Just a little note to selfish tryharding people



  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    I expect the same from every person. I expect everyone to always try their best to behave like a decent and good person in any situation or circumstance.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    Some indivuduals are guilty and those can be found playing both roles in this game. Some individuals make it a war. I'd say it is a war between those that want to behave "rightfully" entilted and selfish whilst expecting others to accept that vs. those trying to behave fair, respectful and treat others in the way one would like to be treated themself.

    Dunno how it is difficult for anyone to asess which group is the root cause of the toxicity.

  • MrOogieboogie
    MrOogieboogie Member Posts: 70

    I would like to think otherwise, but I am really not so sure /shrug

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    I am pretty sure anyone is able to comprehend that your statements don't make much sense and that you keep contradicting yourself. I you didn't care you wouldn't have to disable messages at all cause it wouldn't bother u. You don' want to admit it, fine. But don't expect others to not pay attention to that. Btw it is normal to care about other peoples judgement. It is a good thing actually as only people that have mental impairment do not care for real. Anyone without that impairment will care, avoid it (through behaving according to social rules or through explaining their wrong behaviour to themselves) or deny their responsibility.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    If so you have no reason to get upset about messages that refer to dbd and your behaviour or their interpretation what your behvaiour is based on in your character. But I assume that isn't the case.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    Expecting to behave in any way you wish and not getting called out for it is petty af and infantile. Just take responsibility for your actions.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    Haven't thought of that, but yeah that is a good example too.

  • AkiTheKitten
    AkiTheKitten Member Posts: 670

    I don't care about messages, that's why they're disabled. If you gotta harass the killer, you need help lmao.

    I don't need "responsibility", it's a game. Go outside and stop pretending to have the moral high ground" over a videogame

  • AkiTheKitten
    AkiTheKitten Member Posts: 670

    Ah so you're a salty survivor main that harasses killers over their builds. Touch grass lmao

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    I'm genuinely concerned about the TC at this point.

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    The objectives should change based off how mamy survivors dc. Similar to a custom match with less than 5 players. I cant believe they havent implemented something like that and this game has been out for 5 years now. Kind of dumb.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354
    edited October 2021

    I beg to differ. I think they realized that they ran out of arguments.

    1. One cannot compare a game like dbd with fighting games, as those are 1 vs. 1 and fair in the first palace. If I play a shooter game and get downed I've just no played as good as my opponent (if they didn't use a cheating device that is. Like a Cronus Zen for ps4 for example).
    2. If they decide to tbag in that case they are poor winners or probably under age (for real or just developmentally) and shouldn't play that game in 1rst place. Tbagging etc. (a stranger) is an unsportsmanlike conduct and there is no understandable explanation to behave like that. As it is an act that is carried out exclusively to dominate, humiliate and provoke the other person.
    3. "After a match....." -> What are your reasons to be friends with someone that likes to dominate, provoke and humiliate you and/or others? I usually delete anyone that carries out that kind of behaviour to anyone without an understandable and fair reason (getting tbagged before from that same person before or comparable. It doesn't matter if they tbag me, someone I know or a total stranger. To me this is an indicator for their values, morals and often for their personality ( I usually tend to wait and watch first. See how they react if they get treated the same way).

    I don't keep anyone showing unsportsmanlike conducts on my friends list as I refuse to enable or tolerate that toxic behaviour. And they all know the reason why I deleted them.

    4."Being unable..." I have a lot of experience in that field and I might have some backround information that you might not. Not trying to insult or anything like that, but this kind of information isn't really something you learn through school or everyday live. Without the knowleadge I would understand as to why you argue like that, therefore I assume you might not have that information. I guess we all kind of learned that our brains have synapses and synapse connections. What most might not know is that whenever we repeatedly act in the same manner this strenghtens the connection of that kind of behaviour in the synapse connections. This leads to the fact that regularly used synapse connections develop and are accordingly activated more easily (even unconsciously). What is the difference between, for example, a novice driver (must take every step consciously and with cognitive effort) and an experienced driver (many actions are carried out automatically and the driver is not even aware of it).

    --> Why would I explain that: Well it is the same way with unsportsmanlike conduct behaviour. If you behave like that unconsciously, because you trained that behaviour unknowingly, you'll have to loose realization and selfreflection unless you get it shown to you. Some people might not even realize that they behave like that, because they just act like "the others" they encounter. This repeated behaviour becomes unwillingly and unbeknowst part of their behavioural repertoire. The synapse connections activating that behaviour will not only be easily activated in online games but in any situation. Our much used synapse connections aren't able to assess/evaluatereal vs. virtual world they just activate in similar situations. The brain just doesn't work like that. It cannot unconsciously seperate real and virtual situations or what behaviour is adequate online and offline.

    I guess if you knew that you wouldn't have tried to use that as an argument so I won't held it against you as I didn't know or expect this to be a thing before I learned it. It just isn't part of common knowleadge.

