Game is pretty much unplayable as a killer

JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
edited November 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

It's a fact. Most killers cannot win when the survivors are good enough.

It's not about being skilled or good. The game design as it is makes it totally impossible to catch survivors fast enough to prevent any gen rush. You can be the best killer in the world, you won't be able to catch a good survivor fast enough as there are way too many pallets/walls/windows and the hold W Meta is way too strong.

4 survivors, spread on the map doing gens solo = insta loose for all killers unless nurse. It is impossible to do anything as a killer as the distance to cover is too big and the time to down a survivor is ALWAYS around 1 min+ against competent loopers.

Playing at high MMR = you cannot win, no matter what you do unless face camping the whole trial = 0 gameplay

And for the survivor mains trolls, i play survivor as well, high MMR, escaping 9 trials out of 10 since SBMM is released, and this in soloQ.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    Most of the killers problems comes from expecting win every single time. I agree there are weak killers and yeah it sucks when game ends with 0 hooks, but u miss that right after it u get games with 2-4K easy kills and suddenly it's totally fine and not the reason to complain.

    And i don't watch streamers who RQ. It's like showing everyone that u care only for 4K and complain once u don't get it.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    If you want to win against high mmr survivors, you need to play quite mean. Tunnel, face camp, slug... the works. I think that is actually more important than killer choice to be quite honest. I have seen plenty of low tier killers 4k at high mmr. It is not just Nurse/Blight that are viable. Maybe they are the best if you play nice, or whatever. But they are far from mandatory if you want to win.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    The only way to win is play a different game or play as a Survivor.

    Rimworld is pretty great.

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    Wins to me are if I have fun, still having plenty of that idk what to tell ya

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    That's horrible. I hope he never has to go though that ever again, noone should

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Not sure if you're being sarcastic (because many people on this forum are) but he was actually pretty chill about it even after the cheater match afterwards. He merely said that BHVR should do something regarding the anticheat in a very calm voice.

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    I split between killer and survivor on an equal basis,I have said this before on these forums but I have found recently the game to be a progressively unenjoyable experience as killer and a muted boring experience as survivor.If the devs don’t do something and soon about the balancing issue this game is pretty much dead in the water.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited November 2021

    Not at all.

    Game should be balanced around good killer vs good survivors and the results should end up with 2k on average in this configuration. It's not the case. Having 4k easily is as boring as having 0k because you cannot do anything.

    What is fun in a video game is to have a challenge on both sides where both sides can win. Mistakes should be the reason why you loose. Today it's not the case, you can have a perfect killer game and still loose as the game design prevents you for winning.

    Survivors have pretty much nothing to do to get easy wins. Start of the trial, spread, sit on a gen, pre-drop pallets to hold a chase for 1 minute+.

    Game is already won.

    Yesterday i have played in trio Q for 4 hours straight :

    • We lost one trial only
    • I have died twice (the lost trial and another trial where there was 3 escapes)
    • 3 to 4 escapes in every other trials, i escaped


  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    Then first step should be map fix. Most maps are terrible for one side or another or both.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854

    Even their reworked maps are still totally unbalanced lol.

    I mean they have broken maps, they redo them because they are broken and when remade they are still broken... omg

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656

    I mean, I watched Schwabbel a bit a few days ago, there he had a Nurse-game which was done in a few minutes. Even with MMR, the matches can be pretty inconsistent.

    And I would not say that he is always focused, he often forgets how many Hooks the Survivors have, leading him to tunnel the wrong Survivor if he needs someone out of the game.

    But overall, one of the most chilled players at high MMR. (And with him I dont question that he is, played against him a lot before Dedicated Servers were a thing)

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    U still can make something like Map Pool from Sc2. Where u have 12 maps and can ban 4 of them. That would help a lot. And map offerings should go away.

  • ShadowNurseZFX
    ShadowNurseZFX Member Posts: 491
    edited November 2021

    honestly at this point, ill just slug and tunnel as nurse/hag, pretty simple wins imo and if game is impossible to be played how it should then i wont

    #NerfGens #NerfSurvivors

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Are you from his region? Just curious. And yeah I agree games still can be wildly inconsistent despite MMR.

    While the frequency of A.I.-like loopers has increased for me I too still get phases where I'll face literal baby survivors which kinda irritates me because it feels like it's literally "either - or".

