Stop demanding nerfs for things when you only play one side

Please guys, literally the worst thing of this forum by far is always seeing posts from people demanding nerf/buffs/changes for things that they find unfair or bad when they play only one role. Of course its inevitable to always be a little biased towards your main role, but one thing is that and the other thing is complaining about things you truly dont understand/only understand from one point of view. Im killer main but im talking about survs and killers equally. Also i recomend everyone to play both roles since this way you improve A LOT. For example i have always been killer main, but when i started playing as surv i was already somewhat acceptable, because this way you truly understand perks, skills, possible loops depending on killer, distance, map...
You might want to post this in general discussion, because the people that would benefit from this don't post or read much on the feedback forum.
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pretty much everyone here does play both sides though.
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idk like 80% of things i read here are people asking for totally crazy things, which defiently means they only play one side or they have few hours. Im not talking about bait posts, im talking about totally serious posts demanding totally crazy things
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Yeah... I agree that stuff has been much more common, and it is baffling to say the least. "Ban the three gen strat!" etc.. lol
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I agree. Quite a lot of people only play one role, which is fair enough but it often means that they don't know what balancing is like for the other side and get it wrong when they try and comment on it and request changes regarding it.
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It does feel like a double edged sword though. Lets take DH for instance, Survivors will bend into origami swans to try and tell killers that it’s not over powered but killers will do the same thing to tell Survivors that it is.
I feel like Behavior really wants the two sides to fight more. I remember back when the meta was self healing after pallet drops. Seeing a survivor (Usually Claudette) do that actually conditioned me to Tunnel Claudettes as fast as possible. Maybe the Devs want that feeling back? Actually hate for the other player?
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Don't get me wrong I'm all for balance discussions around certain mechanics/perks/etc but the problem comes when people have a really really skewed view because they don't even play the other role. It just leads to false claims being made about things that are actually fine.
Creating actual hate between the roles does nothing but worsen the community. I doubt the devs would want to encourage that.
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Yeah i understand this and thats why i said that its impossible to not be any biased to one role, but one thing is for example thinking that DH needs a nerf or a bug playing with it and against it and another complete different thing is telling it should be nerfed/buffed if you only played with or against it
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it seems to me that the developers do not use their statistics on heroes perks at all
In the same Dota 2, updates are released every week where some heroes are killed in the trash and not used are improved
So the meta is constantly changing and the game still feels fresh.