Played first run of survivor with boons


Today was the first run of survivor games I’ve played since the update.

I have to say boons are a little bit nuts. The healing time was insanely fast.

Often we had two set up on the map, creating some very safe zones where you could heal super fast. If the killer cleared one, folks were just healing at the other and we kept relighting them in the same spots to have one of two map zones up at all times. Eventually most killers stopped bothering to put them out.

It seemed a bit oppressive and I never really worried about being injured which kinda felt wrong.


  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Effective drop back zones kill target switching. Killers are forced to tunnel down a single survivor to make any progress.

  • Millor
    Millor Member Posts: 17
    edited October 2021

    They're very poorly implemented as they are, and aren't just too strong but as Demondaddy said, they kind of just force you too tunnel people which no one likes. It also just significantly prolongs the game when you're constantly destroying them and survivors aren't doing gens and just placing new boons. I know they just make new perks strong like this to sell a character most people would otherwise pass up, but I'm hoping for a change sooner than later.

    Killer totems are just out right permanently destroyed when removed and if they aren't going to change that at all, I don't think boons should be any different. Make the notification go away when placed, but the killer is able to just permanently destroy the totem, and the survivor can't place another boon. It'd still be really strong if the team had 2 or 3 people who could place them, but at least there's a light at the end of the tunnel and you aren't just forced to camp people or chase boons all game.

    Alternatively, make boons and hexes not permanently destroyable, but go on cooldown for 2 minutes. The location of the hex/boon also randomly moves to another totem when it comes back up (or maybe even when it's doused, so if it's spotted again you can reset the timer and keep it down). But I'm not entirely sure about that because it still might just be too much of a distraction from gens for both sides.