Kinship (a.k.a. Camaraderie) needs this buff (as do Survivors who are being face camped)

Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
edited November 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

When it comes to killers who hard camp, I would recommend Kinship, but in solo matches, it sucks, really bad.

The survivors don't know the killer's camping until they get off their gens and get close to the hook, where they crouch and wait for the killer to leave. Since the killer's terror radius is usually bigger than Kinship's 16m radius, the perk never gets activated. Meanwhile, you have 2 or 3 survivors crouching behind rocks instead of doing gens.

Kindred could help, but instead causes 1 of 2 outcomes, both wasting the Kinship perk. Either they see the killer face camping and never bother to come within 16m of the hook to activate Kinship (but at least they're doing gens. Maybe.), or they try to hook bomb with Borrowed Time and hope for a Decisive Strike play, which means that Kinship pauses the Struggle phase for a whopping 2 (out of the 34) seconds. 🤦‍♂️


Kinship needs to benefit other survivors while hooked! That way it can have a shared perk icon and get more value when other survivors know to trigger it and buy the team time.

Making other survivors' repair speeds faster seems like the first obvious choice, but I would rather it show all survivors the auras of all remaining dull totems while hooked (not just while Kinship is actively pausing the timer; not just while in the Struggle phase; but simply while hooked, so that survivors have time to cleanse the totems).

This should help survivors prevent NOED, so that the killer can't simply face camp one sacrifice and get a free sacrifice from NOED after.
