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Survivor Mentality and Stigma Against N.O.E.D.



  • Member Posts: 699

    Whinny, bratty, entitled kids complain about NOED. IMO its overrated! Strong but a little overrated especially with boons now.

  • Member Posts: 288
  • Member Posts: 582

    -BT can be waited out easily.

    -DH can also be waited out easily, and most people don't know how to use it well anyway.

    -UB is a perk where if you never get slugged, it literally doesn't matter, and can quickly become a waste of a perk slot.

    -Deliverance and Adrenaline both require you to put in a decent amount of leg work for it, and both can easily become wasted perk slots.

    -DS is in the best spot it's ever been right now balance wise.

    -A hardcore 4 stack SWF with comms is a fair complaint, but not all SWFs are 4 stacks, not all SWFs have comms and a lot of SWFs are just genuinely buds playing together and talking about there week/day while playing. Not really fair to judge all SWFs as one entity.

    I'd also like to note here that most of the popular Survivor second chance perks (BT, UB and DS) are in many cases the only even half-decent counter to some of the crappiest part about core Survivor gameplay that the Killer can do in base kit. (That being tunneling people off hook and slugging.)

    NOED gets complained about because it's not rewarding on the Killer's side. (You didn't do anything to get it to activate except for being in the match when the final gen is done.) In games where you genuinely need it against those hardcore SWFs with great comms, it doesn't matter because many will either cleanse all the bones or they'll wait until the NOED proct hits and just check the totems they had seen and cleanse it in .5 seconds. In games where you don't need it, it either becomes another blank perk slot or it feels like overkill, because you didn't need it to secure a 3k/4k.

    On Survivor's side, again, it feel unearned. It doesn't take skill for a Killer to get it, so there's nothing to even try to compliment. To add to it, if the Killer keeps up half decent pressure, especially in a game against solos, players can struggle to even get 5 gens done between unhooks and chases- let alone cleansing dull bones to try to counter a chance that a Killer might have a perk. This also isn't including how wild totem spawns are on a whole, and the fact that there isn't a universal totem counter for Survivor.

    Idk, NOED isn't a strong or OP perk by any means, but it definitely needs to be looked at, because it's not really fun and rewarding for anyone in it's current state. I'm sure people wouldn't complain about it as much if it didn't feel so crappy for everyone involved.

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