Survivor Main shouldnt blame Killers for tunneling when they are abusing a Perk like Dead Hard

Dead Hard is cleary the most broken Perk in the Game because it gives a 3 heal state
Whit the Insane Gen Speed and all 4 Survivor using Dead Hard u dont have a Chance as Killer except u are Tunneling
Dead hard is broken and need to be nerfed or removed from the Game there is no reason a Survivor should need 3 Hits to get Down when Gens CAN be finished in 10 sec
Dead Hard should only be viable nice in a Match or only reactivate when u got hooked
And u also should be able to Block Abilitys like Victor whit Dead Hard and BT
I will use dead Hard every match and nothing can stop me :)
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Dead hard isn’t going anywhere.
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Using a perk is abusing it. Ok.
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Lets see compared to smart killers who punishes easy to counter dead hard lets see these builds ill run and see whats broken
1 = vigil with sprint burst =ghosty and myers seems to hate this as every 28 seconds am making em unable to stalk fully
2= smash hit with vigi= killer not only gets stun they waste their time breaking a pallet and by then your miles gone
3= litch with vigi = run the killer all over the shack and make em miss and bounce hits off windows and your miles gone
4 = mettle of man with a sceptic medikit = i love 5 lives instead of 3 from dead hard
5 = soul guard clutch but is good if you decide to strangely let a hex ruin stay on the field you pick yourself up free + gain bt after healing yourself works wonders vs sluggers
6= flipflop , broil over tenacity unbreakable oh my the killer almost have now an impossible chance to hook
7= the most fun with swf all using sabo perk of jake + tool boxes breaking every hook and purposely someone baiting themselves to get chased
So much other broken things I admit we survivors have and all these seem more powerful over easy to counter dead hard which smart killers punishes me from it how many a times and am on floor exhausted.
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Using a perk is not abusing it, lmfao. DH is here to stay and it's not an issue. You guys seriously need to get over it.
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I give up broski dont even entertain them no more its pointless, smart killers find other things far more annoying and broken and know how to counter dead hard. see ma list above.
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"Killer mains shouldn't blame survivors for using dead hard, when they're abusing broken mechanics like tunneling."
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Please stop using that stupid word abuse. It has the same feel as someone using the word Toxic.
Using a perk isn't abusing it and if you think so your ridiculous.
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You're really not going to convince anyone about balance if you're bringing up Smash Hit, MoM, and Boil Over into the discussion. Also in most of your choices you've dedicated at least 2 perks instead of just a single DH.
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People need to stop complaining about people complaining then acting like it's a Han shot first moment.
Everyone can use whatever perk they want. Everyone can play the way they want within the rules. Using DH is in the rules. Tunneling and camping is in the rules. Get over it.
All any of these threads amount to is people complaining about how unfair it is they lost a game, then trying to make it into a federal ######### issue.
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Just deal with it or dont play the game
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Oh look another dumb 'nerf or delete' dead hard post!
Get over it
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i will camp/ tunnel and use noed in EVERY game with a bubba, and nothing will stop me :p
mori were nerfed because survivors cried that killers were abusing of that addon, guess that broken perks can be abused only by survivors.
remember kids, suvivors perks are NEVER broken no matter what, only killers perk must be changed/balanced.
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If people had that attitude in the past when there were infinites and permasabo then you wouldn't have a game to play anymore.
Problematic features in the game should be dealt with.
Wether dead hars is or isn't problematic is debatable but as a debate that does mean that those who think it is should be able to voice their concerns.
And not just "deal with it"
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The only thing I said was DH is fine and using the perk isn't abusing it. How is that me saying survivor perks can't be broken? Lol
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but that is what a are a told when survivors complain about noed (just do bones) its the same way of telling us deal with it.
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I don't equip Dead Hard, I like to screw around and kick pumpkins and look for bones and do anything else that's not useful to the team, so can killers please stop tunneling me out, now?
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And do you like it when they brush it aside like nothing? No didn't think so.
So why do the same?
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Huh? I dont make complaint topics though I just read and reply to them. Both sides do the same bias stuff to each other and just uses the same thing back on the other. Survivors complain noed= killers say do bones, survivors now use back what killer say who complain about bone totems do bones, yes we know all they can do is snuff it and we can relit it but its still a way to give back what was given to us for how long, in other words its sad but revenge yes lol. In short one should not start a fire and cant take back that same heat giving to them.
