How can I play the Twins without pissing off survivors?

I get I'm an old dude compared to most of you. 37 years old, have my own twin daughters, and thus I spend most of my time with Victor and Charlotte. I notice I tend to catch a lot of crap postgame.
Usual 1: I hate the twins, they encourage camping.
Usual 2: I hate the twins, they patrol 3 gens too well.
Usual 3: I hate the twins, they make games take too long because all Victor does is slug.
Like, I tend to play with Trail of Torment, Oppression, Tinkerer, and Oblivious. I've triple prestige Charlotte so I get as many of the silk ribbons and tops I can get, so I have a item-loss on pounce and undetectable when switching back to Charlotte for 30 seconds.
In general, I like to put Victor by popular gens on the map, and search and chase and smack gens with Charlotte, doing as much as I can to have a lot of undetectable. If I get lucky enough to basement hook someone, I'll leave Charlottes body by the basement and roam with victor to find rescuers or people pushing gens through.
I don't think is particularly oppressive. The twins are a terrible killer.
-You get punished for downing people with Victor, he's usually squished afterwards.
-You get punished for landing pounces with Victor, as smart survivors just kidnap him for 30-45 seconds.
-You often have only a 50/50 chance of picking up someone downed by Victor, as Charlotte still has to travel the map to the body.
-Victor can't slow gen progress.
-Victor cannot de-activate boons or break pallets.
-Victor needs all his doors pre-broken, and he has to be very carefully finagled through windows.
-Victor doesn't count as a killer, so I can't even use him with NOED or use any on-hit perks.
I give up a LOT for the few advantages I do get. This stuff in mind, even if I husk camp the basement, 1) Theres a minimum radius I must be out of and 2) there's a time delay on top of that and 3) since Victor cannot hurt gens, literally all I can do it injure 1 survivor before you squish him and make me wait 10 seconds to deploy him again.
I know that Charlotte being able to body camp about 20 meters away from the hook pisses people off, but I can't think of another viable way to play them without just letting all the survivors go every round.
FWIW: I think I play in fairly high MMR games, I don't know how to check. I'm Iridescent on both Killer and Survivor side.
I wouldn't worry about the other side, gamer. Most survivors either understand that you have to play the way you do/want to or they just look for an excuse to get angry and it didn't matter what you did.
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You can't play Twins, easy
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Ignore them. Why would you even care about how every single survivor feels about your playstile?
Your job is to kill them and it's not Survivors who should decide how It will happen.
If survivor complains cause your playstile pushes him to use his braincells, take it as compliment, thank him for game, go next.
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What Omniman says
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Simple answer: there isnt a way.
No matter who you play or what you do, somebody out there will utterly hate your guts and curse your name.
If you want to keep playing Killer, you HAVE to give up on caring about what Survivors think. Just keep playing what you want, how you want.
I promise I'm not cold and heartless. I'd say I care too much, but that just gets you putting yourself out for people who are likely to just BM you for playing cool instead.
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Don't worry about what the young crowd wants.
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That's kinda where I'm at anymore. Survivors have a LOT going for them right now. Killers tough. I got Iridescent survivor without hardly any effort. I bought Mikaela and just kinda coasted to it between her and Jill. Getting to Iridescent killer with my two favorites, Deathslinger and Twins, was a hell of a lot harder.
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You can't. Imagine thinking of the game like a bunch of math equations, Charlotte is unique in the fact that she pays a price of x seconds to go and pick up a survivor that victor downed and then she goes into the normal route of going to hook. In other words if we want to label some variabless we could say it takes a normal killer Y seconds to down and hook a survivor where the time is (chase time + pickup animation time + carry to hook time + hook animation time). Charlotte is almost the same but her Y has an extra variable, walk to where Victor downed the survivor and pick up. This can be as little as 4-5 seconds if you down them riight on top of charlotte but otherwise it could be as bad as an extra 15 seconds if you down them cross map on a large map. Maybe more if you don't take an efficient path. She gets nothing base-line to compensate for this so when you play against good survivors if you choose to not leverage her strongish camping abilities you will probably get stomped.
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Because survivors is chill role. All u need is m1 gens and run more than 30 sec + bring Kindred. It's more than enough to get +1 every game.
I took rank1 survivor before mmr without even bringing ds, dh and other meta crap.
Now it's even easier.
Can't say same about killer.
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I've only just started playing The Twins and I love them, I told actually use them to camp too much either, I tend to just amble around as Charlotte and when I spot a survivor I'll get myself within a decent distance and then unbind Victor, get him to latch on and then walk the short distance as Charlotte and down them, hook the survivor and start wondering around looking for someone else, obviously there are times when Victor is off doing his own thing but majority of the time I keep him with me until I'm ready for a chase.
