Killers: Stop moaning

The amount of people saying nerf this.. nerf that..
The kilers hit box is a joke right now, I've been hit well after going through windows, hit by hatchets that I turned away to dodge (and saw fly the other way) and hit after leaping from heights, its like having a constant 1 second lag without actually having lag.. yet survivors need nerfed... oh please!
this may sound stupid but... the game is server based, if hits are hitting when on your end they clearly didnt.
that means YOU are lagging.
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Taking damage in windows is still not fixed
Adding passive perks for survivors so that each has its own uniqueness not added
Taking damage from Anna's ax around the corner is not fixed
Tunneling is still there
Killer Camping Issue Not Resolved
And that we see dear killers, you can only kill through bugs and not finishing the game, because it is not profitable for you to fix it
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Exactly. OP is moaning about having McDonald's wifi lol
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Survivors stop moaning. You have unsnuffable boon totems and validated Dead Hard hits.
Or maybe... why don't you play both roles so you have an idea of what you're talking about?
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Survivors need to be nerfed because the game is doing more them than they do for themselves, most of the time. Unlimited vaulting with no cooldown; fast vaulting while standing still at pallets; 50 billion pallets in every level; most loops have increased in size when they said they would be decreased in size when they reworked the springwood maps.
The killers are playing against the developers, now. Not survivors.
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So you made a moaning thread to tell other people to stop moaning. Maybe take your own advice.
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Can I go back to my previous suggestion, that you need a few hundred comments before they let you make threads.
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burnt out campers came hahah
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This is not a bad idea.
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If survivors could not fast vault pallets unless coming at the right angle like windows then 90% of pallets would be easy to mindgame. Most maps have shrunk in size and has created an issue where there are simply too many hooks, resulting in killers being able to easily camp 2 survivors at once. Worst still pallets have been decreased so much that plenty of maps have artificial dead zones, that if a survivor is not informed beforehand risks running to an area of a map with literally nothing. This is also why so many survivors pick a direction and run until they go down now due to maps being so anti-survivor and no loops. Lastly most of the "god loops" from old dbd have been blocked off and the few that remain can be negated by breakable walls. Only a few good loops remain and the few that do can easily be countered by strong killers.
I"m not saying this game is killer sided, however you are ignoring years of balancing for killers so that you can continue to complain and act like the game has not changed when it really has.
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Upvotes, you need 75 upvotes to make threads.
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McDonalds wifi, I have gigabit LAN connection over fibre broadband, my ping at game lobby is 10-20ms, monitoring this during matches via performance manager never goes above 40ms, come on..
You know some people who play games actually work in IT and know what they are on about unlike yourself who just wanted to troll
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My point was, survivors have issues but there are less moans and groans about them, I actually didn't make the thread expecting it to be fixed immediately.. you know like every killer demands
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This isn't even true. Might want to take of those bias glasses.
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Yeah agreed. Killers always moaning about something.
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I don't know how you came to that conclusion.
But, it just confirms my point.
Noobs on the forums always regurgitate some biased statements and often come off as argumentative and insulting.
Recognize any of those behaviors recently?
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
The title is kind of ironic given your comments.😂😂😂
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Every time they improve the assassins with a new patch, but the survivors don't cry
I myself am main Rin Yamaoki so that you understand that I'm not just a hater and it's just funny for me to look at you crying killers
And you must admit the guys in the game have a lot of problems that give advantages to the killers, but it's not profitable for you to fix them (whimper-whimper)
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@OP You have Dead Hard validation now. Enjoy.
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Tells us to stop whining, proceeds to whine himself. The hypocrisy is laughable.
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yeah... because no one ever said:
nerf noed
nerf ruin
nerf undying
nerf x killer
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it should have worked like that initially, but the distance is too small so no, it's better to take flexibility
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You may have good wifi, but you can't complain about Survivors getting nerfed when ping has nothing to do with it lmao. Also, since we're on the topic of Killer and Survivor moans, Survivors usually moan about not having even easier W's (NOED, tunneling and camping come to mind) while Killers usually moan about more senseful topics (Boons, Keys (before Nerf), SWF) and then you have people who play both sides that are the most chill type of people
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The funniest part of all these replies is I play killer as much as I play survivor yet everyone claims I'm biased because of one post, if people actually looked for REAL bugs rather than just rant about powers then the forum would be less toxic.. all the replies say it all really.
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I play for both sides, but knowing the bugs with the window or the fact that the map has decreased in two, but the same number of hooks remain pushes one question WHEN THERE WILL BE CORRECTIONS IN RECEIVING DAMAGE IN THE WINDOWS
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Probably soon seeing as they buffed Dead Hard
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I play as Rin and I don't see the difference in catching and killing these survivors who used their ability and I don't care if they have this perk or not, it's enough to get closer
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Play against a team with Survivors that know how to use Dead Hard for distance not to dodge a hit, then you'll see how busted that perk is
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I'm quite experienced and 70% of the survivors use it so I advise you to get used to
Playing as survivors having good perks is really frustrating because the choice is very small
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I'm used to Dead Hard, it's uncounterable when used for distance and yes, most perks in the game suck, even for Killers
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I propose to shake up the meta, otherwise it becomes rather boring to play
You need to add passive abilities to survivors then it will feel fresh
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This came outta nowhere when I was looking at other people's posts.
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The thing realy is both sides moan evenly loud.
If the moans are justified is another issue.
The thing is you will not get your point across about moaning if you moan yourself.
Otherwise you took the wrong headline.
That hitboxes are broken we can all agree on. I get hits with Killer I stand there and ask myself how could that hit. And as survivor I get hits where I just ask HOW?
I remember a time where there was the hitbox so small the Killer had to literally kill you, with his bare hands to hit you. I remember another time when the hitbox was even bigger then Jane's ass times two.
Now we are at a mix of both and that's OK. Not perfect but ok.
The thing is it didn't changed much since the fast vault update long ago.
The hit box gets bigger on a vault, cause of the animation of the vault.
And the jumping is another thing, cause the hitbox changes with hight of the char but again in the programming the falling changes the hitbox and extends it. So you get hit on for you impossible ways.
An Killer gets the hit and I take it for what it is a lucky shot or good timing.
Cause of the hitbox issue you even can have a hood connection the time frame for the hitbox can be less then a second and it hits you.
With bad connection on your end it can get worse.
But here is not an Killer or the survivor to blame.
I say fix the hitboxes properly and fix the attack/lunge of the Killers. So both sides get an benefit.
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That wouldn't shake up the meta tho, it will make it even more boring. To shake up the meta you need to buff all perks that suck and maybe nerf meta perks a bit so they don't feel as powerful
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Same as Mora Rin and Nurse
And improve other assassins