DISCONNECTION PENALTY should be cancelled

Initial_Z Member Posts: 17
edited September 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hello DBD player. During the game, players often quit the current game due to various reasons during the game, causing other players in the room to experience a difficult game experience. However, it is reasonable to attribute the responsibility to disconnected players. If they don’t want to continue the current game, they can click to quit,Disconnection is not something they can control. I recently encountered a 72-hour lockdown, which is so sad. What do players think about this matter?

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Initial_Z
    Initial_Z Member Posts: 17

    I understand how you feel. Players can directly click to exit if they want, but disconnection cannot be controlled. It makes no sense to hold players accountable for things they cannot control. And the penalty for disconnection is too high.

  • Initial_Z
    Initial_Z Member Posts: 17
    edited September 2021

    I am in China and have high-intensity network interference. I have 1000 hours of game time on steam, and I have never quit halfway through. Only the recent continuous network interference has caused me to be disconnected frequently in the past few days, which has accumulated to 72 hours,and the time will double every time.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    No, not excusable when 4 players DC at the same time. I can let it go if it's just one person, but more than that and the reasons are questionable.

  • Initial_Z
    Initial_Z Member Posts: 17

    The disconnection displayed in the game is not necessarily a disconnection, it may be that they actively clicked to exit. But network disconnection is not something players can control. Moreover, the time will be doubled each time, and I don’t even know the upper limit or how to eliminate it. This mechanism will only force players with poor networks to give up the game.

  • Initial_Z
    Initial_Z Member Posts: 17

    Yes, I also agree that we should focus on the reasons. If the player maliciously abandons the game, I also agree to the penalty. But how to identify the disconnection. The current punishment is a one-size-fits-all approach, which is too simple and violent.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Most often it's within seconds of an unfavorable event or outcome. I think heavier penalties should be in place around these events while keeping the standard one for the overall match. At least then, if it's a legit reason for dropping out midgame they can grab a drink while they wait out the few minutes after they get back.

  • Initial_Z
    Initial_Z Member Posts: 17

    It is a pity that China has strict network management, and the government even deliberately disconnects the network. I agree that there should be penalties, but whether this kind of non-player control should be the player's responsibility, and whether the penalties should be changed. Every time it doubles cumulatively, there may even be no upper limit, which is too cruel.

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    For the moment DC penalties have to be disabled, there are so much crashes related to new bugs.

    I hate when DC players are not punished, but with some friends we got some weird kick and got penalties, that was annoying as hell.

  • Initial_Z
    Initial_Z Member Posts: 17

    Although I only encountered the penalty caused by the bug once, it directly increased my 24-hour lockout time, and the subsequent disconnection caused my time to increase to 72 hours. I am not against punishment, but the punishment is too strong.

  • 笨小孩
    笨小孩 Member Posts: 12

    Well, sometimes i meet hackers in the game and makes the game unplayable. And if i quit, I know I'm gonna get the penalty, so I can't decide if I should quit or not too....

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    Even if it is not intentional, why should 4 other players suffer because your network connection is not stable?

  • Initial_Z
    Initial_Z Member Posts: 17
    edited September 2021

    Being sentenced does not mean that the crime is deserved. Should not vent your anger on things beyond your control. If the disconnection penalty is not cancelled, the penalty time should also be reduced. Moreover, those who are disconnected are just as uncomfortable.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    Well... You didn't answer my question. Why should 4 other players suffer because of your bad connection. Also if you know that your connection is bad, why do you continue playing I stead of fixing it first. If you can't fix it, then I am sorry about it, but the solution is not to continue playing and ruin other people's matches.

  • Initial_Z
    Initial_Z Member Posts: 17

    You proved what I want to say, the current penalty mechanism is only to exclude players with bad network, not to prevent players from maliciously pulling the line, so it should be cancelled or reduced.

