Boon Totems are annoying near endgame

Just had a match where there were only 2 survivors left with 2 gens super close and one sort of far off but still within reasonable distance. Anytime I would hit a survivor they would instantly go back to their boon and heal. I would have commited but with the other survivor going to work on a gen and I dont have ruin up anymore.
Like a normal 3 gen with 2+ survivors in certain situations can be rough sometimes but with the increase healing speed with boon totems. It's honestly very rough, especially with survivors who know what they are doing.
Okay. So you've already killed two players. And you're mad that in order to kill a third, the fourth might be able to get away because they happen to have set things up in a way that leaves them able to constantly keep pressure on you.
You already have two dead... Just take the 3k and stop whining. You already won.
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Ideally you commit, down them, snuff the totem if it is nearby (on indoor maps, might not be worth looking for) and keep them slugged while you go for the last. You risk unbreakable, but it is better than a war of attrition that you would likely lose regardless.
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Except in his scenario, he can't "lose" regardless. He already has half of them dead. One or two might escape, but he's already snuffed out two people. You can't call that a straight loss.
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I was trying to complete a challenge to kill survivors, sorry if I wanna get it done as soon as possible lol
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You aren't entitled to a 4k every game. Sorry they got you into a position where one of them is likely to escape, but they're people and get to win sometimes too.
Even if in this scenario, it's only one of them making it out
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I just meant he would lose the generators regardless if he didn't take a chase.
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lol I know im not entitled to a 4k every game. But I'm still going to try and finish my challenge. Will they get to win? Sure ya they can potentially. All I said was that it was rough XD
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2k's are the average the devs are going for. Trying to maintain a 3 gen is greedy. Just go for the best chase you can, and get one of them, rather than trying for a 4k.
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Thats what I ended up doing, only reason I was greedy was I wanted to get a challenge done involving killing survivors. I really hate those challenges as they honestly arent that fun. I was able to get them all down luckily and finished my challenge. I'm perfectly fine with a 2k or even less in a normal scenario but when it involves challenges that require things like hooking or killing. I want to get them done quickly as I dont get to play the game much due to work and other things.
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I feel ya. It doesn't help that, on the survivor side, there are challenges specifically for placing boon totems, and cosmetics are involved. They really want to sell the new survivor.
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As I hate playing killer ever, I just played like a typical bubba and basement camped my way to 2ks for four games. Super easy. Just watch TV and wait for them to die.
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Right?! Though it was funny to have a challenge where you have to break totems. I actually had a 3-man SWF get upset with me that I was breaking totems. The life of a solo qeue ;~;
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I learned the hard way that bleeding them out doesn't count and needed to play an extra game. It made me very sad.
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I'd do that but if I'm gonna play killer(which has honestly gotten more and more loathsome to a certain degree) I wanna get as many points as I can with BBQ, especially considering we are getting another chapter in december which blows my mind as we legit just got hour of the witch.
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My friends and I always break totems. If we have a random and they get upset by that, too bad. Would rather have no noed than them wasting their time buffing totems instead of doing gens.
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Well, Hour of the Witch was just the survivor filling in since Pinhead was the normal main chapter patch and didn't have a survivor.
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True, I just feel the time could have been better spent working on the December chapter considering quite a few of the latest releases have been broken to some degree. Not to mention they could have just released pinhead as a paragraph DLC like Ghostface or bubba.
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I bought Mikaela. I did not buy Pinhead. I probably won't buy anything that's purely killer sided again. I just don't enjoy kicking puppies, and that's what most games feel like as killer for me.