All day today playing as Mikaela i have been camped and tunneled EVERY SINGLE GAME! Like idk what yal killers have against mikaela like really...is it boons??? or what and even a felix player i was playing with knew i was getting tunneled because he even took a hit for me, btw its a camping tunneling Huntress....you see all these other survivors running around me and you still come for me like im not understanding killers hate for Mikaela like #########, and the felix that helped me even disconnected because after i died Huntress started tunneling him. This needs to stop honestly



  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    I played as Mikaela and didn't notice any difference compared to when I play any other survivor really.

    Sometimes killers focus on me, sometimes they don't.

    Also killer trying to kill you is normal when you are survivor, don't take it personally bud.

  • DontNerf
    DontNerf Member Posts: 990

    Because thats how dbd is deigned

  • botrax
    botrax Member Posts: 633

    The hit and run strat got kill by the inteoduction to boon perk and with the nerf to key more survivor brimg medkit every game this mean killer need to commit to the chase and tunnel a survivor out of the game asap for them to have a chance

  • eXoDuSs
    eXoDuSs Member Posts: 31

    Stay competitive for what reason? To then come on forum and cry about how broken survivors are at high elo? Literally 1/2 of ppl at high elo use noed and have inflated elo because of that; also most of them tunnel 1 person for a few gens and then lose the game if the survivors arent dumb and just do the gens when the killer has 0 preassure.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607
  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2021

    People tend to play games and try to win?

    This argument is so bad, why do you want to be competitive in a pvp game... because it is a PVP game, we don't play it to lose and the fact that at higher MMR it is broken... showcases that you complaining is clearly a L2P issue, as you are playing the broken side by your own logic.

    Complaining about NOED increasing MMR? Because Dead Hard, DS, BT, PTS, UB and boon totems, etc. don't do the exact same thing for survivors? Perks are to be used and to help you out in order to try and be competitive. You act like Killers don't see the same handful of perks on survivors.

  • Ricardo170373
    Ricardo170373 Member Posts: 688
    edited October 2021

    Because that its only chance for you kill someone in this game today. This new MMR, more survivor buffs, more new boon totens. this is so disgusting for killer today. If you run without corrupt you will lose 3 gens, 2 gens with corrupt, until first down in high MMR. In high MMR with SWF this game is so unbalanced and unfun for killer, so, every try Tunnel and of course, everyone has DS, Unbreakable, boon, DH. I prefer play as survivor, is so much easier

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Play killer against any survivors with brains in their heads. There's your answer.

  • cantelope
    cantelope Applicant Posts: 343

    Well yeah if people let up you're just gonna go run to your boon spot and rub ya butt.

    I normally like playing around, cuttin you up and letting you run. Boon totems took that away. You all shift w towards the totem and heal.

    So now I follow you. And when you get unhooked if you're the closest you're the target. Cause you're both running to your totem.

  • eXoDuSs
    eXoDuSs Member Posts: 31

    What competitive game? DBD? Hell na, not even close to being a competitive game. Also i didn't say noed is op or something, i just see a lot of bad killer that can't run a tile properly as killer and can easily tunnel 1 person for 3-4 gens only to lose the game for no reason.

    Yes, noed inflates elo and guess what if you run it because the survivors destroy you, you probably shoudn't use it in order to gain elo because you will have less fun being destroyed by even better survivors.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Dead By Daylight is a PvP game; which by definition is competitive: One side: Survivors faces the other side: Killer and they battle it out for victory. This is not an e-sports game, but that isn't the definition of competitive! Our goals are literally to prevent the other side to achieve theirs: Escape and Kill. We face each other and compete to see who wins and who loses.

    If the game is not competitive why would it matter if they play the game well or not? Whether they are throwing the game to get a 1k, max a 2k? The argument of it being casual falls flat here, because if it is that casual as you claim why are you upset that someone is playing the game how they want. Also, if they are that bad how are they 'easily' tunneling someone out of the game and not being looped for 5 gens.

    I bet you will come back with, but it isn't fun for me... however it is not competitive, there isn't a reason to try and win so you losing shouldn't be an issue. Just sit on gens or have the chase and move on. According to most people the chase is the best part so you should enjoy being tunneled and if camped, just give up why try and survive.

    You are whining that NOED increases your MMR, yet nearly all good/meta perks do just that. Use DS... it saved you from the hook and got you an escape in late game. Used BT... it gave you a speed burst to reach that escape gate. If you reach the level where you get destroyed your MMR will drop again and it evens itself out anyway as that is the whole point of the system.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    You don't need to consider it competitive but I will because words have meanings.

  • Toastyy
    Toastyy Member Posts: 226

    Since you were playing Mikaela I’d say they tunnelled and camped you to get rid of someone that has the boon totems. Since they are her perks they will always assume you’re running them with how strong they are.

  • eXoDuSs
    eXoDuSs Member Posts: 31

    DS or BT save in egc are so rare compared to how easy noed is to use and how easy it impacts your elo due to just kills meaning anything. You can't argue against the fact that it secures atleast 1 kill a game, most of the time 2, meaning in long term you will just gain elo, unless you are the worst player in the world.

    It ain't fun to bully players like those who literally have no idea how to loop decently or just make pressure around the game, the only thing you can do is sit on gens, when the most fun part of the game is the chase but i guess he tunnels 1 guy for 4 gens.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    I don't known what level you play at, but good survivors can deal with NOED and then follow it up with a BT, DS, body block madness save. You claim you can bully these killers, yet are unable to locate 5 totems and check which one is lit at the end?

    Additionally the perks for survivors can be used effectively to extend chases, avoid a death hook and ensure they reach the end game. They are impactful perks and provide great value by increasing the survival rate of the people using it.

