Kinship (a.k.a. Camaraderie) needs this buff (as do Survivors who are being face camped)

When it comes to killers who hard camp, I would recommend Kinship, but in solo matches, it sucks, really bad.
The survivors don't know the killer's camping until they get off their gens and get close to the hook, where they crouch and wait for the killer to leave. Since the killer's terror radius is usually bigger than Kinship's 16m radius, the perk never gets activated. Meanwhile, you have 2 or 3 survivors crouching behind rocks instead of doing gens.
Kindred could help, but instead causes 1 of 2 outcomes, both wasting the Kinship perk. Either they see the killer face camping and never bother to come within 16m of the hook to activate Kinship (but at least they're doing gens. Maybe.), or they try to hook bomb with Borrowed Time and hope for a Decisive Strike play, which means that Kinship pauses the Struggle phase for a whopping 2 (out of the 34) seconds. 🤦♂️
Kinship needs to benefit other survivors while hooked! That way it can have a shared perk icon and get more value when other survivors know to trigger it and buy the team time.
Making other survivors' repair speeds faster seems like the first obvious choice, but I would rather it show all survivors the auras of all remaining dull totems while hooked (not just while Kinship is actively pausing the timer; not just while in the Struggle phase; but simply while hooked, so that survivors have time to cleanse the totems).
This should help survivors prevent NOED, so that the killer can't simply face camp one sacrifice and get a free sacrifice from NOED after.
This perk is trash it must be built into the very mechanics of the hook.
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I agree completely. It should have an icon to show it's active, the range increased a bit and work both ways.
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Honestly, the way to buff kinship is to make it so that there is some way for your fellow survivors to tell you have it when you are playing solo. Like making the hook aura a different color, or give an icon in the hud. Just something and it makes the perk God tier for real.
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Would need to nerf the duration significantly so you don't have Survivors intentionally leading Survivors in chases near Hooks, the Killer "respecting Hook AoE" is bullshit.
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Yes, that's the point of giving the perk shared effects. If it were shared, it would be shown on the other survivors' screens and they would know you have it.
Plus, the perk icon shows two radios, so it would make sense that both parties get benefits, not just the perk user (if they're lucky)
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The perk should just pause as soon as The Killer is within a certain radius without needing a Survivor nearby. I also like the idea of giving the benefit to others when I am near a hook.
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Totem Aura and icon showing would be cool, but I'd like it's radius to be increased aswell for it to be worth a perk slot imo
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You need to make this perk look like an aura
Took the perk one person but works on all
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i'd be okay with it having the icon showed whenever that survivor is hooked so you know, maybe you could also have another indicator as well.
as for it having additional effects, i'd have to pass i buffing it with additional effects.
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Just make that a survivor in chase cannot activate the perk.
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No, the perk must be good, but still requiring that you use a perk slot.
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Agree with what ya'll are saying, especially the OP. It could be a really fun perk where someone tries to lure the killer out (happens a lot in my games) by going within 16 meters for 1 second, to start the 30-second timer, then runs away. That provides some danger for the person un-hooking, which makes the game more exciting.
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It should give the survivors a buff icon if the person on hook has it so they know, and the range could be increased to 24 meters.
Making it work both ways though? No way.
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Why not both ways?
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I think that would be too strong. That would essentially be like all 4 survivors having the current version of the perk, except now only 1 needs to bring it.
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There are other perks that are like that. Weak perks, like Up the Ante. Maybe make it like Kindred, where the survivor who brings it gets a bigger benefit. This perk doesn't even prevent camping. It just punishes it a little more. And at least the survivor on the hook feels more useful.
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It's as you said - Up the Ante is like that because it IS bad. You could buff it and it still wouldn't be that good unless it gave you like a 50% chance to escape or something crazy, lol.
94 seconds is a long time to camp someone to death, even if that survivor doesn't get saved. It's not meant to prevent camping, it just disincentivizes it and gives the killer an extra punishment if they do it anyway. It's the same with DS, unless you use it in endgame and escape right after it doesn't prevent the killer from just going for you again after using it, it just adds a cost for doing so/makes them have to chase you a second time if they really want that hook.
