Vault Spamming Survivors

Please for the love of god do something about this.
When playing killer, there is nothing MORE obnoxiously toxic than a survivor jumping back and forth a dozen times over a pallet or in and out of a locker a dozen times or vaulting back and forth through a window a dozen times.
The constant explosion sounds is super annoying and creates a very toxic experience. Make it so that the Entity will automatically block a window, pallet, or locker if they do this repeatedly more than three times in a few seconds or something like that.
It's challenging enough going against survivors that are much better than me without having to deal with their toxic behavior and tea bagging.
This happens a lot to me during EGC. They’ll do it near the gate.
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I don't see why it shouldn't be blocked after multiple vaults even if there is no chase going on.
Surprised they didn't implement that a long time ago.
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Let's get rid of the more pressing issues, like sbmm, then we can revisit this.
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I think there should be a trip mechanic where loud fast actions may result in a fall. That either reduces a health state, slows you down or stuns for a short time.
I would make fast vaults and exhaustion perks a lil more risk/reward.
Also creates a more horror film chase scene vibe.
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That seems broken if it was during a chase.
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Not sure about that. Start a new thread regarding this topic, please.
But I do disagree with you. I've had better matches because of sbmm than ever before.
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Maybe but it would be thematic.
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It would also be thematic if Valtiel came and assassinated whichever killer went up against Cheryl, but it wouldn't be very fun or fair.
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It's only uncalled for when done at the exit gates/hatch to troll the killer.
Other than that, it's literally just a 4head wasting time off gens.
Be willing to embrace the former, in order to keep the latter.
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I think it would be great fun to risk tripping while fleeing a killer. I would add a heap of tension to chases that is currently lacking.
If go down thematically I think its great. Some of the best games I've had are when I'm caught out of position on death hook and am basically doomed. Its a tense moment to stay alive for as long as possible, those moments are getting rarer and rarer.
Putting risk on the survivor creates extra tension making chases meaninful and gameplay truely horror. I play survival horror to fight to survive not waste someone elses time while I run around the same rock 5 times.
A mechanic like this I think would only upset those who like winning over playing but they are upset all the time so there's really no change. We all know that one tantrum kid we don't want to game with well DBD appears to be full of em.
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The problem is that if you end up tripping early in a chase, that's it, that's all the gameplay gone. You're immediately incapacitated and put on the hook.
Not through something you did, but just because you were deeply unlucky.
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Just look who does it. Add him to the steam blacklist. And dodge lobby when you meet him or camp and tunnel him.
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Just a heads-up, I suggest you consider ignoring that user. I was just commenting one of their threads and I just noticed they're on a roll, most likely trolling at this point.
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Yeah there is lots of RNG in this game that can bite you in the arse. That element build tension. Maybe its an increasing hidden stackable value it sstarts at zero and as you wrack up vaults and exhaustion perks in the same chase the chances get higher. Capped at a low percentage but a greater chance the longer things go on.
It would create a lot of great ah crap moments and wouldn't happen right at the start of a chase.
Half the time if you run to a strong tile a good killer is gonna let you go and pressure a gen instead so gameplay is over anyway.