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Legion is the new worst killer in DBD



  • Member Posts: 1,758

    @powerbats said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    Here's a fact for you, legion will have a killrate similar to freddy. I don't care if you 4k every game, if you play cheesy as [BAD WORD] then yes you will 4k, fact remains that the only survivors that will get downed in a regular chase against legion are potatoes. I brutally suck as survivor because I never play them but even I can kite a legion for 3+ gens until I inevitably bleed out.

    You just proved my point about making excuses for everything, it can't ever be that the person playing them did well, it's always the survivors are potatoes. I can kite some killers around the map forever including Nurses but that doesn't make them weak.

    What that means is that the person playing that killer is just plain bad and if you're kiting a Legion around that long the player is just bad.

    Just because you can't play Legion well doesn't mean he'll have awin rate similar to Freddy and you also don't have to play cheesy to 4k. Those are all facts and it all boils down to whether you or the person playing him just plain sucks.

    Fact is that you run at the same speed as survivors if they perfectly cut corners and therefore cannot kill a survivor in a regular loop without your power.

    Also ur Speshul_kitten, so I consider your arguments void anyways

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @MhhBurgers said:

    Fact is that you run at the same speed as survivors if they perfectly cut corners and therefore cannot kill a survivor in a regular loop without your power.

    Also ur Speshul_kitten, so I consider your arguments void anyways

    Facts are stubborn things you can't twist them to fit your false narrative.

    Survivors movement speed is capped at 100 at all times unless using a bonus effect such as Sprint Burst which gives 150% for a few seconds. There's also hope Perk but that requires all 5 gens to be powered so it doesn't help until, the very end.

    Then there's Adrenaline which is also end game only with all 5 gens being done, Balanced Landing 1x every 60 seconds after jumping off a hill or higher. Dead Hard which only shoots you forward a short distance. Then there's Lithe which is also a short 150% movement speed bonus.

    So that means your perfect situation requires the killer to be a potato and always take the widest turns since at 110 ms they'll catch that survivor. Which means that if the killer then perfectly cuts the corner like oh I don't know GOOD killers know how to do.

    That'd mean that those GOOD killers can kill a survivor in a regular loop without using their power just fine and that's a FACT.

    As for the last it's the usual troll response, I can't refute your arguments so I'm going to declare victory and say I ignore you. Oh and by the way you're arguments aren't wearing any clothes like their emperor.

  • Member Posts: 441
    powerbats said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @Thadius said:
    Just going to add to the conversation with a screenshot, sums up how my game went. Two people with flashlights whom are pretty good at blinding in my opinion. One Generator left by games end.

    Wow, rank 15, very impressive.

    Oh so now rank means something yet it doesn't mean anything unless it's to your advantage. You killer mains are hilarious since it's always well get to rank 1 before your opinion holds weight.

    The person gets to rank 1 and post their 4k etc and it becomes well rank is meaningless because the pip system is bad.

    So which is it then, is it rank is meaningless or that rank means something because the comments about rank 15 have also been applied to rank 1.

    Now you'll probably come back with the next usual excuse which is the survivors were all potatoes probably or that Legion is still new and people are getting used to him.

    It couldn't be that the killer actually played well since that'd mean that your excuses I mean arguments wouldn't be valid.

    So I'll point out a few things for the sake of arguments.
    First off, I was the one who pointed out rank meant nothing, not MhhBurgers. And I should have clarified that anything after the yellow and brown ranks means nothing. It's not a knock on the lower ranks, it's just saying that not only is it easy as hell to pip, but people derank on purpose to not play against Nurses and Billies every damn time.
    Second, ANY killer can 4k against survivors if they're skilled enough. The problem is there is a certain point where your skill becomes irrelevant if you play a low-tier killer. Legion absolutely falls under this category. This is from someone who also has 4k'd multiple times with every killer in the red ranks (that includes Legion).
    The truth of the matter is not everyone at rank 1 plays like Jen or Zubat or the members of the Depip Squad. Rank 1 has just as many average survivors as it does amazing ones. The amazing ones find ways to abuse Legion over and over again. And even if they end up dying to him, they also end up being the only one to die while the rest get out.
  • Member Posts: 441
    powerbats said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    Fact is that you run at the same speed as survivors if they perfectly cut corners and therefore cannot kill a survivor in a regular loop without your power.

    Also ur Speshul_kitten, so I consider your arguments void anyways

    Facts are stubborn things you can't twist them to fit your false narrative.

