Noed changes

I am a Killer main and I personally don't even use Noed unless I have a daily with Freddy (God forbid). But I've seen alot of hate toward it for a while so I'd like to throw some of my suggestions in the ring for the feedback.

Option 1
     Hex: No One Escapes Death
  When the exit gates are powered, a dull totem is lit as a hex totem and gains the following effects. Grants a haste effect of 2/3/4% and successful attack cooldown is reduced by 6/8/10% per healthy or injured survivor.

It grows weaker as surviors are downed, but coupled with Save the Best for Last, this can be VERY powerful, but only at end game. This also gives healthy survivors a chance to run away after getting hit, but less time to escape as per the name of the perk. (The Shape's instadown may break this at the exit gates)

Option 2
     No One Escapes Death
  Each time a generator is completed, all survivors suffer from the exposed effect for 10s per generator completed. While the exit gates are powered, all survivors suffer from the exposed effect for 60/75/90 seconds. Survivors will be notified by the exposed effect.

This is kinda broken, but I alway imagine what if. The exposed effect doesn't last forever, but can be used before end game. This can lead to longer games with people trying to avoid gens while exposed. It can also be coupled with Bitter Murmer.

Option 3
     Realize Noed could be worse than it is now
  Give me time and I can think of worse perks than Noed. Just thank the devs for making it a totem. It didn't used to be. If someone had noed, that was just your life.

I hope you enjoyed. Please give me feedback and tell me your favorite option n_n


  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    Option 3: remove its Hex status.

  • BuffKillers
    BuffKillers Member Posts: 6

    Option 4: First balance survivors, nerf DS, remove gen rush then nerf NOED

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    Option 5: Keep it as it is, because it works just fine as it is.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Option 6:

    No One Escapes Death:

    Everytime a generator is completed, for the next 20/25/30 seconds you'll gain a 10% haste effect. Whenever the final generator is completed, all pallets remaining in the trial will instantly be destroyed.
  • yes
    yes Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2019

    Option 7: Leave NOED the F*CK alone. Enough with everybody saying 'it needs to be buffed/nerfed', ffs, it's a HEX perk! If you're playing against SWF then all of the totems are probably going down, ESPECIALLY if you're playing Wraith. Otherwise, if you're chasing some other survivor and your focus is on them at the moment, your totem's going down as soon as survivors receive the "Exposed" notification. They can either leave or find the totem at that point. So please, enough of this bullshit.

  • Sziosis
    Sziosis Member Posts: 198
    I was just making up perks :c no need to be angry
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited January 2019

    Can we just trade it with DS and remove both? :smile:

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555
    edited January 2019
    Option 2 is more or less how it used to be, minus the exposed mid-game thing, and it used to be two minutes. The problem is that with a fixed time, survivors would just hide until that timer is over. Why bother fixing a gate while you're exposed if you can just wait two minutes and not be exposed?

    I actually think option 1 is pretty neat- especially with STBFL, that could be really nasty. Though the issue I see here is that the speed boost from a hit would still allow a survivor to take a hit and sprint right out so long as they're anywhere close. For it to work, the speed boost from a hit would also need to be reduced (while the perk is active). I would also remove the hex requirement in this case as it's not really necessary.

    FWIW, I really don't have an issue with it as it is now. There is counterplay and if someone powers all the generators before cleansing the totems that's on them. I'd rather it stay powerful and satisfying to use with counterplay like it is now than be changed to be underwhelming.