SWF is toxic and almost made me want to uninstall.

just played a game vs an SWF
My opinion :
SWF = custom games only,
reveal SWF in the lobby, to show who is grouped. Then the Killer can decide to stay to leave lobby.
SWF should be removed from matchmaking. You want to play with your friends? Get a friend to play Killer and abuse your friend. Don't abuse me, an innocent gamer trying to have a fun time.
made me want to quit and uninstall. all 4 got away, gen rushed me 3-4 gens in first 5 minutes. i hooked 2 people. one of them at start, and one at the end, but the other 3 came to save her with flashlights and full health and coordination. As I can only slash 1 person at a time with a basic attack cooldown, they all coordinated their attack to save her from different angles.
And about the Gens. When it was down to 1 gen, they left 1 gen at each corner of map, and they coordinated it perfectly. There was NOTHING, I REPEAT, NOTHING ANYONE CAN DO VS A COORDINATED SWF on DISCORD with microphones. Oh, you defend this gen? Fine, they tell their buddy on microphone in discord : "hurry hurry, killer is at my gen, fix yours!!!" ... and repeat. if you ever waste 10 seconds chasing any of them, they tell the others to repair. You can't even patrol. They will fix it due to perfect communication because survivors are at each gen telling the others.
made me want to uninstall. SWF is toxic.
Not really. Problem is that you have SWF stacked in just above avarage MMR, because it's just easier.
How I would fix it:
Buff soloQ, so they have chance to get there. Just give them info that is easily shared by SWF
Make SWF MMR not based on avarage, but based on highest MMR in a group.
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No need in Solo buff. Make it visible who is Swf. If u give free auras to solos, it will require to give even more to killer. It's an endless circle of butchering perks here and there.
And if swf que suddenly will become 3-5min or more then they should take it as downside being swf.
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SWF is OP as hell and is miserable to go against, but I rarely feel like actually I run into them. I think some people think they run into them but just rand into a team with 3-4 really good survivors. Kind of like people who say they ran into a tournament team; you almost certainly did not.
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It's usually not hard to guess who is SWF already.
I never watch lobby so I don't really care.
You don't need to buff soloQ much, but I think there is need to that. You just can't do any changes to survivors, because it would destroy soloQ even more. You need to get gap between soloQ and SWF smaller, if you wanna do any changes.
-Passive Kindred (without killer part) would help a lot, so you don't have 0 or multiple survivors running for a hook and wasting time.
-Show whenever is someone in chase -> just make everyone obsession style and actual obsession will be highlighted in red instead white.
-chat wheel would be nice too imo
Those changes doesn't really buff survivors that much and it will not affect SWF, because those things are easy to share for them. Killers don't need buff overall. Only change I would do is buff base regression to 150% and nerf ruin to same amount.
Otherwise just buff bad perks and weak killers to make it more interesting in high MMR.
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Get better please. We have enough cringe threads.
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Current balance is made exactly so survivors didn't know situation. If u give survivors free perks it will require killer buffs. It's a circle.
Just reveal swf in every lobby.
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How will that fix anything?
SWF will be exactly same. They will still be able to lower their MMR by playing with noobs. They will still completely skip match-making, because they can choose teammates. They still get free info without perks. They will still destroy most weak killers.
You will just punish them with longer queue times, because they want to play with friends?
That should never be a thing and it would be really stupid to punish SWF in any form for playing with friends. Not every SWF is dead squad.
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I've had games where solo Q survivors knew how to spread out and left gens on opposites sides too.
SWF does not mean you get better players because you communicate, it just guarantees you have better players who aren't screwing you over.
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I agree with you. One of the few times I agree with the term toxic being used. I don't know what can be done about it but something needs to be done. I played three games in a row tonight where the gens were done within 5 minutes. I didn't get pissed off but I did consider how a killer is expected to deal with that. Without camping or NOED I doubt I would've even gotten the one sacrifice I got in each of those 3 matches.
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Those who don't care and/or enjoy challenges still will play against swf. Those who don't - dodge. It will fix all this complains about *I don't want to play against swf, nerf swf and so on*. Fix afk, camp and rage quit.
What a great excuse u have. Game isn't made around voice coms. And if u abuse voice coms it's a lame excuse. Don't use your friends as shield for playing dirty.
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Oh, no. I am playing mostly killers, but when I play SWF, we are dead squad, so that argument doesn't work for me. I don't really care about that. I really don't think camping, tunneling etc. is an issue, because most survivors just doesn't get it, they should really try to play killers more...
This is just when I think about it as a concept.
-You dare to play with friends and getting new players to the game? Longer queue time for you!
Yeah, that's just not good.
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The advantages of a SWF goes way beyond coordinating gens. Being able to call out the killer's location, tell each other when they are being picked up/slugged, where traps are, etc. eliminates much of the killer's ability to deceive/strategize/game.
Four really good solo queue survivors is probably better than an SWF of 4 noobs, but the vast majority of the time a team with four man comms is just a massive advantage over any solo configurations.
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I don't care who u play and this BS about killer/survivor side excuse also needs to go.