    Survivors movement speed is capped at 100 at all times unless using a bonus effect such as Sprint Burst which gives 150% for a few seconds. There's also hope Perk but that requires all 5 gens to be powered so it doesn't help until, the very end.

    Then there's Adrenaline which is also end game only with all 5 gens being done, Balanced Landing 1x every 60 seconds after jumping off a hill or higher. Dead Hard which only shoots you forward a short distance. Then there's Lithe which is also a short 150% movement speed bonus.

    So that means your perfect situation requires the killer to be a potato and always take the widest turns since at 110 ms they'll catch that survivor. Which means that if the killer then perfectly cuts the corner like oh I don't know GOOD killers know how to do.

    That'd mean that those GOOD killers can kill a survivor in a regular loop without using their power just fine and that's a FACT.

    As for the last it's the usual troll response, I can't refute your arguments so I'm going to declare victory and say I ignore you. Oh and by the way you're arguments aren't wearing any clothes like their emperor.

    Your comment about it being possible to chase down survivors at 110 without a power is flawed, though. Windows and pallets are things.
    Coming from a Huntress main, it's extremely difficult to win a chase against a survivor at 110 with no power. If I'm out of hatchets, I go reload immediately. As Spirit, I wait for my power to recharge and try to mindgame. As Hag, I try to corral them to where my traps are. As Legion, the only real way you're gonna win a chase is to cheese out of the chase by standing still (or moving away from the survivor) and looking down and/or turning around. It's a very weak power when it comes to finishing chases, meaning when you start targeting a survivor to put on a hook, your time will be wasted.
  • Member Posts: 1,358

    the thing about legion it needs to tunnel and spam alot m2 if you have the good addons for him

  • Member Posts: 155

    I think the Deep Wound effect would be better if the mending would have a skill check or be slow as a self care.

  • Member Posts: 1,256
    edited January 2019

    Average/Balanced, like B-tier. Not as good as Huntress or Pig, but he's pretty okay.

    Seems pretty dependent on triggering at least 2 Deep Wounds on some of his attacks; if you're never able to do that his power is only good for jumping pallets on a first hit. In that case, a pallet breaking build might be good on him.

    His movement speed addons feel like garrrrrrrrrbage. You barely feel them, if at all. Comparatively, the increased Mend time, power duration, and recovery feel better, but I haven't fully tested all of their impacts.

    For a spoopy, high mobility killer, I prefer The Spirit with movement speed addons. The Legion is suuuuuper dependent on clustered survivors, since you can rarely cross any significant distances to strike multiple people deliberately, and the moment anyone realizes this is what you're setting out to do they'll immediately start Mending the moment they're hit.

    As an aside, he's GOD-tier for farming bloodpoints. I've never hit a perfect 32k on any killer, even farming, due to the Sacrifice category. I'm not even sure how I did it. I haven't had a game under 25k bloodpoints, with most striking the 30k+.

  • Member Posts: 2,919
    Xaggy said:
    At least if he had a normal speed of movement. I trying to get adept but I cannot 😠😡
    I’m the same way. I tried about five times to get the Adept trophy and I just can’t. I even got Leatherface and Nurse (I’m on PS4 so Nurse is not easy at all) on the first try. Most of them it took only one to two tries. Legion is super difficult.
  • Member Posts: 475
    edited January 2019

    Legion is broken ... stop crying.
    Hag speed ? No has the same speed as all killers and ability to jump/break pallets like Nurse but without her skill cap.

  • Member Posts: 6

    @rafajsp said:
    Legion is broken ... stop crying.
    Hag speed ? No has the same speed as all killers and ability to jump/break pallets like Nurse but without her skill cap.

    "LEGION IS BROKEN" ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

  • Member Posts: 475

    @BuffKillers said:

    @rafajsp said:
    Legion is broken ... stop crying.
    Hag speed ? No has the same speed as all killers and ability to jump/break pallets like Nurse but without her skill cap.

    "LEGION IS BROKEN" ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

    Ok then.