It works pretty well, survivors can't complain that you are camping and you definitely aren't slugging because they get picked up within a few seconds of being downed.
I don't play that way not to piss people off, that was just the style I took to when I first started with them (which was only about a week ago) but I always tend to get a fair few kills that way.
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I don’t have that strong an opinion on the Twins other than that it feels really, really goofy that survivors can still quick vault while Victor is clawing their face. At the very least you think he’s be at least as encumbering as Pinhead’s chains in terms of vaulting and taking actions.
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Don't slug and don't camp. Oh wait, you said Twins
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I don't like twins but you should play whoever you like and want buddy.
Don't try to please others you will never accomplish that goal.
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That was how I started with them myself. After awhile though, my MMR went up and survivors would just not rip off Victor and break off to do solo things. Or they would lead me so far from my husk that I'd never be able to pick up the down. So now he's just extra pressure and I value his scouting and disarm much more than using him as an actual killer.
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Survivors will always hate twins but that don't mean you can't do it
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I feel like I might've played against you at one point. Given how little Twins players exist... it's not implausible.
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I have a LOT of time in this game, and I have literally never played against another twins player. I tend to run the only fullbody cosmetic the twins have, where Charlottes hair is down her basket is filled with entrails. My username here and in game are the same.
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You can't even play Killer without upsetting Survivors, so there's that.
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Why do you care about pissing off survivors? The object of the game is to win. Y'all are turning this game into an episode of Barney the Dinosaur.
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I'd like to think that's its a game, and everyone should get something out of it. We play it to be fun. I try to chat at the other players after matches, but catch a lot of ######### for the way the twins play. It's not that I deeply care, but if there's a way to do it well without getting raged at, that'd be nice.
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You will always get raged at regardless. I too am a 37 year old father and I've learned it doesn't matter how you play. If you do good you will get raged at. If you mess up and all escape you'll get called a noob and to #########. You have to remember we are playing mostly with children and young "adults'.
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AI victor or charlotte thats what they need.
Charlotte can let victor to roam searching for gens and when u change control Charlotte becomes the AI.
Okay for those who thinks it would be OP i will just say this:
Nemesis zombies stucked on bushes or corners.
Thats all
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So you promote toxic behavior then? Interesting. You could've also suggest leaving the last survivor on the ground to bleed and then hook him after 4 minutes to add to that.
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lol yea no kidding. Where's this coming from? He didn't say anything of the sort.
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Ironically a pretty good example of what I meant by "it doesn't matter what you do" hehe
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"I wouldn't worry about the other side"
That basically means you can and should BM the other side however you want.
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Bleed them out. If they weren't having fun playing, just make it so they can't play. Easy.
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You can't please everyone. Survivors will call you toxic just for playing Twins in a way that gets you kills.
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I don't usually get much hate for playing them. I don't camp or slug too much (obviously I do a little bit because that's what they're made for, intentionally or otherwise)
Apart from that I like hiding the one I'm not controlling somewhere I can catch survivors off guard and going for long-range Vic shots.
There will be ones that DC the instant they see you, but so be it.
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First I’ll start with this, play however you want,l. If you’re not cheating, everything is fair game.
With that out of the way, I’ll say I hate twins, with a passion. I believe the Victor nerfs did not go nearly far enough. Victor has no counterplay and has a truck sized hitbox. He can respawn in 6 seconds if crushed, which is insanely short. Victor is old Legion, he may not be time efficient, but he has no counter play and you will just go down regardless of your input. That’s the kicker, Twins lack really strong pressuring tools, but have one of the strongest chases in the game, top 5 easily. That makes the experience a miserable one for the survivors.
The chase is the best part of the game for a survivor, and killers that remove any thoughtful play are disliked by the majority (Twins, Slinger, Spirit).
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You can go wait in a corner every time you hook a survivor.
There is no other way; it is best to just focus on your fun rather than anyone else's.
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You can piss off survivors by playing a perkless killer with meme addon.
So, don't care.
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You sound like you're a blast to hang out with.
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Intentionally lose and play poorly so they are guaranteed a win. Or just don't care about their feelings on the match as they don't care about yours.
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Don't slug and don't camp, or at least if you don't have to. Twins are notorious for this, I'd recommend doing your best to break the stereotype.
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ask bhvr to balance them properly. Remove the 5 second penalty for a successful pounce and instead increase respawn time when kicked. teather victor to Charlotte within a 32m radius. If victor moves outside that radius he starts to die. Make switching between charlotte and vic almost instant.
You now have an engaging killer to use where you can make plays during a chase while restricting the use of victor so they can't just snowball and camp hook/ slugs.