    NOED is a decent perk, it is a late game perk with massive downside of being a hex and requiring a dull totem.

    Why you sweating that you are sitting on a gen, if you want to prevent the tunneling... maybe insert yourself into the situation and help your teammate out. According to you the game is casual, not competitive... so why are you trying so hard to win?

  • kingbojenbo
    kingbojenbo Member Posts: 130

    You keep a player from actually participating in the trial. Killers have MORE than enough advantages so if you have to rely on such a cheap tactic like tunneling and camping then how good a killer player could you be. Everytime survivors get anything new there are always complaints. Killers are faster than survivors, can slow survivors, instant down survivors, speed themselves up even faster than their standard speed and I haven't mentioned perks. Survivors click flashlights and t-bag so clearly survivors are op.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    Why? They literally just introduced even faster repair speeds for gens. They removed the skill needed for dead hard so it's another guaranteed second chance - making chases even longer. They introduced a reusable hex perk for survivors that counters essential perks needed to track survivors. They introduced a reusable hex perk for survivors that makes chasing survivors near impossible. They introduced a reusable hex perk for survivors that makes it impossible to hold pressure.

    They didn't address the map sizes. They didn't address pallet economy. They didn't address how close strong tiles are. They buffed some killers so they are no longer F tier, while taking strong Killers out of A tier, and people act like that is enough to make Survivors immensely more powerful in every aspect.

    You know why Killers are tunneling, and camping more? Because every single update - they adapt. They adapt to the game getting worse and worse, because every time they complain about the changes being unbalanced you get a wave of toxic players that are no good at the game flying in and protecting the devs for bad balance changes. Their only support? Content Creators that are survivor sided.

    So yeah, if you want Killers to stop camping and tunneling, then balance them to be able to do anything else. Otherwise, Killers are going to only get better at making the game worse.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    It's to permanently remove Boon perks.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    I can't imagine why. Could it be that killers don't get rewarded for playing normally, so they have to play like that to get kills?

  • Urihi
    Urihi Member Posts: 4

    Why not to?

  • kingbojenbo
    kingbojenbo Member Posts: 130

    I understand the edge survivors have on comms and I agree it's unfair. As far as the mechanics of the game that give killers an advantage, I've already mentioned those and didn't mention them all. You must be new to the game or have not seen what this game was before.

    Killers have it far easier than they did back then. If you can't get kills with those advantages then that's on you.

    I made my point so there is no reason to keep arguing with those who don't realize that killers do hold an advantage over survivors.

  • Frontdoor6
    Frontdoor6 Member Posts: 609
    edited October 2021
  • LeonxJiwoon
    LeonxJiwoon Member Posts: 455

    Nemesis says different they still tunnel us jill/leon mains like no tommorow, so that is one killer mikaleas never have to worry about XD.

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    I think is really easy to understand.

    Survivors Tunnel gens as fast as they can to escape and tbag the killer at the exit Gates.

    Killers tunnel survivors to get them out as fast as they can.

    Killers do exactly the same as survivors do, and you know what? It works in both sides ;)

  • cantelope
    cantelope Applicant Posts: 343

    "But it's fair/fun when I do it!"

    -The majority of every thread on this topic ever.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    I've started hard tunneling and proxy camping once a boon or two goes up. You cannot drop chase anymore when it's in play, so your best bet is to find the nearest injured survivor and stay on them until they're dead. You aren't likely to win playing the survivor's game of chasing them to their boon location and constantly trying to snuff it out. The amount of time the survivor "wastes" on it is highly overrated, it's practically nothing compared to losing distance and going way out of your way to try to find it, especially if it's away from any gens.

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    Nope, is not fun but is the way to play this game according to Devs choices.

    The only funny moment is when I, as killer, make a survivor DC for his incapacity to Hold Chase and dies under my tunnel Power.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    DbD is a game about efficiency. Tunneling, Camping, Slugging and Genrushing, ShiftW are some of the most efficient tactics in the game. Why shouldn't Killers be efficient?

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    You, this told me enough to know there is no point in telling you anything...

    You believe that survivors are weaker than killers, I don't.

    You think CoH is good for the game, I don't.

    You think that this makes me bad killer, I think you are just bad survivor.

  • Sandwich_Jesus
    Sandwich_Jesus Member Posts: 266

    Nemesis is just playing in regard to lore, alongside pyramid head who has to target James for lore purposes. lmao

  • LeonxJiwoon
    LeonxJiwoon Member Posts: 455

    I get it but be 95% a toxic nemesis that punches and whips you like no tomorrow on hook or persistent to tunnel you till your out the game is like really buddy? But some of them be bad so when they wanna tunnel and dont even know how to use him cause they are new to him I am happy welcome them to chase me for 4 to 5 gens xd. Wonder if the pp heads be toxic toward the cheryl/james players with tunnel/camp hit on hooks?

  • Fobbo
    Fobbo Member Posts: 452

    Just so you know if a killer tunnels it does not mean they have something against you or the character. Thats a way to play and it is efficient way to play

  • Fobbo
    Fobbo Member Posts: 452

    Cheap tactic? If tunneling is then so is using ds, ub and dh

  • Fobbo
    Fobbo Member Posts: 452

    They hate the new survivor because of the boons. Especially circle of healing

  • GenJockeyNance
    GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687

    Kinda stupid for killers to be tunneling only Mikaela's if it is for the boons. When Mikaela came out, I unlocked her teachables in a matter of minutes - anyone who doesn't main Mikaela I guarantee already have the boon perks on their main. Just stupid. Reminds me of the meme when Nemesis and Pyramid Head came out to tunnel Jill, Chris and Cheryl, now James respectively.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    geting rid of mikalea means getting rid of her boon totems... is understandable.

  • DaWeezerd
    DaWeezerd Member Posts: 256