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Every match for the last 3 weeks,

Every match for the last 3 weeks the Killer camps and or tunnels,

its getting to the point that don't want to play anymore.tunneling and camping has gotten way out of hand.

it was bad when it was 2 or 3 times a night, but every game, something has to be done about so dis hearting when you get only 6000 blood points in a match. its even worse when play a bloodly party streamer and then get tunneled and killed off before you even touch a generator,

fix the game before you lose popularity of your game to toxic players


  • kglsale
    kglsale Member Posts: 6

    Play better? it takes no skill to camp and tunnel, I've been playing this game for over a year, and when the killer knocks you down the instint you are hook "playing better" does not work if you dont even have a chance to move, camping and tunneling takes no skill, and i suspect that if your answer is to play better you must be one of those toxic no skill killers, and it saddens me that you get your joy by ruining the game for other players.i can tell you how many times i come across the killer by chance at the beginning of the game lately, and get hook and tunneled right off the bat. i play with a group really good player, and they tell me that im noit a bad player, I'll admin that im not the best. "playing better" is not a fix.and my game play has gotten way better since i started playing,

    when your group of really good players, who can survive almost every time against killers that play a fair game, get killed and tunneled by a toxic player almost every time. there is something wrong.

    Again it takes no skill to tunnel and camp. if thats the only way you can get kills, then maybe you should "play better"

  • scubasyd
    scubasyd Member Posts: 74

    Watch video on how the mmr actually system works

    thats why tunneling and camping has increased

  • xxdzippyxdx
    xxdzippyxdx Member Posts: 6

    I 100% agree with you. It ruins the gaming experience for you if you are camped or tunneled. Especially if you are downed once and that’s it for the game. It’s not fair for the survivors and I consider myself a pretty good survivor so the point of “get good” is incorrect. Also people saying to play as the killer is also invalid. I play as both survivors and killers and I still don’t tunnel or camp survivors. Honestly, the people that camp obviously are the ones that need to “get good” since it’s the only way for them to rank up and get blood points. Overall I just wish people would play the game and respect one another

  • Hunter_Main_322
    Hunter_Main_322 Member Posts: 530

    You need to make a mechanic if the killer is chasing 1 survivor then the generators start up 20% faster

    This motivates killers to look for new survivors.

  • Hunter_Main_322
    Hunter_Main_322 Member Posts: 530

    Ok then after hitting the same survivor for 30 seconds

    Will repair 1 generator with an automatic machine for such a game from a killer

  • AnObserver
    AnObserver Member Posts: 747

    Well now, what a gamble it is to try and do an Unsafe Unhook in front of the Killer to bait new players unfamiliar with the mechanic into whiffing through your (now server validated) dead hard after the Unhook animation into the Survivor you just gave BT to insta-pop a Gen for your team.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Are you running boons? Recently if I can identify what players are running boons I'll try and focus on them so they don't have time to bless/are dead. The game just gets much much more tolerable when they're gone.

  • Hunter_Main_322
    Hunter_Main_322 Member Posts: 530

    I see you with your skill only with the help of such critical bugs and win?

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    At no point did I claim to be good at the video game. What's your point?

  • Hunter_Main_322
    Hunter_Main_322 Member Posts: 530

    Then you should agree that if the killer is setting up camp then the maximum you want to do is turn off this game.

  • scubasyd
    scubasyd Member Posts: 74

    Yes I wish more players would actually watch a freaking video and educate themselves on this “sbmms” which has nothing to do with skill and rewards terrible players

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    I have played this game since release and have played killer/survivor equally since then.The game has gone through highs and lows in that time but it has titled recently in favour of survivors and the last big update featuring boon totems are a bridge to far for some killer mains they feel disadvantaged and I believe this is how they justify tunnelling/camping particularly at the start of the game to “even” the odds as they see it.I personally don’t think it’s a healthy or fun way to play from both sides of the fence.IMO it’s the developers to blame they have chased the money in favour of properly thought out improvements,replacing boon totems with a proximity penalty for camping would have been a better idea.Tunnelling is a different issue but that has been addressed in the past with various perks and can be countered with good gameplay.

    Bhvr updated with boon totems and a new character which wasn’t free,they are now releasing a character which can counter boon totems which again isn’t free,all done to the detriment of gameplay and encouraging toxic behaviour.This needs to be addressed and soon or we will be stuck in an endless cycle of toxicity ultimately resulting in people leaving especially with a couple of similar games lurking round the corner.

  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536

    Tbh then something about "Gen rush" should also be done.

    "Gen rush" = Tunneling

    But with the Camping I agree only under special requirement that the Killer is camping without a need. Means no hook swarming Survivors, end game isn't active, Killer isn't in a disadvantage with the number of Gen's("Gen rush" and not doing bones).

    There should be a mechanic implemented against unsessesary Camping.

  • Voodoo101
    Voodoo101 Member Posts: 237

    Gen rushing is a cop out. It is an excuse for killers to justify camping and tunnelling. I am more a killer main then a survivor main. I have no reason to camp and tunnel most of the time. Yes there are a few times when you are down to three gens and really need to lose a player, but by that time most players have been hooked once or twice, unless they are a hider.

    If you are being gen rushed it's because you are spending too much time in a chase with a person who is better then you.

    You have options, play a killer with quick movement speed to get from one gen to another, this way you can pressure gens, especially with ruin and another perk that slows gen progress. If not make sure you kick gens. Go a bit more stealth and work on getting the first hit early and make sure you force them to drop pallets and break every one. Try to make them three gen themselves, then patrol these three gens, especially good with hag because you can set traps around them. Get these out early on and the later gain is harder because of less loops. If you fail add Noed and No way out. It gives you time for one hits while they try to get the gate open. Another option is to go for pig, put traps on, this slows the gens for fear of heads exploding.

    There are teams that will get gens done quickly and escape, but remember that you get more bloodpoints. XP and emblems if you hook more then they escape, then if you hook one and tunnel one. I am not saying that if the injured survivor that has just been rescued is like a deer in headlights, don't get the hook, just run away, although I have slugged them and gone off, leaving them to heal if the team is bad, just don't make it a priority.

  • Eredestra
    Eredestra Member Posts: 49

    This is what the majority of Killer mains need to learn and understand.

    If one Survivor is looping you forever and you can barely catch unto the Survivor, drop the chase and patrol the Gens.

  • Hunter_Main_322
    Hunter_Main_322 Member Posts: 530

    you need to make sure that the killer cannot use the ability within a radius of 20 meters from the hook