Swf needs to be fixed. And revealing them is one good step to show if actually they abused voice coms or killer suck.
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SWF isn't toxic. The people in one can be.
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How would revealing a swiffer show they 'abused' voice coms?
Not all swiffers use voice.
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It's not a massive advantage when you consider that communication also can hinder gameplay as well.
Simply calling out "killer is on me" doesn't mean anything and certainly isn't giving out an exact location much more than if I heard a heartbeat and was able to simply look around. Even from afar you can get an idea where the killer is, the only killers that could possibly get away with it are stealth ones. Hell even Kindred does a way better job because you are seeing the killer's aura in real time, rather than going by a teammate's coordinates.
I am just making a point that there are advantages but no where to the level that OP and others on these forums try to make SWF out to be.
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This man doesn't know if they remove SWF the game will die the next game.
And why they were toxic? Because friends played together?
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Agree. That's why I hope someday we get our account statistics like W/L kills/escape average match time etc. And I don't think we would fight around if player A uses voice coms or not when his average escape rate will be around 4 min.
As i multiple times mentioned in different topics data should be revealed. And more data u have, easier it is to find what's wrong.
Like take LoL for example. I can track literally anything and there's no doubts about anything cause i can check it any moment i want.
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Swf is fine, you'll face many swfs who play rubbish and many solos who play amazing.
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Nothing about what you described was toxic. I also managed to pull that off with 4 solos before, multiple times even.
Not saying some swf is not op but sounds like you were just not that good.
Bring noed next time. If they "genrush" again, they definitely did not do bones. Then you can get a pity kill.
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Never gonna happen unless custom games allow you to earn BP and complete challenges. I do wish at the end of the game you could see who was in SWF, it will highlight how most SWFS are dog ######### lmao
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I don't think that'd make the forums happy, data has consistently shown the opposite of what they claim.
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Look you can’t blame every loss on SWF. Sometimes you just made mistakes
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All of that would be good + the ability to mark things such as totems
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U don't need to make forum guys happy. There's not a single game 100% community is happy about. While it could help a lot instead of just typer vs typer war without any single clue how good or bad each is.
I would be happy if there were statistics about how bad I'm am and what i need to focus on and leaderboards so i can check how good players do. And same would work with a lot of other players instead of *I think this is broken because i feel it is* that literally has nothing do to how good or bad player it is.
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The problem with the perception of SWF is that, whilst there are some groups who do play solely for some sense of superiority in their lives, there are a lot more who don't try to imitate the marines and actually aren't doing any more than just playing a game and chilling; not bothered with trying to mock an opponent.
So there's an issue whereby putting game restrictions on a group of players would punish more for the fact they just like to play together, which in turn would lead to probably many leaving.
I do empathise that meeting the twat-squads can be frustrating, and for some the messages sent afterwards are just horrendous (which is why they can be reported for abuse), and it can marr the day somewhat. But the majority of games do not follow that pattern, moreover the minority feels much bigger because it instigates a stronger, more emotive response.
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Sadly this cannot happen in DBD. The various UEA's with the consoles prevent the sharing of the very data you seek. The devs would have had to include displaying & tracking stats before porting the game on over. It's too late now.
Maybe in DBD2.
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Yeah, a good SWF is totally unbalanced and almost unwinable, but a lot of killers like to blame everything on SWF instead of blaming themselves for making mistakes/not being as good as they think they are.
Played killer for almost 3 hours yesterday for challenges, before switching to survivor. First game was against a Bubba with Ruin, Undying, BBQ and Bamboozle. He was really bad at the game, just bamboozled windows, instead of trying to mindgame, revved at every pallet and kept hitting walls. With 3 gens left, he DC'd and in endgame chat kept talking about how we were a "No life SWF, who only play survivor, cause we know how broken and unbalanced survivors are compared to killers."
Issue was that we were 4 solo survivors. I went to check every profile. Killer had 1.2k hours. I have about 3.5k hours in the game, but I got chased for about a minute before he gave up and went for someone else, so I didn't have a huge impact on his decision to DC. The survivor he spent most time chasing had 100 hours, another had 600 hours and the last had 75 hours. No one were friends with each other. But this guy kept insisting we were a SWF sweat squad, instead of admitting he weren't as good as he thought, or that he made many mistakes. I guess it's just human nature to blame everything else but themselves.
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Since there is no post match indicator to show who playing SWF, he absolutely can blame every loss on SWF.
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And continue to ignore his own mistakes? Sure I guess
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That is not that easy to share, so that would also help SWF, which I tried to avoid with those changes.
It might be good idea to show total number of totems left tho...
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Most people ignore their mistakes, doesn't matter side nor game.
You can blame game balance, other players, or mostly teammates. Killers blaming any SWF is not different, but you can't really ignore fact that dead squads will destroy most killers and that just have nothing to do with skill. You still can make mistakes and learn from them, but most players tend to just give up, which is main problem.
You have only little number of players that actually can reflect and notice their mistakes. It's hard to do without actually watching recorded games.
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U don't need dead squads to beat killers. Like watch Otz recent item testing. He gathered his friends who are mostly killer mains and they got 86% escape rate without perks, map offerings etc. Watch other survivor main streamers. They jerk around killer and make them look like clowns.