  • Caleegi
    Caleegi Member Posts: 410

    If you have a 72 hr ban youre the reason DC penalties were brought in. If you crash then yeah it sucks but also it should only be 5 mins if you crash and its not frequent DCs. You also got to remember even if you crash youve left your 3 other teammates who most likely wont get out now cause they have lost a teammate and a killer will lose some hooks and a kill because you have DC’d.

    If you crash that often you should check your internet has a strong connection before playing.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Fix your internet or attitude.

  • Initial_Z
    Initial_Z Member Posts: 17
    edited September 2021

    If I can, I would love to show my game process. I have more than 1,000 hours of playing time, and I have never quit or played passively. In the last month, the connection started to be dropped due to network problems. Even if I don’t get offline for a day sometimes, the next time I will double the call, I will accumulate 72 hours. But this time when I unlock it, I think it will be more than 100 hours next time. This is a terrible thing. Players will quit or become passive in the game for various reasons, Punishment will only make people give up the game. You are right, this is caused by my network, so there is an additional reason for anti-Communist.

  • Initial_Z
    Initial_Z Member Posts: 17

    I'm not praying for a seal, and I won't kneel down to beg for someone. If you mistakenly think that I have a bad attitude, it may be that I don't understand English. As for the ability to repair the Internet, we will do it after the Communist Party is overthrown.

    I just said that the current punishment mechanism is violent and is useless to prevent halfway withdrawal. For example, from the beginning of this mechanism, how often do you encounter withdrawal from teammates and so on.

  • FoxxLegend
    FoxxLegend Member Posts: 3

    Yeah, it's stupid. The fact that the punishment is exponential is completely unnecessary as well. I read somewhere that they claim the penalty system is supposed to "give us a minute to go cool off and reapproach the game with a clear head". Pfft, my you-know-what (since we can't swear here). It doesn't take normal people hours->days to cool off. Making it so we can't come back for longer and longer if we may or may not "need to go take a breather" is just going to p*** us off more until, like you said, we eventually won't come back. It already takes enough effort to not send tower messages cussing out some of the most toxic players I've ever seen in any game. It's basically like OSS (out of school suspension). Not really a punishment when I'm off doing something else I wanted to do in the meantime while they think they're "punishing" me...

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    It makes sense. U come to play with others and throw the game. Don't want to play, don't launch the game. Stop acting like 8 years old child that's completely irresponsible.

    Dc punishment should be and it should be strong enough do people think twice before quiting.

  • SabunoHakia
    SabunoHakia Member Posts: 465

    No. I play killer and when I am destroying them. They quit. So how about all quitters for various reasons not play the game at all? Not all games are easy nor should they be and nor should I have to see people whine they got punished for being a ragequitter or playing with a lack of time to do so.

  • SabunoHakia
    SabunoHakia Member Posts: 465

    I am okay with no pip loss if you quit more than 10 times a week you lose the ability to play for 24h if you quit 20 times its 48h and it stacks. You also have to be logged in the game to make the counter go down

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    The rules around the DC penalty are quite clear: If for any reason you leave a game even if you don't do it purposefully you incur a timeout. This is because you as a player know the condition of your network connection and if you are having connection issues and still decide to play then you are putting your team in a bad situation when your network fails. If you've gotten all the way up to 72hours then you're constantly dropping connection to such a degree that you should not be trying to play.

  • Spyonme
    Spyonme Member Posts: 80

    yes please no one bothered and it was fair cuz everyone could just dc if they felt like it

  • Haplo
    Haplo Member Posts: 9

    For last 2 weeks I have lost all my pips due to disonnects every now then. The game just informs me that I have been disconnected in the middle of the match and I get penalty and lose my pips... Technically an internet-wise everything else (other games, videos etc.) work just fine. I submitted a ticket but the advice was useless to the problem and they were not able to give back my progress nor remove my growing penalty. Also in the last match I played another player got disconnected mid heal with me and I don't see a reason why someone would disconnect on purpose in match they are winning mid skill checks.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Toxic killers that make the game less enjoyable for survivors need to be addressed too. If a killer is going to be toxic towards me I don't want to play against them and I should not be punished for it.