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General Discussions

Dead hard is a problem??

Member Posts: 449
edited April 2022 in General Discussions

First of all, I'm a killer main. I do play survivor, but mainly killer, and fair spread of them.

I see all the time people complaining about dead hard, and the most common complaint I see is that "it gives an extra health state"

But like.. so does every exhaustion perk?? Just in different scenarios. Sure dead hard is probably the most common, and most available and easiest to get off. But every exhaustion perk is potentially an extra health state the same way DH is.

Personally I use SB with fixated, I can walk away as a killer is coming and with good timing force a whiff while activating SB to make it to whatever structure or loop is around. That's pretty much the same as using DH to do the same thing, the only difference is that I'm not injured first.

Lithe gives you a free sprint after jumping a window, if you time this correctly you can can (maybe not nearly as often but still potentially) force a whiff and a free escape to the next loop/structure.

Balanced is the same in the sense that as a killer seeing someone take a long drop usually makes me think "ok, free hit for me" but if they have BL, it's not. It's a free sprint for them to reach the next loop/structure and the same as lithe, potentially a whiff f the killer prematurely swings while falling.

Smash hit requires a pallet slam sure, but in the sense of it being a free sprint to the next loop, it's the same. Just without causing a whiff, and instead a stun from the pallet and potentially (depending on the safety level of the pallet) forces a pallet break, although this would likely need to be done anyway, making SH probably the weakest of exhaustion perks, but still.

So can anyone explain what exactly makes DH so much worse than the rest of these? They essentially give the same reward and cause the same time loss for killers.

Again, I am a killer main through and through. And I genuinely do not mind DH any more than any other exhaustion perk, and I don't understand the hate.

Also if it matters to anyone, I have 2k+ hours in the game and have played since there was only 3 killers so it's not a matter of being newer or not understanding how things work.

Post edited by EQWashu on

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