And Otz and his friends are not best players in the world. Any experienced team full perks and items just stomp same level killer. That's why people hate Swf.
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I guess some people still dont get how SWF works.
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How is playing with friends toxic? They're using what the game is giving them. I won't disagree on it being very powerful and oppressive, but it's not toxic
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It will be better for your mental health to just go with the flow of each match without expectations of victory. SWF is here to stay and you have to accept that if you are going to keep playing this game as the killer role.
Take what you can and take advantage of their mistakes. Try to learn to hide your red light more and give up on chases if they go on too long. At this point, I have just given up on gen slowing perks as they just extend matches. That allows me to use a wider variety of perks that survivors do not see every match. I still get plenty of victories and earn plenty of BP.
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"People like playing video games with their friends 😡"
I hate to be rude but...cry about it idk what to tell you
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Give soloQ comms, balance around SWF
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How about making perks bannable against SWFs. The Killer could prechoice 2 to 4 perks pro game, depending on the number of SWFs. As an example , you have 3 SWFs+one Random. Three of the four perks would be banned according to a priority list for the SWFs. The SWFs would be informed , that they have to repick their perks in the lobby. The SoloQ can still use everything the game.
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Since they know where I am at all times. Let me see there aura so I know where they are at all times.
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SWF surprisingly isn't as awful as killers make it out to be. The only killer it completely butchers is Trapper and sometimes stealth killers. And that's assuming they're making call-outs and not just playing with friends. SWF is more of a scapegoat at this point. If you lose to a SWF then they probably were better than you (assuming its just a normal match and not one dedicated to making u lose). SWF does give an advantage but it's not such a huge advantage that you're just screwed from the start. I see a lot of SWF players who suck at dbd. Any half decent killer can and should be able to put up with a SWF. Especially if they're running the regression meta. The thing is that a majority of killers don't know how to handle a SWF so they get ez wins. A lot of killers just hope that survivors make mistakes instead of forcing them to make one. The only advantage that they have over solo-que is communication. So you have to improvise your strategies to trick them. They play "toxic" because its funny, not to personally insult you. If you take it as anything other than that you're just making it hard on yourself.
Once you improve at the game I promise it gets way easier. Just stop taking it so seriously. It's a video game and you really can't control what happens in it. Those clicks and t-bags only affect you if you let them.
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This is one of the worst takes I've heard in a while. Why does the killer get to ban survivor perks only to turn around and run his best perks? All it does is make the game less enjoyable for SWF because killers don't like it. Also what's the difference in a solo-que player using the meta perks? (which would be the only ones I could see killers taking the time to ban out of the match). It doesn't matter that SWF has it, what matters is knowing how to use it. A dog ######### SWF with whatever set up of perks u give them will die unless matched with an even worse killer. Perks mean nothing if they aren't used correctly.
If anything all this does is remove the scapegoat mentality by giving u literally nothing to complain about if you lose. It forces you to admit that you screwed up at the expense of other peoples game experience.
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With this camping and tunneling would actually become an issue...
How do you think that game will go, when killer knows for 100% there is no DS and BT?
And again, you punish players for playing with friends, that should never be a thing.
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Nice anecdotal argumentation. I've had a lot of bad game as the Nurse, it means the Nurse is the weakest killer in the game. Also, yesterday I got 4k with the pig, so it proves the killer is OP.
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Its always abusing voice comms.
Last night I played in a game where a twitch streamer was in it. I went to his channel to see his livestream and the VOD replay, and lo and behold, he was an SWF having a conversation with 2 other survivors in the game, coordinating what to do.
Does the forum allow me to post the twitch streamer? Becuase im not lying. I can show you he was a 3-man SWF abusing voice comms.
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It’s an opinion. Because not everyone has bad matches in soloQ, unless you disagree with that too?
Stop trying to troll. It’s not working.
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I think an alternate solution is to just reveal SWF in the lobby, to show who is grouped. Then the Killer can decide to stay to leave lobby.
I would stay if its a 2 man. Im NOT ever staying against a 4 man SWF.
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I think the devs want the game to be fair. At least reveal SWF in pre-game lobby so killer can decide to stay or leave lobby.
I just had a horrible 4 man SWF crush me 20 minutes ago.
And last night, in my final game of the night yesterday, I played with a twitch streamer in a 3man SWF. Does the forum allow me to post the twitch streamer? Becuase im not lying. I can show you he was a 3-man SWF abusing voice comms.
In the end, whatever. Propnight comes out in a couple weeks.
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Why uninstall when we can pick Bubba, facecamp the first hook and slug the last survivor? If they ruin the game for us, we might as well ruin the game for them.
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A four man SWF just crushed me 20 minutes ago, tilted the crap out of me, I had to abandon the match for the first time in my life.
Last night, in my final match of the night, I played with a Twitch streamer who was in a 3 man SWF and I have proof of the VOD. Does the forum allow me to post the twitch streamer? Becuase im not lying. I can show you he was a 3-man SWF abusing voice comms.