  • Member Posts: 327

    Playing withy Frank's Mix Tape as addon is actually a good killer. Having 3 hits in frenzy can be very competitive. all the other addons don't seems to help him much. I like the Legion and having plenty of 4K at rank 1, so it's all good.(yes somethimes i get rekt, because they dont heal and gen rush)

    Overall very fun killer

  • Member Posts: 2
    I understand why they look bad but the legion to me is great, i downed and killed all survivors in 4 minutes with only one perk. I hated freddy because his dream demon was difficult to grasp when survivors are moving. The trick for the legion is to get them with frenzy multiple times for me it was 2 or 3 hits and chase them until you lose them and watch them bleed out. Capitalize on using the environment against them. I just think he is underrated. But thats just me.
  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Maximus7 said:

    So I'll point out a few things for the sake of arguments.
    First off, I was the one who pointed out rank meant nothing, not MhhBurgers. And I should have clarified that anything after the yellow and brown ranks means nothing. It's not a knock on the lower ranks, it's just saying that not only is it easy as hell to pip, but people derank on purpose to not play against Nurses and Billies every damn time.
    Second, ANY killer can 4k against survivors if they're skilled enough. The problem is there is a certain point where your skill becomes irrelevant if you play a low-tier killer. Legion absolutely falls under this category. This is from someone who also has 4k'd multiple times with every killer in the red ranks (that includes Legion).
    The truth of the matter is not everyone at rank 1 plays like Jen or Zubat or the members of the Depip Squad. Rank 1 has just as many average survivors as it does amazing ones. The amazing ones find ways to abuse Legion over and over again. And even if they end up dying to him, they also end up being the only one to die while the rest get out.

    Apologies for that one I thought i'd clipped you out and referenced him with that one and yes skill is a rng variable right now due to ranks meaning nothing.

    I've seen red ranks play like rand new rank 20's at times and it makes me wonder are they boosted or bought accounts.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Ok so I do agree that Legion is #########. But he's not Freddy tier guys.

    For a second lets ignore deep wound and pretend that Frenzy cannot down people every and just injures.

    So basically Frenzy is: Decent tracking (hardly the strongest thing he has but it's there). One of the few tracking methods that freely gives you the location of survivors that are close enough to get to before they can move

    and more importantly

    Practically free injure: Everyone knows that legion gets the first hit easy and the second hit hard. However people then go on to act like that doesn't have uses in of itself.

    Basically if everyone is injured then that is the equivalent of having everyone being exposed. While that isn't enough to make up for practically not having a power it is enough to make up for 5% MS. This is because only having to hit them once means a chase takes half as long (or 100% shorter) while an extra 5% MS is only 50% less chase time, or in other words in theory the legion should finish chases 50% faster than a 115% killer who isn't using their power. Of course Legion isn't quite that efficient as they need to hit them with frenzy, which while very fast is not instant. And even if he didn't there is the fact that other killers have that AND a useful power... with one exception: Freddy's power is negative utility

    Legions power is many things, but negative utility is not one of them, he's at least better than an M1 115% killer with no power. And that hypothetical killer is better than Freddy

  • Member Posts: 3,293

    Legion has the second best chase tool in the entire game (only the Nurse can rival his chase mechanics) and I would still rather play a killer, that has to wait 7 seconds to hit a survivor over this trash. There is nothing redeemable about Legion and his rework can't come fast enough.

  • Member Posts: 122

    I agree that the state Legion is in now isn't the best it could be, and I think they need a MASSIVE rework.

    Here is my thread I made about my idea on what the devs should to, to rework the Legion (hopefully they see it) but check it out <3

  • Member Posts: 441
    So my opinions have changed quite a bit since I made this thread.

    Legion is not the WORST killer, but he's damn close. Him, LF, Trapper, and Clown are the bottom 4. Freddy is mad underrated but difficult as hell, and most people expect to play him like a normal M1 killer whereas your best bet with him is putting as many people to sleep as possible to cause a big stall. But that's beside the point.

    Legion is the killer most in need of a rework. He's not good and he certainly isn't fun, either as killer or survivor. As a killer, it's not fun to tunnel one person and moonwalk to get kills. As survivor, it's not fun to have few/no counterplay in chases while your teammates gen rush. And DW does nothing.
  • Member Posts: 387

    Devs, for the love of GOD. Buff Freddy + Legion!

  • Member Posts: 218

    So you guys really can't play Legion huh?

  • Member Posts: 441

    So you guys really can't play Legion huh?

    Lol Legion's pathetically easy. The thing is his reward is nothing. You kill one, maybe two people max if they're good. If they aren't, of course you're gonna 4k (unless you also suck).
  • Member Posts: 816

    I think legion is fun ^_^

  • Member Posts: 3,647

    I think legion is fun ^_^

    ######### casual 
  • Member Posts: 3,647
    powerbats said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @Thadius said:
    Just going to add to the conversation with a screenshot, sums up how my game went. Two people with flashlights whom are pretty good at blinding in my opinion. One Generator left by games end.

    Wow, rank 15, very impressive.

