The game is unplayable and no fun right now

Please hurry and fix the bugs and get the dc penalty turned back on. I have played 20+ matches today, most of them having at least 2 dc's early into the game.
I know bhvr normally likes to take their time but this is unbearable, please hurry up.
Better yet make a system that tells you when it's an intentional dc such as if they pressed leave match = true. I know you can't tell if someone just pulled the ethernet cable out but if someone presses leave match you can let the system know, double the penalties.
They could have 3 types of DC and it wouldn't be so hard to implement:
- when someone press leave match, the simplest one
- when someone is suddenly disconnected
- when the game crashes (you know that some crashes open a report sender after the game closes, and it could cross the information with the last match that player was in) - that one could have no penalty at all.
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I usually quit if there early DC and the killer has meta, 3v1 isnt fun, I cant do my challenge and while there is no penalty I might as well just find a new match.
It's not like I was going to escape a 3v1 so I'm dropping in mmr and cannot progress anything. Plus most killers seem to still really try and slug all 3 for whatever reason.
But yes turn on dc penalties, and also penalize people who suicide on first hook (if you die within X seconds on your first hook while X survivors are alive, ban)
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I believe they could not penalize suicide on hook like a DC, but they could make the player lose some BPs at least.
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No same as dc. You're going into a game to play, FAR to many people give up on first hook because they dont like X killer or get outplayed. They're basically quitting and ruining the game for everyone. BP means very little, they would normally DC but just do it to avoid the ban so clearly the BP dont matter
It's the same concept as a DC and should be treated as such, people need to stop the entitlement and just play the damn game.
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On other thing is that even when DC penalty is on, it's just too little. 4 minutes is nothing, many times they do it when they are on death hook, then they just wait their SWF finish the match and trash talk in post game chat and by then the timer is almost at zero. The timer should be longer and be paused when the SWF is still on the match (or if they haven't pressed "Continue" in case they're solo, because sometimes they will wait to trash talk too - actually, it is kinda hilarious that you can quit match and still watch it and still chat in the post game chat).
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I had to dc in one match, didn't have a choice. The first person downed in the first minute killed themselves on hook, quickly followed by two dc's and the hatch spawning seemingly right under the tricksters feet as it was closed very quickly after the last survivor dc'd. It was Midwich so the exits are very close together.
I very rarely dc, only if I get stuck on an infinite loading screen normally, but I felt forced into it during this game.
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A game thats this unblanced and has bugs should not have a DC penalty at all.
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They already disable the Circle of Healing, it was the guilty for the crashes, I don''t understand why they didn't re-nable the dc penalty honestly
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Then all games would become unbearable and many people would leave. What's the point in playing a game if the games are just a dc simulator.
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Sorry not many other games have a DC pen, wonder why?
This game forces ######### onto its user base.
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Why though? 🤔 Go to the killer let them kill you and you get to keep whatever points you made and so on. The only difference here would be a minute or two but after DCing you are flagged for increasing leaver penalties.
I already don't condone normal DCs but your case or DCing shortly before being deathhooked are just stupid in my mind.
Edit: Ah nvm in didn't read "in the first minute". But still my point on getting on the "watchlist" isn't worth even your case.
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Yes they do. Most online games that pit players against players have some form of rage quit penalty, some don't but you can literally google and find at least 10 examples in well known games in under 2 minutes.
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They need to turn the DC penalty back off, this game is unplayable with it on. Being forced to stay in games with Hackers, these kinds of bugs, and crashes is not okay
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I've said so many times that they need to differentiate between pressing leave match and pulling the plug. But some tech gurus say that there's no way they can do that. It doesn't make any sense to me. Why can't it work like that? I'm sure other games could do and have done it.
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Apex Legends
Rainbow 6 Siege
War Thunder
And those are off the top of my head.
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Why where you forced to dc?
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All first hook death ban would do is increase second hook death and dc
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Care to name a few, as correct if I am wrong most games that have a DC pen. Are less played. As gamers will not stay in games/lobbies with cheaters or laggers.
This game has streched res gamers, which is an advantage. Also has speed hackers as survs/killers. Then there is the SWF it was known long ago most gamers will not play agaisnt stacked teams.
So with this game being unbalanced as it is and broken, why should any game be forced to stay in a game thats liek this?
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I had to dc today due to a body blocking Nurse who had me trapped for almost 10 minutes so maybe there needs to be some sort of measure that puts frequent disconnecters in with others and leaves the minimal, rare dc's alone.
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I didn't realize Overwatch and Apex Legends are unpopular, go figure? 🤷♂️
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So thats your arguement? Sorry I didn't realize Overwatch and Apex Legends devs ignored there users and created an unblance game?
Also only ranked lobbies in both those games force DC pens, does DBD have ranked lobbies? no it dont it forces crap onto the user and does nothing to protect them from it. ######### on Overwatch you repprt a cheater ######### gets done same as Apex, yet on DBD again the devs dont care.
Hence why DC pen should not be a thing.
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I have had to dc loads due to a body blocking surv or killer, or speed hacker - so maybe there needs to be some sort of measure that deals with this ######### frequently, like put hackers and exploiters in with others and let them play together.
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You’re the one that said
”Care to name a few, as correct if I am wrong most games that have a DC pen. Are less played.”
I’m correcting you that you were wrong and there are very popular games that have a DC penalty.