[FEATURE] Minimize toxicity, improve community mindset

Hello everyone.

I have an idea to minimize toxicity in the game, which I've been thinking about for a long time. I know, not everyone will like this idea, but I really don't see any contra about it.

So basically people get mad in this game not only about what happens in the game but also is said in the after-game chat. Yes, I know you can disable chat by clicking on the arrows, but first of all maybe offer people to disable chat temporarily in their settings (just check or uncheck Chat (By unchecking it, it should not hide the chat like the arrows do, but say in a red font "CHAT MANUALLY DISABLED" in the same way where it says "disconnected from host", explanation below)). So they can't just be toxic after they had an easy game. I think theres a few people that would actually like that.

Now to the second part of my thought. I've seen this idea in another game and its not really about copying someone elses idea, more like its a good idea to minimize the toxicity in this game.

In the end-game chat allow people by pressing a button (for example Square on Console; F1 on PC: "Say GG") which automatically makes them say "gg" (in lowercase) in the chat. So it looks real (like they really typed it) and you get 2000 extra bloodpoints for saying gg (by pressing that button).

I know 2k ain't that much, but you get the idea behind it, right? People will say gg even tho they would not in first place and its much more of a better atmosphere. And for those that type gg and then talk sh*t, thats where the part of the disabled chat function comes in. You can see people type gg but not any toxic chat. It looks real and if you typed gg by pressing that button you get rewarded.

Also, I'd still keep the arrows in the chat, so if people don't wanna disable chat they still have their option to hide chat. So theres no real change for people that don't like this idea.

Please tell me what you think about this. Do you like the idea?


  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    I think it's a pretty decent idea! Other games have the commendation feature to encourage players to praise the other players, I think something like this would work just as well.

  • Nobody_TM
    Nobody_TM Member Posts: 38

    I don't want to rain on your parade, but all you have to do is type "gg" for a free 2k and then hit em with an "ez". I'm sure any number of filters and back breaking coding for chat algorithims could be devised to detect "commit die" but I think you see my point.

    If you want to help create a shift in the community, the reality is you just need to be the change you want to see in your community.

  • tekkersqt
    tekkersqt Member Posts: 25

    Yeah, thats why I suggested to take a change on the chat too. They can't just get a gg ez when they have chat disabled. Only seeing gg and queing straight into next game is much more relaxing.

  • Nobody_TM
    Nobody_TM Member Posts: 38

    I mean if your gonna disable my chat to combat toxicity I'm gonna have to veto that.

  • Voodoo101
    Voodoo101 Member Posts: 237

    The problem in the game with toxicity is not just in chat, it's the survivors that try and mock the killers by teabagging, even when the killer is just interested in doing challenges. Its the killers that find it fun to facecamp. Its the survivors who run the killers to other survivors to save themselves, or just leave people on first hooks, just to get hatch. Or the killer who slugs and leaves you on the floor to bleed out.

    If you play with X-Play you cannot chat between PC and console, but the gameplay is still toxic.

    I have been playing online games since Quake and never seen such game that brings out the toxicity in people, although there are toxic people in all online games, this seems to bring out the worse. Maybe its the way people see it as unbalanced or maybe it's because it is more like hide and seek, then run and shoot.

  • tekkersqt
    tekkersqt Member Posts: 25

    What? No one is disabling YOUR chat. I can disable my chat by my own and still see people typing gg clientside but won't see what they typed by their hands. This won't affect other players by the slightest.

    Yeah, thats what I'm trying to do. Minimizing the toxicity. No need to get trashtalked after game when you can avoid it.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    I will give u an example:

    -gg nice game

    -btw old lady plays better than u/ btw animals....

    U know if by some reason u want to tell another guy how good he is, there's no chat filter players can't overcome.

    And if u want to avoid toxicity by any means, better don't leave your cave and block the exit.

  • Millor
    Millor Member Posts: 17
    edited October 2021

    If every game is a "gg", then no game is a "gg", it becomes meaningless, I only say if it was actually good close game where everyone was generally sportsman like, (IE not facecamping/tunneling or SWF+discord shenanigans while also running a full gambit of meta perks), otherwise, you don't deserve a gg. Obviously if some one is flaming you in chat, they're already angry, give them a break. It serves no purpose to get angry too, you simply don't have to read it or care, the game is already over, let em vent. Whatever it is they're mad about was probably more upsetting than whatever it is they had to say about it. I've always found being a little sympathetic and giving tips on what they may have been doing wrong makes everyone feel better in the end, people will often cooldown and apologize if it means that much to you. Just be the bigger person.

  • Voodoo101
    Voodoo101 Member Posts: 237

    But the toxicity is not just after the game, it is in game. To get rid of that you need camp penalties, stop survivors crouching near the game or make a timer inbetween crouches. Make it so that once the gate is open and the survivors cross the line then they cannot crouch. Players will always find away to be toxic. If you are on steam an leave your page open to comments, they will go on their, or even report you.