    Either it's a flawlessly playing squad that kicks my arse or it's a bunch of seemingly inexperienced players who fall for anything resulting in a quick 4k which is just as boring for me as a match I can't win.

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    Doesn't that just ensure you get sweatier and sweatier survivors? From what you're saying I don't understand why you would want that. Everyone keeps sweating for the 4k then gets frustrated about getting matched with survivors on the same win-at-all-costs wave length? Unless you're a god or they make too many mistakes, they will win at those levels. For those who like a challenge it's great, but if you're wanting easy game smashing out 4ks with MMR probably isn't gonna do it?

  • Wedeguy
    Wedeguy Member Posts: 278

    Wait until you reach the 4 man swf medkit console warriors who will finish the game in 3 minutes while having styptic agents in their midkits and all can loop.

  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570
    edited November 2021

    I wished the survivors I face would loop me but all they do is start running and hold 'W' as soon as they hear my terror radius or their Spine Chill lights up. Yesterday I played about 5 killer games out of all of those I had ONE survivor who was really good at looping and didn't just hold 'W' and pre dropped very pallet he could find. I gave him hatch in the end.

    I want to do some crazy mind games or get mind gamed by skilled survivors not just follow the character running on the horizon for a 1+ minute game of "who is better at holding 'W'" while the other 3 survivors hold m1 on gens...

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854

    We obviously all share the same experience. Sad that BHVR doesn't say anything about it, i mean we are waiting for answers and we want a clear roadmap of the known problems and the fixes the devs will bring. But we have nothing, not a single word about it, they really don't care.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,827

    Yeah killer has been so miserable for me.

  • Exor
    Exor Member Posts: 256

    My experiences with MMR were super inconsistent on both sides regarding difficulty. I played 10 rounds of SoloQ and Killer and always checked the hours of survivors.

    As a Survivor I won my first 7 matches, lost once and won the last two. In my very first match I had a survivor with 3200 hours and one with 4000 hours + a private account vs a plague that got no hooks till the very end and just gave up. 7th game was with one teammate having 4.9 (!) hours vs a bubba that only had franklins at level 1 and only got 2 hooks. 8th game was vs a Nurse that got 5 hooks during the entire game and ended up getting me with noed when I blessed in her face for the event rift and I ended up dying on first hook. Last two games went back to 2500+ hour survivors and the killer ending up with 1k's each.

    Games generally ended with a 3k + hatch as a killer, unless I had challenges that required me to kill a certain amount of Survivors. Survivor hours varied between 150 hours and 3800 hours, although they again didn't scale with wins but seemed rather random. If I remember correctly I had a team with an average of 400 hours in one of the last 3 games while having a team with an average of 3k hours in one of the earlier ones.

    So far it almost seems completely random to me, especially since giving hatch shouldn't deduct any of my MMR.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656
    edited November 2021

    I dont know where he lives, I always thought he is more in the northern regions of Germany, while I live in West Germany. But in general, I used to go against a lot of German Streamers before Dedicated Servers. A few days ago I went against DasGnik the second time since they were implemented, this shows how rare it was. Before Dedicated Servers, I went against people like Schwabbeltown or Gnik at least once or twice a week.

    And yeah, I also get different teams. When I played Doctor for the Halloween-Tome, the first game I got absolute Baby Survivors, they lost with 3 Gens to go on Cowshed. Next game, Doctor again, I did not get my second Hook until 4 Gens were done on Shelter Woods. Two games back to back, the difference was just huge. And I doubt that this one win against Baby Survivors increased my MMR so much that I get Survivors who give me such a hard time that I only get 1 Hook until 4 Gens are done on one of the more killer-sided Maps.

    Post edited by Aven_Fallen on
  • Redlantern
    Redlantern Member Posts: 3

    I have been playing for years as both killer and survivor (2 levels away from devotion 5) and I can say with confidence that the hit validation system has made me stop playing killer completely, legitimately every time I hit a survivor remotely near a pallet they get injured and revert back to healthy and stun me. Many hits in the open are also not registered.

    I do play from South Africa which does mean I am used to higher ping than normal but that has not been an issue in the past.

    I implore the devs to look into this matter which I am sure they've witnessed many times, perhaps reworking hit validation in the PTB would be necessary.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited November 2021

    Not playing killer anymore is the only way to not become crazy with the current state of the game.

    I love how infinites are still in the game after all those years when two LT loops spawn one next to the other with two safe pallet loops on both side and sometimes a shack near those loops. And of course, another 10 pallets around the map in other loops.

