4 Shadow step and 2 circle of healing. How am i even suppose to play against that ??!
I already hear the survivor only say: "Just break them" or "It's not OP because it takes a long time to boon the totem". LOL
I couldn't see their scratch marks because their totem covered all the map and when i broke them i heard that thunder sound 30sec later that told me that the totem was up again. It's literally uncounterable.
So i propose many things to nerf those boon perks:
- A cooldown of 80sec when a survivor boon a totem AND when the killer break a totem.
- Being able to apply only 1 boon to a totem (so only shadow step or CoH)
- Reduce the totem's range to 20 meters
Or just a simple nerf : that the killer break the totem when unboon the totem
In any case, this as to be fixed !
Holy crap, that wasn't even just the Boon totems, look at the rest of those builds.. WOW poor guy that looks rough, all those BT, DS, IW, SB jesus
3 -
14 seconds to bless a dull totem mate, not 30.
You snuff it, you turn around, do 10 meters and the totem is up again. Game is pretty much impossible to play as a killer now.
4 -
Honestly those other perks don't bother me because i never camp or tunnel. But a perk like shadow step prevents me from enjoying chasing survivors and enjoying the game..
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Yeah but like 30sec to escape, come back and boon it again
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I just hope that the killer playerbase will have a 50% decrease during the next two weeks. I will be happy if survivor queues are 30 minutes long.
Game is unplayable for killers, we just need to all stop to play.
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I stopped and i hope most killer player will too. This new patch is ridicolus
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You ended up with almost 30,000 bps...
Why are you upset?
2 -
Do bones.
3 -
How about we make killer hexes spammable as well. I just had another match with 3 people using both boons.. i had no chance against them. When i kicked one another was lit up. You really think thats fair?
Edit: From now on when i play a survivor im going to be antiboon survivor. I'll break all the totems so people cant spam those nasty things. I'm going to help the killer any way i can.
5 -
I'm not playing the game to get bloodpoints dude. I'm playing the game to have fun.
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How about we make it so that killers need to hold M1 for 16 seconds to get rid of the boon, that also ends up destroying the dull totem? Plus decreade the already obviousl loud audio clue to make tham as hard to find as hexes are? That would be the minimal considering that survivors have to find and bless totems tht can easily take up to 1 minute.
1 -
If you're not having fun then give it a break. I still don't understand all of this you have to win to have fun mentality. You have a problem with boons but in my experience boons are a massive waste of time. Also I always get teammates who NOW want to cleanse totems when before this update no one did that. It's not boons that are making the game unfun for you, it's comms.
0 -
when survivors complain about noed:
killers: "just do bones lol"
when killers complain about boons:
survivors: "just do bones lol"
Post edited by snek on0 -
You know i wouldnt mind holding my M1 for couple of seconds if that breaks the whole boon and it cant be relighted. Rather than that just make the boon 1 time only or with massive cooldown. I'm sure you surv mains are enjoying the fact that you stomp on the slower killers quite easily now.
3 -
If you are really willing to stand still for 16 seconds for a boon than I’ll bring one in every match lmao. These perks are useless gimicks. The only reason you killer mains go crazy because of them, is tied to the fact that they’re new, and you find a way to complain about even nonexistent issues if there is nothing else on hot topic at the moment.
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You are crying about nothing. They simply waste their perk slots, thats all.
They dont even use addons for their items.
Why do you cry about DS so much. Its nerfed to the ground and its only pain for camping ######### ;)
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You're totally distorting what i say...
First i've never said that i needed to win to have fun and it's quite the contrary. When i play huntress i'm not seeking for 4k but for great shots. When i play killer in general i just like to have a good chase and juke survivors, that's what make me have fun.
And yes boons are making the game unfun. I don't want to break their OP totems every 15sec because they have no cool down on it.
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You call them useless yet i see 3-4 people using them in a match. I dont care about DS i hardly ever tunnel though now ive had to become nasty. Try a game with slower killer when you have 3-4 survivors using boons and then come tell me how useless they are :)
1 -
LOL DS is fine for me and i don't know why you're talking about it ._.
"waste their perk slots" even big LOL that's the total opposite, CoH is the best healing perk and it apply to everyone.
I'm just talking about putting a downside to OP perks and you come here to cry about it.
2 -
1 minute to find a totem ? ye at low MMR.
And there are 4 survivors, 1 killer.
4 survivors can cover the whole map in 30 seconds top and they have a 3rd person view.
Killer has a FPS view and is alone, cannot cover the map.
You guys, do you even think ?
Post edited by JohnWeak on1 -
20IQ comment. you compare the imcomparable..
NOED: one cleanse and it's gone
BOONS: no cooldown, infinite use because killer can't break their totems
Next time try to use your brain before commenting
3 -
Me crying? You are author of this topic making a river about boon totems.
How is that possible when I go against good killer with my boon totem its gone in no time
1 -
MMR is broken and doesn’t exis/make sense.
And yes, finding one in a reasonable spot can easily take up to 44 seconds, while it takes 16 after that to bless it.
”4 survivors can cover the whole map in 30” — I see you’re not a mathematican but this is nonsense. If it would be true, than nobody would have used Ruin since release.
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I wasn't trying to distort anything. You made a vague comment that led me to believe something. I don't know what makes the game fun for you based on your response to me but will agree on the cooldowns.
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They use them because they’re new as well. Not because they’re any good. If you think you lose because if them, think about having actually meta perks on everyone instead.
