Is there a way to counter boon totems

Is there a perk or anything to counter boon totems
Ppl will come here telling you to use Thrill of The Hunt, but the actual counter is to stop playing killer entirely and go play something else, have you heard of Civilization V?
I heard its a great game...
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Just snuff bones /s
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Yeah, that's just waste of time...
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In all seriousness there really isn't. Trill of The Hunt I guess, but at that point you might as well run all hex perks and do it for the luls.
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Perk? no..
Killer? yes
Plague is best against both.
Nurse, Spirit, Blight are good against CoH, but Shadowstep can be an issue.
Bubba, Myers, Ghostface can work too
You really don't wanna play Wraith, Doctor, Hag, Nightmare, Clown, Cenobite, Deathslinger against it.
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No way to counter it as it needs 14 seconds to be blessed and can be blessed an infinite number of times.
I have tried a strong totem build : thrill of the hunt, ruin, undying but at high MMR all totems are done in less than 2 minutes. 1 chase (1 hook) and you don't have totem anymore.
Till they don't nerf it you will pretty much need to camp/tunnel or to stop to play killer.
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No. Thanks for playing Dead by Daylight.
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In my opinion there is no way to counter them. I started playing almost only survivor and i use boons myself as well. Boons are just too strong. I hope if the devs see the killrates against boons they will nerf them. Just play survivor and abuse the boons, i think that's the only way to show the devs how strong they are...
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Killer main, this is actually the play. Most survivors will tend to hang around it for one reason or another, so you often follow someone there (or find it by accident) you can snuff it out in like 2 seconds. It takes 16 to set back up, and thats 16s less generator time, plus whatever they need to find totems. Let them keep booning totems, it's buying me slowdown.