    Oh so now rank means something yet it doesn't mean anything unless it's to your advantage. You killer mains are hilarious since it's always well get to rank 1 before your opinion holds weight.

    The person gets to rank 1 and post their 4k etc and it becomes well rank is meaningless because the pip system is bad.

    So which is it then, is it rank is meaningless or that rank means something because the comments about rank 15 have also been applied to rank 1.

    Now you'll probably come back with the next usual excuse which is the survivors were all potatoes probably or that Legion is still new and people are getting used to him.

    It couldn't be that the killer actually played well since that'd mean that your excuses I mean arguments wouldn't be valid.

    "Clears throat"....... please block the names in the pic..... names being exposed is frowned upon here..... :chuffed:
  • Member Posts: 3,647
    mmatt666 said:
    I understand why they look bad but the legion to me is great, i downed and killed all survivors in 4 minutes with only one perk. I hated freddy because his dream demon was difficult to grasp when survivors are moving. The trick for the legion is to get them with frenzy multiple times for me it was 2 or 3 hits and chase them until you lose them and watch them bleed out. Capitalize on using the environment against them. I just think he is underrated. But thats just me.
    Oh hell yeah..... I remember rank 21.... good times 😏
  • Member Posts: 13,037

    @Maximus7 said:
    Most loopable killer in the game, cannot down people with his power unless you use Frank's Mix Tape (a purple add-on by the way, and still need to hit people 3 times with it), mending not being a healing action ruins any good perk builds you can make, the power doesn't recharge fast enough and doesn't last long enough, too slow to chase people without his power, do I need to go on? This killer is a joke, nobody's afraid of them. This killer is a literal door mat even for the worst of survivors. Even at what this killer is supposedly good at (injuring multiple people at once), it does nothing in the long run since good survivors always split up. This is a terribly designed killer and nobody should spend money on them.

    sorry to tell you, but that just shows you cannot play legion without franks mixtape, I seemingly do fine with them without it and I am rank 4 now, only used them when trying adept legion, try bodyblocking

  • Member Posts: 1,758

    @Hoodedfengm1n said:

    @Maximus7 said:
    Most loopable killer in the game, cannot down people with his power unless you use Frank's Mix Tape (a purple add-on by the way, and still need to hit people 3 times with it), mending not being a healing action ruins any good perk builds you can make, the power doesn't recharge fast enough and doesn't last long enough, too slow to chase people without his power, do I need to go on? This killer is a joke, nobody's afraid of them. This killer is a literal door mat even for the worst of survivors. Even at what this killer is supposedly good at (injuring multiple people at once), it does nothing in the long run since good survivors always split up. This is a terribly designed killer and nobody should spend money on them.

    sorry to tell you, but that just shows you cannot play legion without franks mixtape, I seemingly do fine with them without it and I am rank 4 now, only used them when trying adept legion, try bodyblocking

    rank4 lul, I went merciless every game with freddy until rank 2 when I still played the game much and survivors were MUCH stronger than they are now.

    Also bodyblocking only works on bad survivors.

  • Member Posts: 13,037

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @Hoodedfengm1n said:

    @Maximus7 said:
    Most loopable killer in the game, cannot down people with his power unless you use Frank's Mix Tape (a purple add-on by the way, and still need to hit people 3 times with it), mending not being a healing action ruins any good perk builds you can make, the power doesn't recharge fast enough and doesn't last long enough, too slow to chase people without his power, do I need to go on? This killer is a joke, nobody's afraid of them. This killer is a literal door mat even for the worst of survivors. Even at what this killer is supposedly good at (injuring multiple people at once), it does nothing in the long run since good survivors always split up. This is a terribly designed killer and nobody should spend money on them.

    sorry to tell you, but that just shows you cannot play legion without franks mixtape, I seemingly do fine with them without it and I am rank 4 now, only used them when trying adept legion, try bodyblocking

    rank4 lul, I went merciless every game with freddy until rank 2 when I still played the game much and survivors were MUCH stronger than they are now.

    Also bodyblocking only works on bad survivors.

    every match has bad survivors then

  • Member Posts: 1,758

    @Hoodedfengm1n said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @Hoodedfengm1n said:

    @Maximus7 said:
    Most loopable killer in the game, cannot down people with his power unless you use Frank's Mix Tape (a purple add-on by the way, and still need to hit people 3 times with it), mending not being a healing action ruins any good perk builds you can make, the power doesn't recharge fast enough and doesn't last long enough, too slow to chase people without his power, do I need to go on? This killer is a joke, nobody's afraid of them. This killer is a literal door mat even for the worst of survivors. Even at what this killer is supposedly good at (injuring multiple people at once), it does nothing in the long run since good survivors always split up. This is a terribly designed killer and nobody should spend money on them.

    sorry to tell you, but that just shows you cannot play legion without franks mixtape, I seemingly do fine with them without it and I am rank 4 now, only used them when trying adept legion, try bodyblocking

    rank4 lul, I went merciless every game with freddy until rank 2 when I still played the game much and survivors were MUCH stronger than they are now.