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Dead Hard definitely needs changed, but using a perk is not abusing it.
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Using =/= abusing
I get you don't like the perk, but DH and tunneling having nothing do to with each other
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I to enjoy blaming players for using strong perks that the game provides to achieve a better advantage.
I also enjoy berating people for using the games mechanics in order to achieve a victorious stature in a given scenario.
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Ya it isn't because if they removed it....they'd also be getting rid of the majority of the Survivor player base that can't play without it.
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I agree how DARE survivors use perks >:(
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So, apparently using something once a minute is now considered as an abuse.
..You need to get a hold of yourself.
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They do actually. Played correctly, one DH can extend a chase massively, that 2-gen chase could become a 3 or even 4 gen chase. At this point, tunneling becomes the only option to win.
If you have a team of 4 people who all know how to loop and use DH effectively, they will finish the gens before you can kill more than 1 of them, almost guaranteed. So we get back to the "having to tunnel" someone conundrum.
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Abusing would mean that there is some sort of usage that isnt meant to be there. But its just Dead Hard, you can only do what its supposed to do.
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That is true for a ton of other things... And still, tunneling in those scenarios are the opposite of what you should do. If you realize a chase is gonna take a lot of time, you are just throwing the match by insisting on it.
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This gives off the same vibe as "Decisive strike is OP!". There are many ways to counter a dead hard, like simply getting close enough to see if they'll use it or observing from previous moments in the game. There are plenty of killer perks that feel crazy hard to deal with for survivors, as well. That's just how the game works. There are always going to be perks that are pretty great for either side, complaining about it because of a mere encounter you had with someone using that perk is not going to change anything.
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The reason I hate DH though is that it comes out halfway through the chase, so you already invested the time into the chase, and you realise you already passed the point of stop chasing when it's too late. Then stopping the chase at that point means you've wasted all the time so it feels like a lose lose
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I agree with the statement but not with the reasoning
if survivors decide to bring a bunch of perks to buy their team time to win killers should be allowed to do the same or use strategies that do the same as well
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now it's not.
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I play fine without it, Lithe is better.
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Good for you. Most don't.
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If most don’t than maybe they should try to win chases without it.
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i don't think dead hard is better than sprint burst because its useless agans some killers and still free hit if gen is not good placed
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Dead hard for distance has no counter, and it's the only right way to really use it. It's so good that it's the most popular exhaustion perk in higher level. It's obviously too good for just one perk slot. It buys way too much time by one survivor when there are potentially three more with the same perk. You can at least cut someone off if they have Sprint Burst, and Sprint Burst can't save you from certain powers. Although I agree that SB is very strong, DH is more popular for a reason. It's just gives way too much power to one survivor mid-chase. While SB you can just drop chase and get them later.
Exhaustion, like some regression perks, need to be revised. They do wayyyy too much with how the game's evolved.
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To be honest when playing killer I assume all survivors are running dead hard and ds,so it changes the way you approach the game,always remember this game is about fun and should be challenging which makes you a better player despite how frustrating it at times might feel.
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Using Dead Hard isn't abusing. Sure, the Perk is busted but it isnt abusing
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Yeah it does for abusing it you gotta use it if you dont use it its impossible to abuse.
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Yeah but the pipping system expects you to 12 hook, when a high MMR team will be able to pop all gens before you've got 4 hooks. So it's "technically" a loss according to a completely broken system.
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Pretending i didn't read that thread.
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What do you do if the whole team has dead hard?
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You're clearly clueless. Sprint Burst is much stronger perk for many different reasons and you will ask for a nerf.
You'll learn someday.
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tunneling is fine , its ok. you play for your enjoyment. do it as killer is no harm since survivor become more stronger and more in every patch.
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Deadhard is fine because of bloodlust, if they remove that I’m ok with a deadhard nerf
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I will tunnel you because other 3 guys have Dead hard which make its so hard for me to tunnel them.
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the word "abuse" and "toxic" are both way overused on these forums. No perk is abusable if you're using it.
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I play killer and survivor and i don't really think Dead Hard is that much of an issue. It's super easy to bait out just get close to the survivor wait for them to use it then hit them. Hell i don't even use Dead hard when i play survivor. I get more usage out of sprint burst.