DC Penalties too harsh!
I think the penalty for disconnection is way to harsh. Don't get me wrong, I think it is crappy to DC intentionally but it's not fair for those of us who DC because of crappy internet. I travel for work and am currently in a hotel and I keep getting DC'd which penalizes me. I won't be home for a week and I really want the new cosmetics but I'm scared to play as well because I don't want to get banned for 2 or 3 days. Plus I keep losing progress on my rift stuff. Played a match mad it to the exit gate, and had down two of the tangled gens just to get dc'd and lose the progress on those gens. I get why there is a penalty in place but it really sucks for those who's disconnections are out of there control. :/ I'm just trying to play the game. I also wish they wouldn't kick you out immediately. At least keep the persons avatar in the game in case they do get dc'd from internet problems with the chance to come back. I'd rather the game crash or I get dc'd and have the chance to come back even if I'm on a hook than to get dc'd and just get a penalty from it.
It might not seem fair to be punished for having a poor connection.
However, it's even less fair to the 4 other players in the match with you for you to play with a poor connection. A single DC'd survivor, especially early on makes it all-but impossible for the other three to win, and puts the killer in an awkward position if they care about a fair game.
Just play something else for the time being, and enjoy DbD when you get home and have a stable connection again. Believe it or not, that's the right thing to do.
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Most of these dc penalties for being disconnected can be avoided by stirring clear of the game until you can assure you have a stable connection.
You with the penalty, the 3 other survivors left, and the killer are just left feeling a little worse.
So I totally agree with you.
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While I agree that there isn't really anything to be done to slacken the DC penalty (we've seen on many occasions what happens when you turn it off, and it's bad), I do wish there was some attempt at working in reconnection. On several occasions, I've been ejected because my provider derped out for about ten seconds; if DBD didn't immediately eject you and your client sought to reestablish a connection to a stalled-out game, the match could have carried on without any real disruption. DBD matches aren't long enough that you can reconnect after your computer crashes or the like, but minor blips in service don't need to be the end of the game and it'd definitely be a relief to players using public connections. Seriously, I'd have hated to have found DBD while I was still in college...
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Okay but the event is only for like 8 more days. I'm playing to try and get the skins for the new survivor. I don't want to chance losing out on the new skin or have to wait another year for it? Also when I do play it's generally with two or three of my friends, and were not super competitive anyway. That's also why I'm saying they should let people reconnect. Also what is really annoying is that it's only this game that I have problems with. At the end of the day this is just a game. I want my costmetics and If they're going to have the penalty then they need to have a way to let people reconnect in case it was just a technical issue.
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@Laluzi that's what I'm saying. Give people a chance to reconnect.
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I'd be totally down for this. It's probably tricky to do though from a technical standpoint, very few games have managed to implement this well.
Yes, it's understandable. You'll have to figure something out, or accept that you won't be able to get those cosmetics. That's life, sometimes.
Thing is - other people, both killer and your allies - also want to play the game properly.
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No doubt, the game should allow you to reconnect. Not sure why that isn't a thing, other games can do it. However, too many people deliberately DC for various reasons, so the penalties need to be in place. It sucks that you have a bad connection, but it sucks for players you leave behind too. They want to collect all of that stuff too, which is made harder when they are playing short-handed.