    Also bodyblocking only works on bad survivors.

    every match has bad survivors then

    gratz on figuring out DBD where playing the nurse is seen as the pinnacle of playerskill.

  • Member Posts: 13,037

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @Hoodedfengm1n said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @Hoodedfengm1n said:

    @Maximus7 said:
    Most loopable killer in the game, cannot down people with his power unless you use Frank's Mix Tape (a purple add-on by the way, and still need to hit people 3 times with it), mending not being a healing action ruins any good perk builds you can make, the power doesn't recharge fast enough and doesn't last long enough, too slow to chase people without his power, do I need to go on? This killer is a joke, nobody's afraid of them. This killer is a literal door mat even for the worst of survivors. Even at what this killer is supposedly good at (injuring multiple people at once), it does nothing in the long run since good survivors always split up. This is a terribly designed killer and nobody should spend money on them.

    sorry to tell you, but that just shows you cannot play legion without franks mixtape, I seemingly do fine with them without it and I am rank 4 now, only used them when trying adept legion, try bodyblocking

    rank4 lul, I went merciless every game with freddy until rank 2 when I still played the game much and survivors were MUCH stronger than they are now.

    Also bodyblocking only works on bad survivors.

    every match has bad survivors then

    gratz on figuring out DBD where playing the nurse is seen as the pinnacle of playerskill.

    Welcome to the dbd, where running NOED people shame you

  • Member Posts: 1,758
    edited February 2019

    @Hoodedfengm1n said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @Hoodedfengm1n said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @Hoodedfengm1n said:

    @Maximus7 said:
    Most loopable killer in the game, cannot down people with his power unless you use Frank's Mix Tape (a purple add-on by the way, and still need to hit people 3 times with it), mending not being a healing action ruins any good perk builds you can make, the power doesn't recharge fast enough and doesn't last long enough, too slow to chase people without his power, do I need to go on? This killer is a joke, nobody's afraid of them. This killer is a literal door mat even for the worst of survivors. Even at what this killer is supposedly good at (injuring multiple people at once), it does nothing in the long run since good survivors always split up. This is a terribly designed killer and nobody should spend money on them.

    sorry to tell you, but that just shows you cannot play legion without franks mixtape, I seemingly do fine with them without it and I am rank 4 now, only used them when trying adept legion, try bodyblocking

    rank4 lul, I went merciless every game with freddy until rank 2 when I still played the game much and survivors were MUCH stronger than they are now.

    Also bodyblocking only works on bad survivors.

    every match has bad survivors then

    gratz on figuring out DBD where playing the nurse is seen as the pinnacle of playerskill.

    Welcome to the dbd, where running NOED people shame you

    Yeah because I don't play any of the top tier killers who don't need it and I hate the random factor of RUIN, bite me (besides NOED is nothing more than a MS boost on legion anyways most of the time)

    Complaining about NOED is equal to crying about haunted grounds, it's most of the time 1 instadown until survivors with a brain leave the game or find it. The only ones crying about it are ppl who are playing to have fun and will stay to save their friends (ppl who ruin this game in other words)

  • y'know. you've just answered your own question. Taller means longer right? what runs faster if you're taller? Your legs. I think its logical that Legion only runs a tad bit faster than surv's do, seeing as hes just another human thats merely gotten used to running.

  • Member Posts: 1,113

    You are either dodging your ban or love to necro threads

  • Member Posts: 269

    Leatherface and Freddy are still worse fam.

  • Member Posts: 1,143

    Lol legion will lose that supposed last spot with the hotfix IMO

  • Member Posts: 33

    Sorry but reaching a certain rank doesn't tell you anything about the capabilities/balance of a killer. Many Legion mains are rank 1 and pretty much everyone of them agrees that he is boring to play and gets punished way too much if you allow yourself just a single mistake. There is literally no room for error playing Legion.

    Meanwhile Nurses and Billys can do whatever they want the whole game as long as they hit 1 out of 3 times with their ability and get away with 3+ kills every match. If you want another comparison check out this thread, the chart kinda says it all...

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