This is getting out of hand resently..
Should Bubba be disabled until the Devs can fix this bad gameplay? Ive played 6 games today, 3 vs facecamping Bubbas. If this is how the game is going to be, then Im uninstalling..
DO SOMETHING or this game is dead soon.
What do you expect the killer to do? They have absolutely no chance of playing “fair” and winning due to broken tiles and ridiculous gen speeds. Ask the devs to balance the game.
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Then balance the game. This is horrible.
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blame the devs, if more and more players arre playing like that it's just because Behaviour doesn't know how to balance this game, bubba has no fault.
You HAVE to play the facecamping/slugghing tactic, if you want to get atleast one kill, because the game right now is just a genrushing fest out of control with infinite healing that tooks survivors like 3 seocnds to heals and for that, if killers play "fair" is just a disadvantage at this point and leads only to a certain loss.
basement/facecamping bubba right now it's a valid strategy in order to egt kills, and i'm not even joking, this kind of gameplay rewards the killers more than ever....
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Chaning anything about bubba won't help though, people who play like this will just move to the next best killer at camping. They'll play hard camping basement trapper, 99ed Myers, Oni and just simple use his power once hooked which has multidown too, etc ect.
The question should be why do player feel the need to play like this. Are they just venting after bad game before or is overall game balance pushing them to play like this if they don't want to be crushed under gen speed and bad map design etc.
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Don't blame the balance. Even before MMR and other stuff there were face campers. They won't start suddenly play for 12 hook when they can [Bad word] and use it as excuse.
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Any killer can camp, disabling Bubba won't solve the issue.
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Maybe make playing for 12 hooks more appealing and rewarding then ? If 12 hooks gameplay worked better for killers and capming + tunneling wasn't as effective as it is, less people would do it.
Why shouldn't I blame game balance when it's the exact thing that cases killers to camp/tunnel just like it forces surviors to gen rush etc to win.
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The thing is, the incentive for some facecamping bubba’s is the salt itself. No BP, emblems, game speed will convince them otherwise. The latter in particular really isn’t an option.
Speed up gens? All the more reason to eliminate at least 1 completely.
Slow down gens? The facecamping Bubba has more time to find another and kill their match.
Leatherfacecamping is just unsolvable with how Bubba currently is himself. As long as he has an semi-on-demand instadown, the facecamping will continue.
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Game balance is horrible, it's why killers camp because survivors are too strong.
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Bubba has been here a long time. he ain't going no where anytime soon.
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Bad gameplay ? Sure it is. And what about survivors, that are OP no matter what, abusing purple medkits & toolboxes ?
They are already OP but no, those ######### need to push more and more and more and then they come here crying about noed... or Bubba.
Devs should disable survivors' items, all of them and you can only find them in chest, increasing the opening chest action to 45 seconds.
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All hail Lord Bubba. Our King and saviour.
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He is Pay To Win for sure.
Imagine a survivor DLC that was PTW. Would have been dealt with a long time ago.
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So camping is winning? Yaay, just what I wanted to hear. I'll certainly do it more now.
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Bubba's been doing this since the day he was added. It's not a bug, its a features. Just cope like the rest of us.
Sorry, thought you were Sluzzy on reflex, usually their making these threads.
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It is for Bubba because there is no possible way to save someone.
Lets do say someone gets saved off the hook, his saw will last so long that it will outlast borrowed time.
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I mean, Laurie was for a long time; DS was king of the loadouts for several years, and Object was unbelievably broken on SWFs. Only got nerfed earlier this year.
Anyway. I don't entirely disagree with the OP here, but I think that needs to be a game mechanic change or a change to how Bubba operates as a killer. I won't pretend that Basement Bubba is in any way healthy for the game or desirable, and discouraging camping will always be a good thing (who wouldn't prefer a dynamic game over a boring one with no options?) but disabling isn't the answer, it's rebalancing.
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Yeah, I often chase down a BT recipient for giggles.
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Look how many times it was nerfed? Look at Bubba and BBQ. Never nerfed. Bubba was even buffed so he is a big problem now.
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He's never been nerfed. He was buffed not long ago to have a saw that lasts an eternity, even going past borrowed time which pretty much means he has zero counterplay in camping. Nothing is being done about it to make it fair. I guess you are not supposed to go down in the middle of a dead zone. Wow.
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There is a lot of circumstances where you can't avoid his saw. What if he has tinkerer, which a lot does, and they show up in an area where you don't have line of sight. He takes you to the basement and the survivor has already lost because of broken mechanics. It could be the best survivor in the game versing a new killer losing because the killer won't move. That's wrong to me, he desperately needs a nerf.
Since you mentioned decisive strike, if the developers say this is fair, why did they change decisive strike from a pre-hook use? There is way too much evidence that one side is balanced differently than the other and the game has become extremely unfair.
If you are allowed to only have 1 chance, then there must be a lot more ways to defend yourself before going on the hook.
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No, keep Bubba. Bubba is the big funny
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Sounds like a skill issue lmaoo the tiles are broken?
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Bubba is fine, his camping is easily counterable if you’re not in basement.
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Personally, I always wondered why Hillbilly as an overheat mechanism where he can only kill one surv with his power, but Bubba doesn't have it, and can facecamp to death any survivor with no actual counterplay.
Yes, it is easily counterable if :
- You trade.