  • TheDuhJ
    TheDuhJ Member Posts: 475

    Surprise, your expectation don't mean sht until you have the power to enforce it. Give people some incentives to be nice and maybe e you will get it. The world isn't gonna cooperate with your ideals just cuz you think they should. And whining about it aint gonna do sht

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    What? I am so surprised to hear that from you of all people... Joke aside. I believe we all were able to figure that out already, but I appreciate your honesty.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354
    edited October 2021

    Do you really believe that I think that expectations are anything else than expectations? No, I don't.

    Just to make it clear: I am not the author of social norms. Maybe reading my statement was the first time you've ever heard that these social rules based on morals exist, but I certainly didn't say or claim that I invented them. Though I am happy you learned something new. Btw they also tend to differ (slightly) based on culture.

    Luckily there are a lot of people out there in this world trying their best to be a good person every day. Maybe you need to meet new people if you feel like it is different.

    If you read what I've writting you could have been able to figure out that I believe that feelings or showing feelings is nothing to be ashmed of nor do I agree with shaming feelings or someone for showing them. Having and expressing feelings is natural and part of being human. However I wasn't trying to express my feelings, but pointing out unnecessary and unprovoked unsportsmanlike conduct. Moreover I was trying to rise awareness and force self-reflection regarding the behaviour shown by anyone.

    I hope this clears it up a bit. I guess I just didn't use the right words as english isn't my first language.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    I'd say it would be more fun if players did not try hard as much as they do.

    I agree that even in a 4 vs 1 tunneling and camping from the beginning take away the fun for all 4 survivors and I can't really imagine a killer having fun playing like that neighter. Not sure how much killer you play, but rude, provoking and unfair behaviour can be found on both sides wondering who started it seems like the "chicken-egg-problem" if you know what I mean. What I noticed is that it is more likely on my platform to message survivors than killers that is one of the reasons why I wanted to address this here. To survivors I am usually able send a message in game.

  • copperysinger5
    copperysinger5 Member Posts: 19

    You wish for killers to behave more nicely? BHVR has nerfed all the nice cool winning strategies for the killers and gave them no option but to play in a style that you might consider as tryhard or toxic. As a survivor it is your duty to complain that your opponents nerfs have been taken too far to the point it's not highly competative and only results in toxicity. But you won't because most survivors like that are too cheezy, if killers were only given water guns and balloons as weapons, those survivors will still think it's fair. The developers nerfed killers too much. It only benefit new survivors that don't have skills to escape against a skilled killer. Now high level survivors are relaxing because killers are too weak.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,153

    Well that was the case when it could happen that only 3 of 4 survivor or less loaded into the trial. Then the amount of gens was reduced equal to the number of missing survivor.

    But what you implie here would probably be either to complicated to code (elas it would need to be conditional depending on the amount of undone gens remaining) or be abusable, when Everytime a survivor DC's a gen gets done/removed.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    This community is well beyond that type of courtesy, at this point. Until the devs take balance, matchmaking, and toxicity seriously, it is not going to get better. There are people that already do that stuff, just because it is in their nature, but you are not going to sway any opinions here. A few years ago, that was the norm, with exceptions, of course, but we are on a very different road now.

  • LordSturm
    LordSturm Member Posts: 493

    Instead of complaining about the killer killing, you should complain about people ragequitting 30 seconds in because they got downed once.

  • Fobbo
    Fobbo Member Posts: 452

    I meant it in a way that they paid for something they wanted and i guess they paid for it because they want to play tryhard or something

  • FranzDerPalme
    FranzDerPalme Member Posts: 75
    edited October 2021

    Yeah I understand what you're saying I also don't quite know where it all began. Back in the days it was also a problem, but it was not quiete as bad it seems to be. People used to say thx after the match and tunneling wasn't that much of a deal. But maybe it's just how I remember it.

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    In what alternate universe is that too complicated to code? And its not as simple as "every time a survivor dcs a gen gets done".

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    I do (if even possible) write to every player if they show decent behaviour (it is a bit of work on dbd). Usually thanking them for fairplay. It's not even much work as it doesn't happen very often and it is easy and fast enough to write a thx in between two games. Oftel while I type (I have to type every single letter with my controller and it takes a while) I get some message asking me if I'm going to complain because I died or something similar and a lot seem surprised getting a nice message. I guess that says a lot. Bet you got some storys about that yourself o.o

  • FranzDerPalme
    FranzDerPalme Member Posts: 75

    Yeah I do xD

    One of the funniest things that happened to me was that another surv was flaming me in the chat and the killer started to defend me. Those moments were jsut amazing and I'll never forget that xD

    I used to thank the other players for playing fair aswell, but kinda lost that tbh. but I usually try not to be that toxic if I get mad, I try to ask the other player/s why they played like they did, what caused that behaviour and what they want to accomplish with it.