t even use her power while I was chased
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I got 13 spirits (Yes I am keeping track) so far. I have played 17 matches as survivor, which is 17 more than average, so who knows.
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I'm going to put this politely but very stern.
"I told you so!"
Her fun factor is gone, survivors essentially have easy mode to counter her, and like all killers except Nurse she has to rely on survivors mistakes/not listening to win a chase.
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im still here i will never give up my ninja spirit build
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And the game is better for it.
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I’m still doing well and having fun with her though.
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I dropped her, about a year ago. Love Spirit, but after two years of maining her, I got bored. I could almost play her with my eyes closed, lol
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It's pretty logical to me.
It's easier for killers to reach high MMR which = more killers at high MMR (why queue times are higher for killers)
More killers playing at high MMR = Playing against high MMR survivors where entire lobbies are using Iron Will
Iron Will = Destroys Spirit
High amount of killer players at high MMR = not playing Spirit
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I'm a main and sad at the very few spirits i've also seen
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Understandable. It can be boring playing the same killer over and over again. That’s why I play a variety of killers.
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As a Deathslinger man, I feel the latter statement... I keep getting an unnatural amount of DCs even after his unnecessary nerf and it's like WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT??
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Since your a Slinger main, what are your opinions on his nerf? Haven’t gotten to hear an opinion from someone who does main him yet.
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Ha, never played slinger much, did they just make him clunky as hell to play and be done with it?
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Maybe they want the kicking up dust nerf that Spirit was supposed to get, but apply it to Deathslinger for a more traditional cowboy look. Without that, their immersion is killed and they would rather play against the Huntress.
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No worries @TheGannMan I gotchu. I still regularly play Spirit.
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Yay 😁
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I've always said he needed some changes to improve his QoL state, but in my sincere opinion this was so much of an overkill. I understand some frustrations Survivor mains had though, in retrospective, the reason nobody knew how to counter him was because not many people used him. He had an overall pickup rate of 6% (this was according to some data they released before the release of the All-Kill Chapter) which, in contrast, Huntress had about 30%.
I agree he needed a cooldown on cancelling ADS because it was so absurdly easy to just cancel your power and go for an M1 and I feel forcing players to commit to the ADS animation was an OKish addition, but doubling the time to do wasn't... it feels really sluggish which, added to the sensitivity increased the overall difficulty to play him far too much to make him enjoyable. Now, you are being forced to do zoning. If they intended to make it this way, I feel his stun should be reduced further...
However, the worst addition was the 32m terror radius. I didn't use Monitor and Abuse before, but now I feel forced to do in every match because most Survivors will run into the closest loop at the faintest hint of the terror radius and with his reduced mobility he is difficult to catch onto them in most maps. I am slowly getting the hang of mindgaming shoots here and there, but it's painful. If anything, I think they should've fixed it to 28m instead.
Overall, he still has a strong 1v1. In that aspect, he isn't hopeless, but if I intend to get kills into a match I am forced to tunnel someone early on and I so don't enjoy doing that. Therefore, I'm stuck in giving 5 hooks.
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I will always hate spirit pig and plague, I notice the spirit I was up against last night and she was not kicking up dust with phasing like they said she would cause tbh yes I have not seen very many of hers since mikaela release so didnt know if this dust kick thing was working, her chase theme is like ugh makes me wanna turn off my tv, other killers chase themes is way more better especially PP heads theme, the heart beat+ pp head chase music really gets my blood rush flow chasing, Am at work atm so idk if the patch today is now having her kick dust up, if it does maybe ill respect spirit else I will hate her forever. Give me a nurse over a spirit even if its a god nurse that will stomp me hard in 10 seconds, its just that much how I hate spirit. Finally even as a die hard fan of RE specially 2 being my most fav I hate all indoor maps period.
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Yes, yes they did...
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They didn’t implement the dust kicking. I hope they don’t tbh.