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Tbh all it needs to do, in addition to what its does normally, its give its effects to any hooked survivor the user comes within range of
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To clarify, I'm not saying it should stack. 94 seconds is too much. If I have Kinship (used to be Camaraderie), and others are in range, my struggle timer stops for 34 seconds. But if my team is being camped, my perk does nothing. All I'm suggesting is that the perk should do something in that situation too. The altruistic survivor is already having to make a sacrifice by not doing a gen and camping the hook with the killer, to decide on a save. So, it's still a drawback to use this playstyle. But if I myself don't get hooked, the perk doesn't get utilized. Feels bad.
While you are on the Hook - now
While anyone is on a hook - suggestion
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If you, TeaBagGF, have the perk, and survivor 2 goes to rescue survivor 3, should the struggle timer still pause? IMO, yes. But I think you're saying no? What you're suggesting is almost like Aftercare where the perk affects both the perk holder and one person, but not the full team?
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Itll be like bt, where YOU have to do the thing, not someone else
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Therefore, this perk must be built into the hook mechanics so that if the killer stands near the hook, then the timer stops
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I see. So, switching it from me to the other 3? Your change would be better than the current setup.
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I don't think it would be too strong. If the killer is not camping the perk is completely useless, you know. A wasted perk slot for sure. If he's camping, then that's it. Nobody forced the killer to camp the hook anyway.
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This perk would make sense after such a change and not useless garbage that is at the moment
To make an aura out of it that acts on teammates is the best solution just super
Also, a balance will appear in this, since it will be useless against normal killers who do not camp like animals
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Agreed. Seems like good stuff. And a buff would do Steve proud.
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It would work like it does currently, but will also work for others, provided that you go within the range
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I think it should also regress your hook timer by a few seconds when you get hit, for memes.
honestly, I had trouble getting this perk to work in a SWF. (granted, two of the players were super new)
side note: why does unhooking grant so many more BP than the "safe unhook" part???
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I’ve been thinking about this change as well, good idea.
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Hopefully the developers will see this cool idea to make it an aura
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Not sure what you mean about safe hook rescues being worth less. Hook rescues are worth 1,000 / 1,500 / 2,000 depending on the type. And if it's safe, you get an extra 500.
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oh, I meant that the act of unhooking should be worth less than the hooking being safe, to discourage farming.
also, what do you mean "depending on the type"?
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I’ve literally been saying this since the perk was released and nobody cared. But I’m glad it’s finally being noticed.
It should absolutely have an icon appear next to your name when it activates, and it should also be able to be used on other Survivors too (ex. you walk towards someone on hook, and their timer gets paused). It’s 2021. The HUD NEEDS more information on it. It’s so bare bones the way it is right now. Giving it some unique interactions with perks and powers every so often wouldn’t kill anyone.
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All good points. People probably care more now because of the Stranger Things sale and / or the perk becoming a general perk. I didn't own Steve until recently. Soon, I'd expect most people to have the perk and be able to test out its usefulness, or rather lack thereof.
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For now, this perk is trash
Therefore, it needs to be turned into an aura for the whole team.
That she would act as an aura on teammates and on herself
This will be balanced because the perk will be useless against normal assassins but will work against camping animals.
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I hate calling perks trash or useless, but I equipped it as a test for 10 or so matches and it got use once. That's not good value.
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Therefore, if this perk is buffed, then the main reason for the discontent will be partially solved - Face Camping
Just make it a teammate aura
All the same, the perk will be useless against normal killers, but it will just punish camping animals
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I agree. I think your suggestion is fantastic. It's not like camping happens every match. But it happens once per hour. That's 1/3 of my survivor playtime wasted.
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I also had an old idea
To make Borrowed Time work not only when you save a teammate from the hook, but also when you save yourself or by luck with 3 attempts or with the Deliverance perk
Do not forget that the perk can only be activated on the first hook, plus you still have to save someone
Whatever shouting about the balance - okay let it work if the killer is standing and camping near the hook (about 10 meters)
So it would be a justifiable buff since it again wouldn't work against normal assassins who don't do crap like camping.
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As people have said multiple times, its abusable if it becomes basekit