    Devs should explain us how you catch a survivor in less than 5 minutes with such a layout, i wait for their expertise about it.

    Especially their ######### garbage mine map (and many others) where you have strong loops in the mine, at the shack and impossible loops in the middle. Such a map layout is unbelievable. Honestly, who at BHVR validated this kind of map ? How is it possible ? In a development team of maybe 100 ppl, hasn't there been one individual that has said the map is wrong, really ?

  • Jplanas98
    Jplanas98 Member Posts: 534

    Nah, first step should be to remove breakable doors. I honestly don't know what the devs were thinking with those, it was such a brainless decision.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    new roadmap is Legion and Ghostface getting change. I hope Ghostface becomes more playable as he is was underwhelming killer ever since he came out. his add-on are trash, his stalking is a joke, he is m1 killer at loops, he get punished for hitting stalked targets. just a god awful killer. I hope ghostface change extremely significant improvements.

    Legion is ok at his 4vs1. injure pressure but survivors little reason to heal vs him and he has no fear factor as his power is non-lethal so m1 at loops. I hope they reduce his cooldown when going out of feral frenzy from like 4 sec to like 1 second so he can down people out of position and I personally would like to see legion have lower TR like 16 TR like Myers so that staying injured has more risks as most people just stay injured vs his power and rush gens. I wonder if they will return legion's feral frenzy to down players like it used to with maybe some twists. low expectation for him.

    killer is far unplayable, but the game is survivor favored most due to most powers killers being pretty bad at high MMR because most of killers are balanced for low to medium MMR. wraith wee bit op, ya know? deathslinger gun, unreactable, unfair! I think new killer PTB is like 9th and than 2 months passes so expect next mid chapter to be late January like Jan 25 or so. Don't really expect the game to change that much.

  • Floki_Doki
    Floki_Doki Member Posts: 18

    I'm actually kind of relieved that people are having the same sentiments. It's to the point where I feel insane some times because 90% of my games 2 gens are completed and 1 is tickerered by the time I get my first hook. And that's no ######### like 2 minutes in to the match. I'm far from an amazing killer but I'm not that bad. I end the chase relatively quick but there's just nothing I can do about it. And I'm sitting there scratching my head like " it wasn't like this three months ago right??". I hate to say it but among the litany of imbalances between killer and surv, boon totems and dedicated DHs I feel have a lot to do with it. And sure you'll see high MMR killers tell you all the mistakes your making and the expectations you have, but it's a game for all the players, it shouldn't be THIS oppressive and you shouldn't have to work THAT hard. I seriously don't have a chance to play in most of these matches and as the gens fly left and right I'm like "######### did I do wrong, I don't understand". So now I'm left with the same choice of slug and camp to maybe get one kill, two if I'm lucky, and the bottom line is this game SHOULDN'T be played this way. It just feels so off. Something is seriously wrong with this game now and it's really really sad

  • Fuglylol
    Fuglylol Member Posts: 18

    Yeah its the same experience for me. A lot of the games it feels like as a Killer im being hunted. Once you reach higher mmr the game is pretty much unplayable without playing toxic. Gens are flying left and right, you get teabagged at every chance, some loops are so strong that you have to leave or the game is over but then there are boons so you cant really leave a chase anymore and if you do you also lost. You play like 2 games as a killer and then you are pretty much done for the day cause its so stressful and not rewarding at all.

    The kill percentages dont mean anything, even if they are around 50%. The amount of times I dont stand a chance and have like 2 hooks all game until endgame but end up with 1 or 2 kills cause i slug and camp the endgame is really high. Even if I get those two kills, the game itself still wasnt balanced. Most killers are so bad that you cant play them and some maps are so strong for survivor that you basically need the mindset that ending up with 1 kill would be good. Dead Hard and Boons are way too strong atm, if you combine that with an swf you can guarantee a 3-4 man escape with less than 5 hooks all game.

    I played A LOT last weekend, I had 2 games where I actually had a 4k where I had 12 hooks. Every third game is a 4 man escape. Maybe one in 8 is a 4k without slugging, camping and tunneling.

  • Fnatic47
    Fnatic47 Member Posts: 396

    I didn t even reached Red Rank 1 yet... Because of the damn gen rush survivors and some disconnections from some survivors... I am not even talk about the tbag thing and some clickers (Flashlight) sounds constantly...