- You have BT.
- The unhooked surv has DS.
- The unhooked surv has Unbreakable.
- The Bubba player fails and doesn't hit at the right moment both of the survivors so the unhooked surv has the speed boost...
- ... BUT his power, with all the tokens, outspeeds the speed boost (that's why I said it's a requirement to have BT).
And I'm pretty sure I forgot something. Anyway, this isn't a counterplay, because it is so situational, too accurate, just for ONE gameplay, and which doesn't completely relies on you, as a player.
A facecamping Bubba hasn't any actual counterplay.
Change my mind.
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sluzzy at it again. you got wraith changed and now your after Blight and Bubba with your hatred for tinkerer and ruin & undying. Maybe save generators that lack line of sight to the last or use these generators as bait? Be more aware of your teammates progressing generators. I don't even use Ruin & Undying anymore as I kept losing both perks 30 second into the match. Its probably because of all these COH users that keep converting all the totems.
Honestly, I wish i had some of survivor perks as killer, I'd like a perk that allows me to double my lunge distance by pressing E, a perk that grants exposed status effect whenever someone unhooks someone else with no distance restrictions and a perk like decisive strike where hooking one survivor pushes their hook state count by 2 instead of 1. The ability to reignite hex:ruin indefinitely would also be nice.
bubba camping hooks has been a thing ever since his release. like Kebak, said, killer will just find another easy instant down killer to confirmed one-two kills from facecamping. It is not bubba's problem that hooks are stationary with free regression and that standing next to a hook within 5 meters an instant down is rewarding. it is not fair to punish bubba players that try not to abuse facecamp strategies and actively go for 12 hooks. bubba, blight and nurse are only killers now a days that I actually fear as survivor with specific add-ons and only killers that I feel the game isn't auto-lose for killer where can I actually go for chases. i'd never play killer ever again if those killers were touched.
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Alright. But that's going to require solo Survivors be buffed up to SWF levels of power so Killers can be buffed accordingly.
Which is going to require a huge amount of work, and I don't think BHVR is willing to sit down and do that.
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Bubba does have a overheat, but instead of going on cooldown he is punished with a tantrum. His overheat dissipates much faster as well.
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It needs to be more of a punishment then just less blood points, survivors get punished for sitting in a locker or one spot for too long and our location is given because of that. It isn’t a fair trade at all, it needs to more of punishment such as if the killer is in the radius of the survivor on a hook for too long, the survivor should get the opportunity to jump off the hook automatically without the use of a perk. That’s a fair trade instead of the killer just getting less blood points.
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Interesting, because playing as killer in this meta feels exactly how you feel against a face camping bubba! The gens are too fast, and tiles are organized for the gratification of survivors.
The most blatant imbalance I can find that can't be refuted is the disparity between hex and boon perks. My hexes are gone in 45-90 seconds, whereas boon totems last seemingly forever. So, this uptick isn't just "camping killers will always camp" because it's increased, and it's increased because of little counterplay to almost everything survivors do.
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Yeah Bubba/Pig/Spirit/Plague are the 4 more disgusting and unfun killers to go against , idk why bubba and plague was given a buff where their power no longer slows them down when they are readying it, pig with stupid rbt aka a passive mori and they tend to tunnel the same person with a bomb on head and wanna use iron grasp and spirit umm I dont even need to say why. Usually I see those 4 killersI afk or if down just kamikaze on hook and leave swf or not I cant stand a thing about those 4 killers. Best you can remember with that bloat whale is avoid the basement at all cause, same for trapper.
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I'm talking about an overheat mechanic like Hillbilly has. Bubba can rev to 99% forever, guarantying to be able to chainsaw whenever he wants.
A hillbilly can't do that, and, anyway, he can insta down only one surv, where Bubba can insta down the entire world. He is a freaking face camping machine, and survivors can't do anything about that.
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Definitely not a skill issue. I 4k most of the time. And yes, tiles, especially when they are connected, are incredibly overpowered. The survivor can easily lead a game ending chase if they choose to play safe. The killer can’t do anything about it.
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Hmm, you 4K most of the time but you also believe tiles are overpowered?
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I agree, such a mechanic could partly fix the facecamping problem in some situations.
Bubba should be able to down multiple people at once, he needs to have some strengths compared to Billy because he doesn't have the mobility and map pressure.
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You need to make a hook mechanic that prohibits the use of an assassin's ability within a radius of 20 meters
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Why ? You don't like playing against a facecamp Bubba ?
- the hooked survivor dying with 2k points 😊
- the other survivors having an impressive M1/skill checks gameplay ☺️
- the whole team dying if they come to help 😊
It's a fair compensation to the :
- survivors healed in 8/16 seconds around the boon 😊
- survivors carried with DH, BT, DS 😊
- gens flying in no time ☺️
- broken survivors' OP items 😊
- 3 gens done @ the first hook, 5 gens done @ the 3rd hook 😊
- survivors in chat thinking they are pro while they just all 4 abuse OP perks & items 😊
Great experience indeed, on both sides. I just hope there will be more and more Bubba facecamping. I will surely buy him to jump on the ship as well😊
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Yup. Survivor incompetence helps. If everyone who played would bother to learn, killers would average 0-1k per match. I also have to play lame by slugging and forcing early kills.
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Again, most definitely a skill issue lmao