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Everyone and their cousin is already using dead hard, iron will + the boons so nothing really changed for me. If you see the gameplay on higher MMR you notice how bad it is against the killers and the boons arent helping the situation yet you still argue the game is fine?
I'm not even high mmr im probably middle of the pack and im struggling the same. Sure after losing couple of matches i get the baby survivors.
2 -
i can't tell if this is sacrasm 100lvl or you're actually serious
i'm just making fun of both sides who suggest going out of your way to find totems
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lol i didn't get it sorry
english isn't my first tongue...
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I'm calling it flatout: this is the future meta for as long as boon totems remain unchanged.
It's only downhill from here as players start catching on to the real power at their hands (and being able to grind it).
People trying to claim boons are even remotely balanced are either in extreme denial or outright lying to further their own agenda favoring something as stupidity OP and broken as boons obviously are.
There's zero value in "stepping away from the stale meta" if the only reason people leave behind their extremely powerful perks is because now they'd hardly ever use them when it's often easier to outright avoid getting downed by usually ducking into one of the hide & seek zones.
All the claims about boons actually "wasting time from gens" are as intellectually dishonest as any claim could be. One survivor wasting 12 seconds on a totem they stumbled across is nigh ALWAYS going to break even with the time it'd takes the killer to track down & snuff that totem. For a competent play, that's basically your worst case scenario. Even a single boon usage from there is a net gain as far as the time tradeoff goes, where the value generated wasting killer's time is so, so, so, so much more valuable than survivor time required. Advocating for boons outright ignores this game being 4 vs 1, not to mention the extreme impact of just 2/16 well placed perks can have on the 4 survivors. The average gains per boon applied are a whole lot more valuable with these being the "risks" to the reward potential.
To consider boons balanced basically requires imagining them in some vacuum so "time away from gens" can be treated as pure cost. In truth, it's blatantly an investment (and an incredibly secure and insanely lucrative one at that) generating returns by impeding killer gameplay that would otherwise (and indisputably) pull more survivors off generators for far longer. A game might go on longer with the boon impacts pushing the survivors back into their safety hubs rather than slamming gens, but unlike typical games the killer isn't gaining footing the longer those games go on. It's almost the opposite, where survivors are free to carve down gens while largely containing killers to failed chases and reverted health states in a stalemate. Boons are so much more powerful than people realize or want to admit.
Hell, lately I'm seeing the boon-boosters fall back on conjecture and anecdotal evidence of people being stupid with boons, as if stupidity is some unique, inherent challenge to setting boons. Sorry, but no---the mere possibility of any given person spending the whole match looking for a totem only to end up distracted by the shiny until the killer gets them isn't the same as a meaningful drawback. That's selectively deploying the same excuse applicable to anything, and every killer underpowered if the player is bad enough they can't hit anyone. You've got to assume reasonable competence when talking balance.
Some people are behind the curve now due to newness/ownership/grind/etc, but they won't be forever. Barring major changes, the OP's game is the new meta we'll see.
2 -
Correlation does not imply causation.
Just because you observed 1 example of a match in which 4 survivors had boon totem perks during the 1st week of release, does not mean boon totems are OP and need a nerf.
For example, Lucky Break was very commonly played by all 4 survivors during the 1st week of release. And killers, such as yourself cried for nerfs to Lucky Break because it was game breaking. However, now we see it was quiet underpowered and actually was buffed from 45 seconds to 60 seconds. Even with that buff, it still isn't used.
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They don't even need 4 of it, only one is enough to totally change the outcome of the game.
The only thing we want is downside to the perk so we can counter it, because snuffing the totem is just a waste of time when they can boon it infinitely.
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of course they are op especially on indoor maps. some persons just want to abuse them
0 -
Lucky break was nerfed from the ptb before it hit live. I only ever saw I think one person playing it in the week after it hit live. If it hadn't been adjusted it would still see play.
Boons are meta defining. You can try and theorycraft your way out of it, but the fact of the matter is that if nothing else, they waste the killer's time. That alone makes them incredibly powerful.
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It would be kinda silly to make boons a one time perk. Killers camp noed and devour all the time hitting and killing the survivors who try to cleanse. There’s no way for survivors to protect and guard their totems the way the killer can with hexes. I think being able to rebless the boons as a survivor is pretty fair since survivors can’t hit and hook killer for trying to snuff out boons
0 -
So, you lost one match and you're immediately calling for nerfs? Survivors scrambing to rebless totems as soon as you snuff them is buying you free chase time. Imagine how much harder you would've lost if they put that time towards generators instead.
Making totems break when they're snuffed would make them really terrible.
1 -
Boon totems needs a nerf for obvious reasons, why should it be a risk/reward for killer but not for survs ?
At least, noed putted a pressure on survs who didn't cleanse, it was ther punition to rush gens, but anyway, just a little cleanse of neod and boom, your perk disapear.
But not boons, they can do it again and again on the same totem, imagine the new perk of the artist but without the fact a rebuild totem is destroyed totaly after, so, rebuild, rebuild, rebuild ? You are going to cry.
Worst is, with the artist perk, you finaly could run a somewhat valid totem build, but boons rebuild totems (worst is, you can't destroy a boon totem, and you can't plague the totem to protect it to be boon again) and destroy totems build, and boons ar highly played.
I wonder at what moment, we, killers can do game without being humiliated/buillied because of unbalanced game ? The problem is not the fact boons totems exists, but the fact you CAN'T counter them, and this, is disgusting as hell.
Infinite totems for survs, and killers can things to themselves, as always.